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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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To the people who have seen the film: Is there any humor/lightness in the film at all, or is it just depressing, dour and disturbing throughout the whole thing?

There's some light comedy, but it's more of a quick here and there and works really well. I do have to say that


gave the best performance hands down and could even get some noms

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There's some light comedy, but it's more of a quick here and there and works really well. I do have to say that


gave the best performance hands down and could even get some noms

Yeah, I've heard that he's heartbreaking in this picture.
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No shit?

Just replying to this:

He was apparently a med school student too. Which makes his actions even more bizarre to me because he could have been going places and saving lives but instead he does this.

If you consider that he's a psychopath, his actions aren't bizarre at all.
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Could some survivors/victim's families sue him?Since everything ends in trial & tribunal in the US...

Sure they could but he wouldn't be personally liable unless he was acting totally outside scope of his employment and that his acts in some way caused or contributed to the incident. If anyone gets sued it will be the theater chain.
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Will they now search people entering a cinema?Totally useless IMHO. I once entered an American Government Office building to post a letter. I was searched and could enter. Only then I remembered my pocket knife in my belt. I wanted to go back and surrender it, but my cousin acompaning me kept me from doing it..

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Now ads are being pulled from tv? Why?? Ugh all around at everything now. Back to box office, no need to wait for Nikki, first update will be $80m and rest of the weekend will be hurt cause of the Colorado tragedy.

BoxOffice History in the making.

4 years after Ledger's death, some comments are still hot/arguing.

I can't imagine what it will be for the next years.

Any Batman reboot project will reminds us Colorado.

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No. I'm just being logical. Its very rare for this sort of thing to happen in a small Joensuu movie theater (which is my local cinema) in finland.

Very rare doesn't mean it can't happen. How many of those people at this theater were expecting a freakin driveby in the theater?!
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Why stop the ads? Doesn't make sense. The film has nothing to do with it. At the end of the day it's not a forced issue if you're stupid and you think that because of this tragic event your life would be in more danger going into the cinema, then you don't go. Let people decide. Don't make things worse. Life should go on as normal otherwise there will be more fear. There's not much to analyse when it comes to an insane mind. Suicking the story like a vampire will only make things worse.

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I think this tragedy will probably make a person think twice about attending midnight shows for an event film. Cause really that's when the most loonies appear.

So true.Didn't we have a "vampire attack" or something at a BD1 midnight?Are all these people normal in everyday life but act crazy in night?
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Copycat fears are always real in situations like these. Odds of it happening in your theater are miniscule but odds of some crazy person trying to pull it off in some theater somewhere isn't that small.

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