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Matrix Reloaded


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This one's in the B range for me, it has some cool scenes like Neo flying, all the smiths and the Highway scene but it eventually becomes a nauseating overload and is overlong and it could never seem to capture the awesomeness of the first one but its still pretty decent for a sequel and its a lot better than revolutions.

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There is no way to sum up this film in one sentence or less. Even one paragraph or less is futile because there is so much happening. This is a review that is going to be filled with spoilers so if you have not seen the film and do not want to know anything about it, please stop right here. Having said that, I'm not even sure if the spoilers given in this review are really truly spoilers because you have to see the film to even have a modicum of understanding of what is being talked about.Matrix Reloaded takes place perhaps 6 months after The Matrix ended. Neo is now basically Superman and Morpheus is quite sure that the war is going to end shortly, it has been prophecized that way. But there are more questions than answers in this film and that is perhaps what is making everyone so angry. When you have a film that offers you a cornucopia of a story and a myriad of possibilities, this is what you are going to get. Yes it is confusing and yes it doesn't end in the most opportune time. But that is by design and if you pay enough attention to the film, you will realize that it couldn't get any better than it is. Let me explain. The plot of the film centers around the usual suspects and their fight to save Zion, the last human city. Neo is waiting to hear from the Oracle about what he should do next and Morpheus is waiting for Neo to tell him what he knows. Zion is preparing for battle with the machines and then there is agent Smith, who is no longer an agent, but a rogue program and one that has no allegiance. He wants power and nothing but power and will do anything and everything to get it. He is not an agent and he is not with the resistance. He stands alone. And somehow he has managed to copy himself and get into the real world. There is much more to Agent Smith than meets the eye and I am sure that his fate and his purpose will be summed up in Revolutions. All you need to know here is that he is not quite as deadly as he was in the first one but in some sense, he is more deadly than ever before.What Reloaded does marvelously is tell a story and then flips it around and confuses you every chance it gets. I know that does not necessarily sound like a recipe for entertainment but if you give it a chance and let it all sink in, it may not all make sense but it begins to come together.MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT!!!!!!! The most important part of the film is when Neo meets the "architect." The architect is the man responsible for the creation of the Matrix and he is also the man responsible for simultaneously confusing the hell out of us and enlightening us. Everything he says is meaningful and concurrently mind blowing. It really will take you two or three viewings to understand what he is saying and if you want some help with this passage, my recommendation is chat with other Matrix fans, they may have some of the answers.Reloaded on it's own is a great film, but when you watch it coupled with The Matrix and then anticipate what may happen in Revolutions, you realize that not only is this a pedantic, intelligent film, but it's beauty is all in the story. And the crux of this film and of the ideologies behind it is that we are all struggling to stay alive. We are all better people when we love and that love will either save us or destroy us if used in the wrong way. There are of course many subliminal overtones about religon and sects of religion like Catholicism, Budhism and even Taoism but love is the universal emotion that sees no race, religion or sect. It is the all powerful emotion that encompasses everyone and everything and it is love that will save or destroy the people of Zion. Neo and all of his unearthly powers is nothing if not for his love for Trinity and for her love for him. It is not just another scene in the film when beautiful women want or need to feel that love that eminates from Trinity and Neo, it means something. Everybody needs love and for some it is their doom and others it is their salvation.Reloaded does have some amazing fight scenes and some that look too much like a video game. I will agree that the Wachowski's tried to do too much but I would much rather a film and those behind it try to push the envelope than sit back rehash what has already been done. Having said that, if you go into Reloaded just for the fighting and SPFX, you will be pleased. If however you are intrigued by the philosophy and ideology of The Matrix, then you will be blown away. This is a film that has enough story for two stories and that is why there is another sequel due out in November.Matrix Reloaded is an amazing film and one that gets better with each trip to the cinema. I enjoyed it immensely the first time I saw it but after subsequent viewings, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing like it. This is the best that summer has to offer and when you are finished watching this film, go back home and enjoy The Matrix. You just may have it all figured out without even realizing it. And finally, this film, this experience is about choice. Everyone has that ability to make a choice. Or so it seems. In Reloaded, choice is what will win them this war or it will be their undoing. See for yourself.9 out of 10It's too bad Revolutions didn't explain this better or it would have been a 10.

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Caught this again recently. Its aged pretty well. Yeah its not perfect, and it certainly aint the first one, but it IS a visually stunning, intelligent, ambitious and thrilling mess. I love the additional mythology layered in throughout the film, although the Matrix scenes to me are for more interesting than those in Zion.. For some reason the Zion stuff never quite connected as well.

Anyway, I remember the anticipation and excitement from way back when and even though it didn't quite live up to my stupidly high expectations, I still left the cinema pretty pleased. So many great set pieces (the freeway chase, I mean C'MON) and so much to talk and think about.

Compare this with the some of the 'will this do' half assed blockbusters of today and I'd take this any day

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