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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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I've not seen anyone else bring this up at the several sites I've visited discussing the show.

A poster, Mister Fandango, over at the TrekBBS really likes this.

The Ultimate Captain Marvel, whose Kree name=Geheneris Hala'son


Now Geheneris does have healing properties but not regenerative ones.

Fandango is postulating that withe the base blown up, he'll be knocked out of stasis and allowed to regenerate his lower torso.


I like his enthusiasm but Captain Marvel seems a character so big that they'd save it for either a GotG sequel or Avengers 3. The wiki clearly states Geheneris DOES NOT have regenerative powers. 

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Can you post what a Kree looks like Capt. Craig :)?.. I thought it looked like A frost Giant lol


Man I was looking at the look on  Agent Coulsons face... Hah hah .. Im loving this show. Awesome

guest appearance by Bill Paxton as another top not Shield Agent.. Nice!!

Edited by Superman001
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The Kree have two dominate skin tones. Not unlike how humans have varied pigmentation.

The dominant Kree skin tone is blue, the lesser skin tone is pink(which resembles human).

By experimenting on their own dna a smaller sub-sect of grayish skin was created and given a sub class called Ruul.


If you Google Image search Kree Marvel Comics you'll get various pics of those that have taken the name Captain Marvel.

Hopefully the wiki is more effective than just a few pics. 

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Super solid episode last night. 

Have to grade it about: A-



I'm of two minds about sending Ward in to confront Loreli knowing what they knew after Sif's debrief. A) He's a main lead, he kinda has to be there B) His back up team was all female it appeared (good) C) What's his gun, Night-Night or other going to do, bullets bounce off Asgardians anyway. Would tasers have worked? I keep thinking Darcy's only worked in Thor 1 cause Odin had stripped Thor down of his godliness. Loreli appeared to be at fully Asagardian strength.  For about 5 min or so I kept thinking that there might be a reveal at some point near the end where Ward was given some kind of "false skin" or barrier to her touch to be shown during the climax of the episode, on that note.....then there was the sex scene and that idea went right out the window.  Jaime Alexander you are great as Sif, I'm continually pleased at Marvel casting decisions and yet like others I was still going,"what a great Diana Prince you'd be". Hoping that when the Cap Winter soldier DVD comes out in 7 months the Marvel Short we get is a Lady Sif one. I'm thinking they can go a couple ways with that last scene of May and the update call. We know May is the one with the most knowledge about Phil, even given what the whole team now knows. So, is she there in part to make sure/monitor him post-treatment or is she part of a larger "bad guy" contingency within SHIELD? If the latter I refuse to think of Fury as the cut & dry bad guy but could see Victoria Hand being used as an out for such a story point.


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Yeah, May being a mole on Coulson's team seems odd since she did nothing to prevent them from going to and into the Guest House. I don't think it has anything to do with bad guys, but rather a tiny group of people protecting a very big secret about aliens (probably will result in some alien invasion/encounter storyline next season).I'm just wondering how they'll tie in effectively with Captain America 2 since there seem to be more and more hints that SHIELD is going to get completely discombobulated during that movie.Also, Coulson saying he'd rather tell Thor he's alive in person...the MCU has to bring Coulson back for Avengers 2 or Thor 3 so we can get that scene (as well as with Tony and Cap I guess).

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Haven't watched the latest episode yet. But ratings ticked up 5%Time Net Show 18-49 Rating 18-49 Share Viewers Live+SD (million)ABC Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.0 7 5.79I keep wondering about the interruptions in scheduling. They build momentum and almost squelch it with a break. Maybe the special next week won't be so bad. And they'll probably run the remaining seven unbroken.

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Haven't watched the latest episode yet. But ratings ticked up 5%Time Net Show 18-49 Rating 18-49 Share Viewers Live+SD (million)ABC Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.0 7 5.79I keep wondering about the interruptions in scheduling. They build momentum and almost squelch it with a break. Maybe the special next week won't be so bad. And they'll probably run the remaining seven unbroken.

I am not sure how we'll advertised it was, but Lady Sif appeared from the Thor Movies, whose a bad ass and sexy.
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I am not sure how we'll advertised it was, but Lady Sif appeared from the Thor Movies, whose a bad ass and sexy.

Thats our babe Jamie Alexander. Love her :)>>Yummy and does an awesome job

as LAdy Sif.. LOL @ " Shall we"


THis episode was indeed outstand Lazer friend.. Im watching it now ... Cant wait to see how this one ends.

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Haven't watched the latest episode yet. But ratings ticked up 5%Time Net Show 18-49 Rating 18-49 Share Viewers Live+SD (million)ABC Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2.0 7 5.79I keep wondering about the interruptions in scheduling. They build momentum and almost squelch it with a break. Maybe the special next week won't be so bad. And they'll probably run the remaining seven unbroken.

This episode is rocking Wile E..  Ithink your going to love it... I keep forgetting

Lady Sif is so strong.

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Finally caught up.


Still cannot stand Skye at all.   Her drama-queen behavior and utterly illogical presence on the team just bugs me to no end.  The latter part got worse when they actually went to the academy to show how recruits really have to earn their way...somehow Skye just pops onto a team from the street though.  (Apparently,  they can't get a "computer hacker" anywhere else in SHIELD?)


 Hoping they were planning to minimize the character since the ratings are falling, but apparently she is going to be joined at the hip with Coulson in the "alien injection" storyline.


This episode was good in spite of her...but I smell Skye-drama coming soon complete with angst and tears and yelling and bratty refusal to follow rules.

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still don't like skye but maybe its just the actress whose face does nothing for me or a combo of both who cares!!!




and she rocked her way through the episode so much i watched it twice a first for me with this show


personally i knew MAY was not on the team just because coulson picked her , she's the cavalry remember , chica has a reputation and is wayy too cool as a  cucumber , damn how she ended it with ward , sick :ph34r: !


i think she has a direct line to FURY , all episode they kept mentioning how coulson couldnt get in contact with him and yet here's MAY who happens to know a secret compartment on her plane (which she pilots like nobody business) and its a direct call notice she didnt have to pass through any nagging secretary lol


i maintain ward and skye can suffer a heroic death at end of the season keep the science geeks , coulson and May and bring in 2 new characters 

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Finally caught up. Still cannot stand Skye at all.   Her drama-queen behavior and utterly illogical presence on the team just bugs me to no end.  The latter part got worse when they actually went to the academy to show how recruits really have to earn their way...somehow Skye just pops onto a team from the street though.  (Apparently,  they can't get a "computer hacker" anywhere else in SHIELD?) Hoping they were planning to minimize the character since the ratings are falling, but apparently she is going to be joined at the hip with Coulson in the "alien injection" storyline. This episode was good in spite of her...but I smell Skye-drama coming soon complete with angst and tears and yelling and bratty refusal to follow rules.

Skye has avenger like computer hacking skills, as Coulson himself has defended numerous times, with even May praising her talent and reserve once.
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Plus Skye's back story has been set up to be secondary only to Coulson's.

Yeah...I noticed that.   Bleh... :(


Skye has avenger like computer hacking skills, as Coulson himself has defended numerous times, with even May praising her talent and reserve once.

Oh I know that characters in the show praise her and think she is awesome.


But that's my problem with it....why?    She's a drama queen, openly defiant of rules, has no SHIELD training, and was actually against them when they met her.




She pretty much ruins the show for me by herself.   I really like just about everything else about it.   Unfortunately it sometimes feels like the show is about her.

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