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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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Who else thinks that 

the kree blood might have some side-effects creating a powered team member leadint to another comic character popping up


It certainly seems like there needs to be some sort of pay off there with Skye.

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Just saw the episode , was busy with breaking bad !Ward did u have to kill the guy? Wasn't there some tranq u could use to put him in a coma or smtg?I personally didn't buy for a second skye quick recovery from realizing ward is hydra but even less the fact she made the connection so quickly !!Not 2mn ago she was kissing him , now she finds a dead body you'd think she'd run to him to warn him Well at least they're not pretending they're already super loyal to each other Simmons and fitz sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g awwwww come one fitz face your fear and give simmons a smack on the lips that will rock her of her planetary axis (psss I promise you that's all she's waiting for, pinky shake) let's be honest she's smarter than fitz so believe she aint that clueless but however smart a girl is she's not immune to a guy showing initiative The only thing is this trip guy apart from cramping fitz nerd vibe could maybe persuade simmons to give him a chance seeing as how fitz is wasting away his Enough with the geek lovebirds I wanna talk about my heartbreak over my crack ship of may and coulson, not happening if he's still pinning over music girl nooooooo , the angst between may and phil could wrap yards around skyeward romeo and juliet off off off off broadway attempts At least I'll pretend phil will go after may to win her back Meanwhile I think may might be looking into coulson past more deeply only way she comes back to him is with something to sweeting him up so he forgives her , like going the extra yard beyond following orders ! Lastly I'm keeping hope for agent hand , I like the actress so I'll hold a candle for her character return on the show or marvel universe at some point I have a theory about skye , its a bit outlandish

suppose she's like loki not necessarily from frostie-land but like him in sense he appeared asgardian until one day he came in contact with a frostie artefact or a fellow frostie giant now I'm thinking about it I'm not sure Anyhoo it would explain her status in shield as something dangerous and at some point that will be revealed

If the spoiler tag don't work can a mod fix it for me ! I'm on my phone

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I liked how this episode let off on the gas of the higher action packed last 3-4 episodes and let our characters grapple with the emotional affects of what's been revealed. Now that we've taken a breather we can go whole hog into the final two episodes of the season.


I had wanted more with Maria Hill frankly. I enjoyed Col.Talbot, a very solid portrayal and I could go with seeing more of him as a liason to the US military when SHIELD gets back up and running. Which I'm guessing will be in a much more limited capacity.


The writers gave all those "Wards a triple agent" folks something to cling to for another episode as he chased after Skye saying "you don't understand".


I'm hoping for a bit more Deathlok the last two episodes, perhaps even some more upgrades to him. Getting him just a bit closer to his comic look. In the comics the character is part of the summer event and he's being spun off into an ongoing series.....just as an AoS S2 would start. Not a coincidence there I'd think.

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The CGI for the car drop was so so so bad.

Throughout most of the series I was wondering why Lola got so little mention or use. When I was watching that sequence I went 'Oh yeah, that's why.'


Still enjoyed the ep though.

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I knew it wouldn't be so clear cut on Ward being a traitor, as he said, he was doing his job, whatever that job really is?

I really hope they don't pull a heel-face turn or a good all along.  Sure he had a Freudian excuse due to his dark and troubled past  but he murdered multiple people on screen thus crossing the moral event horizon.  I think the only way to redeem him at this point is if redemption equals death.  Ward better not be a karma Houdini.  


By the way enjoy your time on TVtropes  :stirthepot: 

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Agent hill is always a pleasure to see! And to see her and coulson take down special forces ops ! Stark got a sweet deal there a civilian with shield high level experienceI knew May was looking into coulson and knew it was her in his hotel room (my crack ship)Fitz was emotional , but I guess he's upset because he spent time with ward ! I'm glad fitz and simmons have each other One question hill knows fury is alive so when will the tv shield team know or is that a fact that will remain hidden for the foreseeable future And how about coulson secret "secret" was not expecting that but yeah tots make sense, dog chasing his tail huh? I'd like to believe ward is a triple agent but the possibility is wearing thin more and more Sky and ward are ok when they're not pretending to have romantic discussion

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Agent hill is always a pleasure to see! And to see her and coulson take down special forces ops ! Stark got a sweet deal there a civilian with shield high level experienceI knew May was looking into coulson and knew it was her in his hotel room (my crack ship)Fitz was emotional , but I guess he's upset because he spent time with ward ! I'm glad fitz and simmons have each other One question hill knows fury is alive so when will the tv shield team know or is that a fact that will remain hidden for the foreseeable future And how about coulson secret "secret" was not expecting that but yeah tots make sense, dog chasing his tail huh? I'd like to believe ward is a triple agent but the possibility is wearing thin more and more Sky and ward are ok when they're not pretending to have romantic discussion

I don't understand when Coulson made that tape as he said the project should never be used? Was it after his operation, which he should not have remembered? Was it true what Ward said, that a lot of people didn't like that Hill was promoted up to Fury's #2 Edited by Lazer Deadshot
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I don't understand when Coulson made that tape as he said the project should never be used? Was it after his operation, which he should not have remembered?


I assume he made it some time between Iron Man and Avengers.

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Coulson probably did the tape pre his death Fury saw the report and decide to use coulson assessment because he didn't want to lose a friend and good agent to loki evil plan So he decided to submit coulson to it and voila but he still heeded his recommendation hence babysitter May and secret phone to give regular report on his mental aptitudes

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Yes, it was clearly revealed to be a program Coulson was running but although it may have worked there were to many bad side effects so Coulson recommended it be shut down. Fury saw it as his only option to save Coulson but as part of the process wiped Coulson's memory of all knowledge of the program.

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Yes, it was clearly revealed to be a program Coulson was running but although it may have worked there were to many bad side effects so Coulson recommended it be shut down. Fury saw it as his only option to save Coulson but as part of the process wiped Coulson's memory of all knowledge of the program.


Coulson had said in the tape that wiping the memory was one of the things that found that helped the side effects.

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The episode where they save Skye and go to that place in the mountains just passed over here. What was that body cut in half that Coulson found inside the tube with some things connected to it? Do we found out what it really is during the rest of the season?

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The episode where they save Skye and go to that place in the mountains just passed over here. What was that body cut in half that Coulson found inside the tube with some things connected to it? Do we found out what it really is during the rest of the season?


Its a Kree.

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So hmmm, what does that mean? That she is also an alien? If it is something that is revealed in the future don't spoil me. 

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