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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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WB won't report numbers? Really? What good will that do?

Protect their reputation. If they gloated about numbers in the press right now everyone else would likely see it as a gross disregard for human loss in favor of profits.
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I don't think so. They were in a corner, and its the least offensive option. Right call IMO, else they get bad press. Not like they won't leak info if they want information to get out.

You can't expect them to crow about box office profits when people died. Same reason why Obama and Mitt took a day off today.
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I think it's a good decision.. it would be in poor taste to be boasting about record breaking profits after all this.. The word will get out either way.

Recording breaking won't be a problem they'll have to deal with.
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Stupid decision from WB. I understand not wanting to brag or whatever, but I don't think the victim's families really give a flying fuck if they report them or not.

The media sure does and it has not been a good day for WB. Edited by JackO
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Can't they release the numbers without commenting on them?

Yes but BO matter how it does it will still be a huge amount of cash, and they want to keep the so called "blood money" figure hidden for as long as they can while the mood dies down in the rest of the country.
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They can, but they can't prevent anyone who gets hold of the numbers from putting their own sensationalistic headline on it.

Except I don't really think too many news outlets would be putting a positive spin on any numbers for the movie. Doesn't make much sense to me.
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Yes but BO matter how it does it will still be a huge amount of cash, and they want to keep the so called "blood money" figure hidden for as long as they can while the mood dies down in the rest of the country.

This explanation does actually clear things up for me. I didn't think about it but you're right that this could be seen as "blood money" in some way.
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Can we expect another update by Nikki in the next hour or two? Or is WB locking up the BO info until Monday?

Pretty sure Nikki has access to Rentrak or whatever the system the studios use is. So she should post an update.
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What's your deal? Strong negativity from you...very hateful towards TDKR. Am I missing backstory here?

No backstory. Loved TDK....liked BB...found TDKR to be very lazy and underwhelming. A bit shocked by a lot of the 'best movie evar!' that's getting laid on thick around here regarding it. No one requires my presence as a counter to all that sunshine pumping but I think I'll hang out for awhile just the same.
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So I just got back from my second viewing of the film and it honestly does get better the second time around. At the theatre I went too they really beefed up security they had two cops at the end of each hallway and a cop car sitting out front with two security cars constanty circling the theatre. Attendance wise the showing sold out and was packed to the brink.I over heard a few people mention scenario type instances like what if and what would you do, but other then that everyone seemed to really enjoy the movie and it got alot of applause which I wasnt expecting.

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