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Would Jack Survive Titanics Sinking If Rose Stayed In The Lifeboat?

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So I've seen Titanic for what must the billionth time again.Now I'm talking about the scene after Rose saves Jack from being locked up tot he pole int he master at arms' quarters thingy. (as rose refuses to get into a lifeboat once & the 2nd time she jumps off)So I'm sure you all remember the scene, it's one of the most emotional in cinematc history imo.So Cal & Jack kinda force roe to get into a lifeboat...but of course once the lifeboat is halfway down Rose jumps out of it and back on to the Titanic and says "you jump I jump" to Jack.If Rose had stayed in the lifeboat I think Jack may have actually survived the sinking...on his own he would have had more of a chance. And had he found that wooden thingy in the ocean later that only one person could float on he'd be on it instead of Rose.On the other hand maybe on his own he wouldn't have as much of a moativation to stay alive as he would've had while he had to protect Rose too. Of course his motivation could still be just as high as he knew Rose would be waiting for him.

Edited by darthdevidem01
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You know what would've saved Jack? Getting out of the water. I know that the driftwood would've sunk if both of them would've been on it, but what lead to his death was hypothermia. If he would've swam and found another piece of wood or something like taking turns with Rose on the wood, both would've been okay.

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You know what would've saved Jack? Getting out of the water. I know that the driftwood would've sunk if both of them would've been on it, but what lead to his death was hypothermia. If he would've swam and found another piece of wood or something like taking turns with Rose on the wood, both would've been okay.

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There is the possibility Jack was more inspired to save Rose than himself and would have never thought of staying on the boat as long as possible. He may have just "taken it like a man" like most of the men did.He did seem rather willing to sacrifice himself for Rose when he knew Cal had no spot on a lifeboat for him.I mean, it is a romantic film after all...

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Maybe If they swam over to the iceberg and climbed up it that might've saved them to. Can't believe they didn't think of that. Posted Image

The passengers didnt know a thing about the iceberg. They also wouldn't be able to see that after the ship stopped. However, Cameron actually suggested jokingly in the program "Cameron's 'The Final Word' on the Titanic", that the crew knew the iceberg and they should have rowed the boat to the iceberg and have the passengers climb on it, and then they could go back to save more. Edited by vc2002
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The passengers didnt know a thing about the iceberg. They also wouldn't be able to see that after the ship stopped. However, Cameron actually suggested jokingly in the program "Cameron's 'The Final Word' on the Titanic", that the crew knew the iceberg and they should have rowed the boat to the iceberg and have the passengers climb on it, and then they could go back to save more.

Lol yeah I was joking. I saw that program.
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On the other hand maybe on his own he wouldn't have as much of a moativation to stay alive as he would've had while he had to protect Rose too. Of course his motivation could still be just as high as he knew Rose would be waiting for him.


I'm sure his motivation to stay alive was pretty high. Not many people lose the will to live in their twenties.

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