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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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My roommates at a 6 am showing now and i know someone else seeing it at 6pm tonight. Guys....Keep the expectations in check. It's a third movie coming off one of the most loved movies of the past decade, hell past 2 decades and there was a tragedy on it's weekend and ya'll are disappointed with a 175-190 milli weekend? If anything, if this was 3D with no shooting this would have SHATTERED the record, and hell if this tragedy didn't happen we all know, even the haters know, this would have challenged it; If that range holds up that's a great number and it will make north of 450+ million....The film is polorizing, but I can't see why fans of the series wouldn't be satisfied. I think some people got their expectations out of whack. The film does it's job exceptionally and while it's not without flaws it's strides easily outweigh them, without question. I'm in the minority here, but I felt TDK was boring at times, and it lost steam in it's last 30 minutes, though it was still memorable and classic (jokers final words, and the ending). Batman Begins lost steam after about an 1 hour and 15 minutes, despite excellent moments like fear gas batman and the car chase. Rises was the first movie that excelled beyond belief in the 3rd act. I mean i've heard spiderman 3 comparisons from some people....ummm..WHAT?!?!!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO LMFAO!!!!!! BWHWHAAHAHAHAHAH. WOW. Come on people. There's a lot of ground to cover and while some more ideas could have been fleshed out a tad more, the characters served their purpose from my point of view. as a huge batman fan that watched the films go to HELL with Batman and Robin, I'm thankful of new films and this outdid the previous two in many ways in my eyes. Other than the Joker i think Rises outclassed TDK in everyway. My opinion though, remember that. lmao

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BTW in finland, the doors of the auditoriums are always locked. If you go to the bathroom you have to ask a staffmemeber to open the door for you when you want to go back in. Makes sense, right? Maybe in US they should start to lock the doors too.

He kicked through the emergency exit.
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Where are you? It's Saturday morning here. I mean just after midnight.

New Zealand. I went to the 7.30pm showing - my theatre wasn't even half full and none of the evenings shows sold-out - that's really unusual for such a big movie on a Sat night. I actually wonder if the news may be affecting the box office even here.Regardless, the movie was deeply flawed. WOM will be underwhelming.
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BTW in finland, the doors of the auditoriums are always locked. If you go to the bathroom you have to ask a staffmemeber to open the door for you when you want to go back in. Makes sense, right? Maybe in US they should start to lock the doors too.

Fire safety Hazard???
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That doesnt even make any sense! Fuck people who do that. It wasn't the movie's or the filmmakers' fault that some asshole decided to shoot a bunch of people!

Wow, you're being ridiculous. This literally JUST happened. As humans we are empathetic creatures, so of course people are going to be turned off to watching the movie after hearing such depressing news. It makes plenty of sense. My anticipation has dipped a bit, not because I don't want to watch the film but because this is just a really sad incident and "fun and excitement" (which we tend to experience at the movies) doesn't mix well with "sad and depressing"This will effect box office no doubt, I think a lot of people are turned off for now but who cares? I'm feeling bad for those 12 victims and don't really care much about box office at this point. Besides the movie will make a lot of money regardless. Edited by ilikemunster
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THe fact that he surrendered disturbs me deeply.

His apartment is booby trapped, he knows this and isn't talking. Getting info on his act will be hard seeing as he didn't really have very many friends. I saw his father came in, but no news on what happened there.
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I thought he opened the door from the inside and then came back in.

Yeah, latest reports are he had a ticket, entered the theatre, exited through the fire exit and left it ajar. He then went to his car for his weapons and gear and then returned back through the fire exit.
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His apartment is booby trapped, he knows this and isn't talking. Getting info on his act will be hard seeing as he didn't really have very many friends. I saw his father came in, but no news on what happened there.

He definitely planned this for a while. I don't think its going to help his inevitable "insanity" plea. Between the booby trapped apartment and the fact the he most likely purchased advanced tickets for the packed midnight screening, its clear that this was pre-meditated and not just some crazy person acting on a whim
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Every Rth update will definitely add 10 pages.....so where is he?

He might give some numbers but may not want to be the only source for numbers if WB is holding back from Nikki.
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He definitely planned this for a while. I don't think its going to help his inevitable "insanity" plea. Between the booby trapped apartment and the fact the he most likely purchased advanced tickets for the packed midnight screening, its clear that this was pre-meditated and not just some crazy person acting on a whim

Yep.Exactly like the norwegian loony who is still proud of his massacre and didn't want to be labelled as crazy.
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