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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I'm with everyone that saws WB should delay GS. I mean, heck, delay it for a year if you have to. They didn't market it too much, just put out a trailer. It won't be the end of the world if they need to remarket. I mean, Paramount has no problem delaying a big budget picture one month from release. lol

Just delay until next september 2013 if they want to get Oscar attention.
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Just delay until next september 2013 if they want to get Oscar attention.

Just do a one week limited run in December, and then screener the shit out of it. Then release it to the GA in Feb. before the Oscar voting deadline.
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I think they should delay GS's release but keep the scene. Alternatively, if they're insistent on this release date then I don't think it's right to keep the scene. People can argue that audiences will know about the scene in advance and can avoid the movie alltogether if they don't want to see it, but if WB has already pulled the trailers (a wise move, at least until they can be edited) then how will the general movie-going audience know to expect it? Delay the release, give people time to heal, then the scene can be kept without seeming insensitive.

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I think they should delay GS's release but keep the scene. Alternatively, if they're insistent on this release date then I don't think it's right to keep the scene. People can argue that audiences will know about the scene in advance and can avoid the movie alltogether if they don't want to see it, but if WB has already pulled the trailers (a wise move, at least until they can be edited) then how will the general movie-going audience know to expect it? Delay the release, give people time to heal, then the scene can be kept without seeming insensitive.

They could have every theater showing it post a prominent notice at the main entrance about the sensitive subject material.And I'm not sure the scene would look any less insensitive if it were released within the next five years. Maybe even more so since with a two month difference between the tragedy and the movie's release at least more people would readily accept that they had no idea this was coming. Edited by tribefan695
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I think they should delay GS's release but keep the scene. Alternatively, if they're insistent on this release date then I don't think it's right to keep the scene. People can argue that audiences will know about the scene in advance and can avoid the movie alltogether if they don't want to see it, but if WB has already pulled the trailers (a wise move, at least until they can be edited) then how will the general movie-going audience know to expect it? Delay the release, give people time to heal, then the scene can be kept without seeming insensitive.

They're not going to cut out the scene even if they stick with the current release date as it is a very important scene in the movie.
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Just no. The shootings are in no way shape or form helping TDKR. Yes, awareness is as high as ever for the film, but in a rather negative manner.

I'm not quite understanding your point. More people have, up to July 22nd, shown up to go to a movie because the first quarter was much stronger than last year.

What a stupid post. No shit this weekend was above last year's. TDKR is still doing bigger business than friggin' Captain America. There were NO OTHER REASONS FOR AN UNDERWHELMING PERFORMANCE THAN THE SHOOTING.

So we're attempting to say that the public was in fear for their lives....but more of them showed up (with their families in many cases) because it was Batman? That doesn't make any sense.

If the public was really in fear for their lives....FEWER of them would have left their homes to go see a movie...not more. Doesn't matter what movie was playing.

Human nature works both ways. There were no doubt some people who stayed home. But there are also no doubt some people who went to see TDKR because it was being talked about so much. It's not just a one-sided thing. The effect should off-set at least. Ever see people slow down on the highway to see a wreck on the other side? They say "no such thing as bad publicity" for a reason.

There are very valid reasons for TDKR to make less than TDK and that should in fact be the "expectation" in my view. This was true before the shooting happened but was overlooked by those wishing for record-breaking performance.

Divorce yourself from "defend Batman" mode and it's pretty clear.

Two Batman movies:

Movie A:

1-Features the Joker. The most popular Batman villain by far. It's not even close. Movies featuring the Joker do better at the box office.

2-Features an amazing performance by the actor playing the Joker. Audiences and critics raved and he was magnetic onscreen. This was known about before the movie was released.

3-Said actor dies tragically before the movie opens which fuels hype, free publicity, and generates morbid curiosity. "His last performance".

4-An RT score in the 90s. Rave reviews in general.

Movie B

1-Features Bane. "Little-known" is putting it mildly. "Who?" is the typical reaction from the public. Catwoman helps...but Batman Returns also featured Catwoman and that didn't help the box office.

2-Little to no advance raves about the actor playing Bane.

3-No tragic death to fuel hype, generate free publicity or morbid curiosity.

4-An RT score in the mid-80s. Less impressive reviews.

Which one would you guess would gross more at the box office? Why would anyone think Movie B would gross more? That would be a fool's bet.

Edited by Harpospoke
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So we're attempting to say that the public was in fear for their lives....but more of them showed up (with their families in many cases) because it was Batman? That doesn't make any sense.

If the public was really in fear for their lives....FEWER of them would have left their homes to go see a movie...not more. Doesn't matter what movie was playing.

Human nature works both ways. There were no doubt some people who stayed home. But there are also no doubt some people who went to see TDKR because it was being talked about so much. It's not just a one-sided thing. The effect should off-set at least. Ever see people slow down on the highway to see a wreck on the other side? They say "no such thing as bad publicity" for a reason.

There are very valid reasons for TDKR to make less than TDK and that should in fact be the "expectation" in my view. This was true before the shooting happened but was overlooked by those wishing for record-breaking performance.

Divorce yourself from "defend Batman" mode and it's pretty clear.

Two Batman movies:

Movie A:

1-Features the Joker. The most popular Batman villain by far. It's not even close. Movies featuring the Joker do better at the box office.

2-Features an amazing performance by the actor playing the Joker. Audiences and critics raved and he was magnetic onscreen.

3-Said actor dies tragically before the movie opens which fuels hype, free publicity, and generates morbid curiosity. "His last performance".

4-An RT score in the 90s. Rave reviews in general.

Movie B

1-Features Bane. "Little-known" is putting it mildly. "Who?" is the typical reaction from the public. Catwoman helps...but Batman Returns also featured Catwoman and that didn't help the box office.

2-Little to no advance raves about the actor playing Bane.

3-No tragic death to fuel hype, generate free publicity or morbid curiosity.

4-An RT score in the mid-80s. Less impressive reviews.

Which one would you guess would gross more at the box office? Why would anyone think Movie B would gross more? That would be a fool's bet.

ha ha you just don't get it do you. The movie that opened last year on this same weekend was NEVER going to make as much as this one no matter what. That weekend would always be lower by default
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So we're attempting to say that the public was in fear for their lives....but more of them showed up (with their families in many cases) because it was Batman? That doesn't make any sense.

If the public was really in fear for their lives....FEWER of them would have left their homes to go see a movie...not more. Doesn't matter what movie was playing.

Human nature works both ways. There were no doubt some people who stayed home. But there are also no doubt some people who went to see TDKR because it was being talked about so much. It's not just a one-sided thing. The effect should off-set at least. Ever see people slow down on the highway to see a wreck on the other side? They say "no such thing as bad publicity" for a reason.

There are very valid reasons for TDKR to make less than TDK and that should in fact be the "expectation" in my view. This was true before the shooting happened but was overlooked by those wishing for record-breaking performance.

Divorce yourself from "defend Batman" mode and it's pretty clear.

Two Batman movies:

Movie A:

1-Features the Joker. The most popular Batman villain by far. It's not even close. Movies featuring the Joker do better at the box office.

2-Features an amazing performance by the actor playing the Joker. Audiences and critics raved and he was magnetic onscreen. This was known about before the movie was released.

3-Said actor dies tragically before the movie opens which fuels hype, free publicity, and generates morbid curiosity. "His last performance".

4-An RT score in the 90s. Rave reviews in general.

Movie B

1-Features Bane. "Little-known" is putting it mildly. "Who?" is the typical reaction from the public. Catwoman helps...but Batman Returns also featured Catwoman and that didn't help the box office.

2-Little to no advance raves about the actor playing Bane.

3-No tragic death to fuel hype, generate free publicity or morbid curiosity.

4-An RT score in the mid-80s. Less impressive reviews.

Which one would you guess would gross more at the box office? Why would anyone think Movie B would gross more? That would be a fool's bet.

I think we've found a brand new iJack.
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So we're attempting to say that the public was in fear for their lives....but more of them showed up (with their families in many cases) because it was Batman? That doesn't make any sense.

If the public was really in fear for their lives....FEWER of them would have left their homes to go see a movie...not more. Doesn't matter what movie was playing.

Human nature works both ways. There were no doubt some people who stayed home. But there are also no doubt some people who went to see TDKR because it was being talked about so much. It's not just a one-sided thing. The effect should off-set at least. Ever see people slow down on the highway to see a wreck on the other side? They say "no such thing as bad publicity" for a reason.

There are very valid reasons for TDKR to make less than TDK and that should in fact be the "expectation" in my view. This was true before the shooting happened but was overlooked by those wishing for record-breaking performance.

Divorce yourself from "defend Batman" mode and it's pretty clear.

Two Batman movies:

Movie A:

1-Features the Joker. The most popular Batman villain by far. It's not even close. Movies featuring the Joker do better at the box office.

2-Features an amazing performance by the actor playing the Joker. Audiences and critics raved and he was magnetic onscreen. This was known about before the movie was released.

3-Said actor dies tragically before the movie opens which fuels hype, free publicity, and generates morbid curiosity. "His last performance".

4-An RT score in the 90s. Rave reviews in general.

Movie B

1-Features Bane. "Little-known" is putting it mildly. "Who?" is the typical reaction from the public. Catwoman helps...but Batman Returns also featured Catwoman and that didn't help the box office.

2-Little to no advance raves about the actor playing Bane.

3-No tragic death to fuel hype, generate free publicity or morbid curiosity.

4-An RT score in the mid-80s. Less impressive reviews.

Which one would you guess would gross more at the box office? Why would anyone think Movie B would gross more? That would be a fool's bet.


Another thing I don't get, people believe the tragedy has cost TDKR anywhere from $20-40 million ticket sales depending on what their over blown prediction was. If that is even true, what about the other movies playing in theaters? Shouldn't those screens be empty? Only thing that seemed to affect them the most was the fact that a huge movie opened, the drops are very similar to what happened when The Avengers opened, every other movie had big decreases. I'm not saying the tragedy had no affect, but I don't think it was major.

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IMO, the only thing anyone can definitively say is that the incident affected TDKR's box office somehow. How much and in what way can never really be answered. I could construct an argument that says it would've only grossed $150 mil OW if not for all this publicity - far-fetched? Probably. But only slightly less defensible than those who are saying it would've approached $200 mil without the shooting. No one knows. There's no precedent at which to point. Sure, people can say "look at the pre-release tracking numbers!!!" But, hey, am I mistaken, or have those numbers been 100% reliable in the past?!? Didn't think so.

There's a million reasons why this shooting was beyond horrible. WAY down the list is the effect on TDKR's box office. Even further down the list: It prevents Marvel fans from gloating over this "win." It's presently taken all the fun out of this site for every side. Again, a VERY minor side-effect, but an indesputable one, nonetheless. We'll never really know if TDKR would've gotten close to $200 mil or not. The numbers are what they are, but as others have pointed out, this film's box office deserves an unprecedented asterisk. Let's just hope it's the only one ever used for this horrific of a reason.

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