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Boxoffice.com's Top 100 Films of All Time! Presentation of the results to begin at 3 PM PST/6 PM EDT

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It looks like Pulp Fiction and The Godfather will be in the top five if the lists posted in this thread are any indication. I have not watched any of the Godfather movies all the way through yet :huh: - I've watched Pulp Fiction, but it is not one of my favorites.

I'm very cool with The Godfather being as high as possible, because it's one of the best. Everyone who's admitted here they need to see it has to correct that flaw pronto!
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I'm very cool with The Godfather being as high as possible, because it's one of the best. Everyone who's admitted here they need to see it has to correct that flaw pronto!

I have been meaning to for a while. I meant to during AMC Mob Week, but I was busy. Sometimes Netflix is so useless- they don't have a lot of new movies but are also missing most of the major classics :rant:
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I should share my list. This is my own personal list and reflects my movie preferences. It was actually hard narrowing it down to 100, and I would make a few changes here and there and make a few substituitions upon further reflection (like replacing The Girl Next Door with Black Hawk Down), but overall I am happy and proud to present it.Disclaimer: My top 4 I can't decide between and never have been able to. You can divide the points up however you want to, but I can't decide between them. Also, I have two number 44’s because I can’t decide between those 2 movies as well.1. Casablanca1. Back to The Future II1. Forrest Gump1. The Usual Suspects5. Return of the Jedi6. Back to the Future7. It’s a Wonderful Life8. L.A. Confidential9. Full Metal Jacket10. Terminator II11. Westside Story12. My Cousin Vinnie13. Back to the Future III14. Gone with the Wind15. Memento16. Goodfellas17. Unforgiven18. Quiz Show19. Dumb and Dumber20. The Avengers21. Goldfinger22. Apollo 1323. American Beauty24. Star Wars25. The Truman Show26. The Wizard of Oz27. The Godfather28. Demolition Man29. Fight Club30. The Shawshank Redemption31. 12 Angry Men32. Saving Private Ryan33. Kindergarten Cop34. Ace Ventura Pet Detective35. Men in Black36. Billy Madison37. Old School38. Anchor Man39. Primal Fear40. Maverick41. The Karate Kid42. Catch Me if You Can43. The Dark Knight44. Iron Man 244. Captain America: the First Avenger46. Minority Report47. Anger Management48. Almost Famous49. Men in Black II50. Casino51. Training Day52. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom53. Judge Dredd54. A League of their Own55. Mr. Brooks56. Dr. No57. Die Hard58. Gladiator59. The Spy Who Loved Me60. The Departed61. This Boy’s Life62. Top Gun63. The Empire Strikes Back64. Rocky III65. A Bronx Tale66. Mrs. Doubtfire67. The Rock68. Tommy Boy69. The Terminator70. Rocky IV71. Ghostbusters72. Euro Trip73. The Godfather II74. Raiders of the Lost Ark75. Robocop76. Clear and Present Danger77. Independence Day78. Scrooged79. Space Balls80. Pride of the Yankees81. The Untouchables82. Murder in the First83. Iron Man84. Superman II85. Rambo II86. Rocky II87. March of the Wooden Soldiers88. The Last Action Hero89. The Dark Knight Rises90. The Family Man91. The Recruit92. Miracle on 34th Street93. When Harry Met Sally94. Big95. Stakeout96. Beverly Hills Cop97. Twins98. Dirty Harry99. The Girl Next Door100. Thor

Edited by Walt Disney
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I should share my list. This is my own personal list and reflects my movie preferences. It was actually hard narrowing it down to 100, and I would make a few changes here and there and make a few substituitions upon further reflection (like replacing The Girl Next Door with Black Hawk Down), but overall I am happy and proud to present it.Disclaimer: My top 4 I can't decide between and never have been able to. You can divide the points up however you want to, but I can't decide between them. Also, I have two number 44’s because I can’t decide between those 2 movies as well.1. Casablanca1. Back to The Future II1. Forrest Gump1. The Usual Suspects5. Return of the Jedi6. Back to the Future7. It’s a Wonderful Life8. L.A. Confidential9. Full Metal Jacket10. Terminator II11. Westside Story12. My Cousin Vinnie13. Back to the Future III14. Gone with the Wind15. Memento16. Goodfellas17. Unforgiven18. Quiz Show19. Dumb and Dumber20. The Avengers21. Goldfinger22. Apollo 1323. American Beauty24. Star Wars25. The Truman Show26. The Wizard of Oz27. The Godfather28. Demolition Man29. Fight Club30. The Shawshank Redemption31. 12 Angry Men32. Saving Private Ryan33. Kindergarten Cop34. Ace Ventura Pet Detective35. Men in Black36. Billy Madison37. Old School38. Anchor Man39. Primal Fear40. Maverick41. The Karate Kid42. Catch Me if You Can43. The Dark Knight44. Iron Man 244. Captain America: the First Avenger46. Minority Report47. Anger Management48. Almost Famous49. Men in Black II50. Casino51. Training Day52. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom53. Judge Dredd54. A League of their Own55. Mr. Brooks56. Dr. No57. Die Hard58. Gladiator59. The Spy Who Loved Me60. The Departed61. This Boy’s Life62. Top Gun63. The Empire Strikes Back64. Rocky III65. A Bronx Tale66. Mrs. Doubtfire67. The Rock68. Tommy Boy69. The Terminator70. Rocky IV71. Ghostbusters72. Euro Trip73. The Godfather II74. Raiders of the Lost Ark75. Robocop76. Clear and Present Danger77. Independence Day78. Scrooged79. Space Balls80. Pride of the Yankees81. The Untouchables82. Murder in the First83. Iron Man84. Superman II85. Rambo II86. Rocky II87. March of the Wooden Soldiers88. The Last Action Hero89. The Dark Knight Rises90. The Family Man91. The Recruit92. Miracle on 34th Street93. When Harry Met Sally94. Big95. Stakeout96. Beverly Hills Cop97. Twins98. Dirty Harry99. The Girl Next Door100. Thor

Although we have completely different taste in movies, I admire you putting yours together with a lot of attention to placement and where you feel they should rank. Great job.
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1. Elephant Man2. Schindler’s List3. 2001: Space Odyssey4. The Godfather 5. M6. The Shining7. Full Metal Jacket8. Apocalypse Now 9. A Clockwork Orange10. Lawrence of Arabia 11. Godfather part 212. (El laberinto del fauno ) Pan’s Labyrinth 13. Requiem For A Dream 14. 12 Angry Men 15. Dumbo16. Braveheart17. Taxi Driver18. Casablanca 19. American History X20. (Cidade de Deus ) City of God21. Mulholland Dr.22. Memento23. Paths of Glory 24. The Dark Knight25. Star Wars: ESB 26. Star Wars 983.4/100027. Eyes Wide Shut 28. Blade Runner 29. Beauty and The Beast 30. Sleeping Beauty31. The Thin Red Line 32. Tree of Life33. Fight Club34. Inception35. The Social Network36. Gone With the wind37. Doctor Zhivago38. American Beauty39. Eraserhead40. 12 Monkey’s 41. It’s A Wonderful Life42. Badlands43. Days of Heaven44. Titanic45. Wizard of OZ46. Ed Wood47. Dances With Wolves48. The Dark Knight Rises49. The Matrix50. Pulp Fiction51. Citizen Kane52. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi53. Seven 54. The Truman show 55. There Will be Blood56. Lost Highway57. Battle For Algiers58. L.A. Confidential 59. The Bicycle Thief60. Rear Window61. Goodfellas62. Saving Private Ryan63. Jurassic Park 64. Green Mile65. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb66. Into The Wild67. Black Swan68. Milk69. Batman Begins70. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly71. North By Northwest72. All the President Men73. Sunset Boulevard74. The Prestige75. Donnie Darko76. 101 Dalmatians (1961)77. Ben Hurr (1930)78. Snow White79. The Thing80. Gladiator81. Boogie Nights82. Heat83. All Quiet on the Western front (1930)84. Spartacus85. Raging Bull86. Batman87. A Street Call Named Desire88. Almost Famous89. Trainspotting 90. The New World91. Alien92. Jaws93. Fargo94. The Virgin Suicides95. The Terminator96. American Psycho97. Psycho98. The Breakfast Club99. JFK100. The Terminator 2

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As good as time as any to reveal my full 100:1. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)2. Ran (1985)3. The Godfather (1972)4. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966)5. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)6. North by Northwest (1959)7. Casablanca (1942)8. Das Boot (1981)9. Dr. Strangelove (1964)10. Anatomy of a Murder (1959)11. Rear Window (1954)12. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)13. 12 Angry Men (1957)14. Schindler’s List (1993)15. The Great Escape (1963)16. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)17. The Third Man (1949)18. The Caine Mutiny (1954)19. 8 ½ (1963)20. L.A. Confidential (1997)21. The Big Sleep (1946) (dir. Howard Hawks)22. Se7en (1995)23. Warui Yatsu Hodo Yoku Nemuru [The Bad Sleep Well] (1960)24. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)25. Raging Bull (1980)26. Do the Right Thing (1989)27. The Godfather Part II (1974)28. Shichinin no Samurai [seven Samurai] (1954)29. Brazil (1985)30. Apollo 13 (1995)31. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)32. The Elephant Man (1980)33. Spirited Away (2002)34. Strangers on a Train (1951)35. Network (1976)36. The Usual Suspects (1995)37. Paths of Glory (1957)38. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)39. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)40. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)41. Platoon (1986)42. The Thing (1982)43. Gattaca (1997)44. Double Indemnity (1944)45. The French Connection (1971)46. Beauty and the Beast (1991)47. Chinatown (1974)48. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)49. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)50. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)51. Jaws (1975)52. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)53. On the Waterfront (1954)54. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)55. The Pianist (2002)56. A Man for All Seasons (1966)57. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)58. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)59. Toy Story (1995)60. Young Frankenstein (1974)61. Good Night, and Good Luck (2005)62. Alien (1979)/Aliens (1986)64. The Sting (1973)65. Princess Mononoke (1997)66. Patton (1970)67. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)68. Children of Men (2006)69. The Lion King (1994)70. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)71. Blazing Saddles (1974)72. All The President’s Men (1976)73. Tengoku to Jigoku [High and Low] (1963)74. Zodiac (2007)75. Point Blank (1967)76. Toy Story 2 (1999)77. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)78. Heat (1995)79. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)80. Les Quatre Cents Coups [The 400 Blows] (1959)81. M (1931)82. Raising Arizona (1987)83. Taxi Driver (1976)84. His Girl Friday (1940)85. Saving Private Ryan (1998)86. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)87. Hamlet (1996)88. Rebecca (1940)89. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)90. The Battle of Algiers (1966)91. Sunset Boulevard (1950)92. Goodfellas (1990)93. United 93 (2006)94. The Day of the Jackal (1973)95. Finding Nemo (2003)96. Cinema Paradiso (1988)97. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)98. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)99. The Killer (1989)100. Twelve Monkeys (1995)

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But I guess were talking about our favorite movies here, not the best movies. A list really shows what your movie taste is like. My list shows I like silly comedy, and Dexter's list shows he likes amazing classic highly regarded masterpieces

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But I guess were talking about our favorite movies here, not the best movies. A list really shows what your movie taste is like. My list shows I like silly comedy, and Dexter's list shows he likes amazing classic highly regarded masterpieces

My impression has always been we were supposed to submit the best movies we'd seen. If I went by favorites Empire Strikes Back would be in the Top 5, not sitting in the upper 30s.
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Okay, here is my top 25 - no laughing!1 Star Wars A New Hope2 Marvel's the Avengers3 The Matrix4 The Last of the Mohicans (1992)5 The Empire Strikes Back6 Glory (1989 civil war)7 Gladiator (2000)8 Raiders of the Lost Ark9 Saving Private Ryan10 Star Trek (2009)11 POTC Curse Black Pearl12 The Green Mile13 LOTR Fellowship of the Ring14 The Lion King15 Die Hard16 Willy Wonka (197 1)17 Titanic18 The Good the Bad and the Ugly19 The Wizard of Oz20 Transformers21 The Matrix Reloaded22 The Hunt for Red October23 The Return of the Jedi24 Field of Dreams25 Dead Poets Society

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