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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I really do hope they release a director's cut.

It honestly doesn't feel like the full vision Nolan wanted. Certain moments don't quite get the running time they deserved, and that hasn't been a problem in past Nolan films. I suspect IMAX limitations are a factor in the length of the cut, lots of little things from trailers and tv spots missing too.
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I would say WOM is pretty good for the most part.TA and TDK WOM was better though and Avatar's was better than all three of them.

Well, Avatar's an all-timer regarding WOM. It got near (10x), which is just ridiculous in this BO era.
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Believe me, Nolan had complete control over what ended up in the movie. It is absolutely his cut -- his editorial choices about what to keep and what to trim.

I have no doubts that it's his cut.
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Lol How I am Hating...Come on you see that image and hear Bane Voice and you think he is some guy at a Country Club threatening you..."your punishment must be more severe...."

I don't image anything like that going by the way he said it in the trailer...
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IMO the movie was a little slow and dull at parts, maybe i was just a little tired at the midnight screening. Should have been trimmed a bit more. Also could of done with some more comic relief! Don't understand how this film is getting 9.2 on imdb. I would give it an 8/10

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IMO the movie was a little slow and dull at parts, maybe i was just a little tired at the midnight screening. Should have been trimmed a bit more. Also could of done with some more comic relief! Don't understand how this film is getting 9.2 on imdb. I would give it an 8/10

Let's be honest here, Nolan doesn't do Comic Relief. Besides it would've ruined the awesome mood he built up.
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You need to watch the film then ^^^Bane Voice made him seem like a bad ass in certain scenes or like a Country Club member sometimes...

Well, I really want to see it but I have to wait until August 2nd.
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We pretty much lost a huge portion of family audience for the whole summer. I just came back from my fifth viewing, the crowd went batshit loud in the end, clapping and cheering. This is getting phenomenal WoM.

Fifth?Jesus. I couldn't do that in one weekend.
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You need to watch the film then ^^^Bane Voice made him seem like a bad ass in certain scenes or like a Country Club member sometimes...

I thought it was pretty consistent throughout -- the voice of an elegant, educated, and utterly ruthless man who had total contempt for those opposing him.
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