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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I wonder what business will be today.So far its below TA at local theaters apart from the Downtown ones.

I think today will be huge, but I also think the weekend will be more frontloaded than most are predicting. If some families decide to skip the theater on Saturday and Sunday due to the late unpleasantness, that certainly won't help matters.
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Click the link for full statement from Nolan


Josh Dickey ‏@Variety_JLD

Nolan statement: “Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ I would like to express our profound sorrow ...

Christopher Nolan on shootings: 'unbearably savage'

Helmer breaks silence on Aurora massacre

By Variety Staff

Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of "The Dark Knight Rises", I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.

Thanks for the link, TLK.

Guess Nolan isn't religious, since he didn't say, "Thoughts and prayers."

(And, once again: it is absolutely confirmed the murderer was inspired by the movies.)

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I think WB fears that reporting big numbers may seem like gloating and a bit tasteless. Like I said earlier, studios PR department is very sensitive because they are in people business.

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I think today will be huge, but I also think the weekend will be more frontloaded than most are predicting. If some families decide to skip the theater on Saturday and Sunday due to the late unpleasantness, that certainly won't help matters.

This was always going to be frontloaded, IMO.This isn't nearly as much a four-quadrant movie as TA, nor does it have the populist, pro-little guy, anti-government undercurrent that most all enduring classics have (from Star Wars, to Shawshank, to Titanic, to Avatar), and in fact seems to be pretty submissive toward the powerful, at least judging from commercials and reviews. So this was going to be much more fanboy centric than many people were thinking, IMO.
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I think WB fears that reporting big numbers may seem like gloating and a bit tasteless. Like I said earlier, studios PR department is very sensitive because they are in people business.

True. Gloating about any records could seem very tasteless so that's where the insensitivity comes in I suppose.
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"he fact that it's making at least 80 means the incident didn't affect box office . Either that or it was originally headed for 100+ million"lol in the end you just said nothing...If it made 80 million or 85 million that means it did around TA business for the rest of Friday.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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The fact that it's making at least 80 means the incident didn't affect box office . Either that or it was originally headed for 100+ million

No, I remember reports this morning saying that theaters were showing absolutely no change in the trendlines after the incident. It's a non-factor, commercially. (Or it seems that way, at least.) All the people in the "man on the street" interviews were also rolling their eyes when reporters were asking them, "Aren't you scared!?!?!?"
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The fact that it's making at least 80 means the incident didn't affect box office . Either that or it was originally headed for 100+ million

Sounds about right. I think the numbers will increase slightly. Doing very well so far.
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Good call.And WB must know numbers would get out, anyway, which makes you wonder what their motive was. To posture as sympathetic? More free publicity?

I'm sorry but your whole attitude towards the shooting is beginning to annoy me. First you're calling the cops at the scene cowards, then you seem to try and downplay the shooting itself by saying it's not nearly as bad compared to ones like Columbine or Virginia Tech, and now you're saying WB is trying to gain free publicity off the tragedy? WTF dude? It just seems like overall your attitude towards it is increasingly disrespectful and it's as if you think we should just "get over" it or something. It just happened! Lots of people are still deep in grieving over their world being torn apart. I think a little more respect would be nice. Edited by MovieMan89
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I highly doubt the tragedy will keep a noticeable amount of people from seeing the movie. Any sane person has to know that the odds of something like this happening at the theater and showing they go to are way lower than getting into a car wreck on the way to the theater or even choking to death on popcorn.I'm an admitted neurotic and I still saw it this morning right after I read the headlines and the theater was packed. Although I do have to say that I did notice the people and the exits a bit more.

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I'm sorry but your whole attitude towards the shooting is beginning to annoy me. First you're calling the cops at the scene cowards,

"Coward" was just my opinion. If you have a different opinion, that's okay.The facts are that the cops stood outside the theater while the murderer was shooting and victims were screaming, saying they needed gas masks before they'd enter. Incidentally, a VERY similar dynamic occurred at Columbine.But if you still think that that was "heroic!", that's your opinion.This is the real world, not a movie or TV show, dude. Save you submissive groveling to cops for somebody who cares, and that's not me.As far as my "sensitivity", I believe that all human life - yours, mine, any stranger reading this, Bill Gates, a homeless crackhead - is equally sacred and precious.I believe that the 137 souls who died in car accidents today in the U.S. (the daily average) are also sacred, and their losses are tragic.Now just ignore my posts rather than bitching, please.
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