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Weekend Actuals:TASM 62.0M/137.0M,TED 32.2M(-41%), Savages 16.0M

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he has always been like that.seriously, you would think this movie was some huge box office disaster based on what they were saying

Don't let it bother you. I just "lol' when they claim it a disaster or a BO failure.
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not revisionist history. Even if you predicted it to make exactly as much as SM3, that would be an admissions drop

Funny you talk predictions when you have zero to your name.
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I'm glad that it's clear now that TASM is a domestic failure. The fact that it's compared to Hulk, SR and BB confirms it. Those films all improved from the last entry of their franchise while TASM lost third of its audience from SM3.

Oh come on, Alfalfa, why don't you try being honest for a change. SM3 did WAY bigger business than the absolute SHITfest that was B&R, and most assuredly whatever the last Supes movie(4?, 5?, IDK & don't care really) did before SR as well. Your assertion & argument are fatally flawed, just like your logic. There are factors at play concerning TASM you choose to ignore so you can focus on the only one that accentuates your maligned opinion toward it. FACT is, Spidey has yet to have a film BOMB as BIG as Bats or Supes, so the reboots of the latter two had nowheres to really go but up. Unless of course, they were as bad or worse than their preceding installments, which thankfully they weren't. ;)

And failure?! Hardly! This is the eXact kind of hyperbole I was talking about. Somewhat disappointing or even mildly successful(domestically), depending on your take & eXpectations, would be a more accurate description.

Well this is a forum, we're supposed to post our reactions. How boring would this place be if everyone just agreed with each other and remarked every number as "decent" and "expected". The forum's activity would die off very quickly.

You're missing my point, IR. I never said we have to agree on everything at all, or anything even. You're right, MB's are supposed to be about offering up our different views & then debating each other on those varying opinions. Personally however, I would prefer these thoughts maintain some sort of semblance to reality & sanity, instead of the eXtreme eXaggeration that is often more prevelent here than not. In other words, it's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it... capisce? :D

And the moral of the story is just because a film is called "Spider Man" does not mean it is exempt from suffering the same drop off of in box office and tickets sold then other previous reboots.

But JackO, weren't the vast majority of members already predicting a decline in BO & tickets sold domestically anyway? I went admittingly(even at the time, not retroactively) optimistic w/$320m, but still most everybody else was below me. So I wouldn't say your observation is eXactly a revelation, 'cause most of us saw this comin', in one form or another.
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That six-day opening is significantly higher than Batman Begins ($79.5 million) or X-Men: First Class ($69.9 million) among comic book reboots. The best way to judge the movie's success, though, is not to compare to different franchises, but instead to compare within the Spider-Man franchise. It did wind up close to the first Spider-Man's $144.2 million six-day start, though it was way off from Spider-Man 2 ($180.1 million) and Spider-Man 3 ($176.2 million). Batman Begins, on the other hand, had the highest six-day start in Batman franchise history at the time.

First Class provides a more accurate comparison; it was also a reboot that opened five years after a trilogy conclusion that made tons of money but was creatively disappointing.


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Some perspective on the silly comparisons being made.First off, the Batman Begins comparison; while BB did not have a huge WW total, the film did huge business on home video. Thanks to it being a big hit on home video and also a very popular film on TV, it made a nice profit in the end.Next, the Thor, Captain America, etc comparisons ... while those films may not have made much, if any profit, they were all leading up to The Avengers ... which has made more than enough profit to go around for all of those films.So what other comparisons or arguments are people going to come up with? That TASM is going to be a big hit on home video? We'll see what happens, but it looks doubtful right now. That TASM2 is going to be a huge worldwide hit? Again that's not guaranteed. TASM is already at 7.7 on IMDB, and will likely drop below that. It's 84% user rating on RT also isn't that amazing. Batman Begins and X-Men First Class both have higher ratings on IMDB and RT than TASM.

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I have no vested interest in this argument whatsoever but a $137 million opening can not be considered a box office failure. At all.More so when we are talking of a re-boot to a film franchise.

Edited by Deathlife
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Bad numbers.

I think that The Amazing Spider-Man can end up been a hybrid between what you expect of something like Transformers and a superhero film. The drops in the weekdays could be harder than the weekends, and I still think that the good WOM will serve to this have some amazing legs.
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