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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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The season started off a bit slow, but picked up nicely(especially "Uprising" on). Bringing all of it together was a nice way to give the naysayers nothing to talk about.  All in all, a successful season and can't wait for season 2.

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People are already calling the Koenig brothers Marvel's way of introducing Life Model Decoys


I thought Coulson was one---WRONG

I thought Fury used one in Cap 2---WRONG

I'm not about to speculate about LMDs anymore. :lol:


As far as what they were drawing, I thought it could be Ultron stuff, but wonder if it could be alien tech. Since the alien they got the serum from was blue and we have the Kree in GOTG, I'm thinking along those lines. But, since the season probably doesn't start until Sept-Oct, the Avengers 2 connection might be a better way to go since they can pretty much build the entire season up to it.

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I was finally able to watch the finale on Amazon and I was very pleased. Finally, finally AOS managed to live up to its great potential. The writing was on-point, without any of the stupidity that hampered previous episodes, and (most of) the acting was terrific. It was even nice to see the return of Agent Koenig and I would be happy to see his role expand somewhat next season. 


The one sad bit was that poor Fitz is now out of commission, however. I almost cried right here in Starbuck's when he sacrificed himself for Simmons. That did allow Fury to make his grand entrance, though. When he said that he was looking for "My man, Coulson," I wanted to cheer. The scenes between Clark Gregg and Samuel L. Jackson were brilliant and made me wish that Fury could drop in more often in the future. It was great seeing Fury acknowledge Phil as an Avenger due to his integrity and bravery. The producers picked up on something that fans on Tumblr and many of the fan fiction sites have said since Coulson died in The Avengers: we accepted him as an Avenger once he proved that he would give his life to defend the Earth. That probably sounds incredibly corny to many people, but it's true. And now it is canon in the MCU.


Fury symbolically and literally passing the baton to Director Coulson was the highlight of the season. That made all of the nonsense and bullshit that led up to that moment worth it.


Some blogger complained that Phil is treated as a hero by Marvel, the show and the fans while Skye is literally a Mary Sue in name and deed, citing that as a double standard. Coulson's lionization makes sense, however, because the audience came to know and love him over time, championed him when he was killed off and viewed him as a hero because of his actions (standing up to heroes and villains alike and giving his life to defend Thor in TA). Skye, on the other hand, was presented to us as this wonderful person that we would all just naturally love and support without anything to back that up. When viewers are told how wonderful, brave and brilliant a character is instead of being shown how s/he possesses those traits, there will almost inevitably be some push-back. The writers badly mishandled Skye's development and the show suffered for it. And yeah, Coulson really is everything that Skye isn't and will never be.

Edited by Talkie
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Some blogger complained that Phil is treated as a hero by Marvel, the show and the fans while Skye is literally a Mary Sue in name and deed, citing that as a double standard. Coulson's lionization makes sense, however, because the audience came to know and love him over time, championed him when he was killed off and viewed him as a hero because of his actions (standing up to heroes and villains alike and giving his life to defend Thor in TA). Skye, on the other hand, was presented to us as this wonderful person that we would all just naturally love and support without anything to back that up. When viewers are told how wonderful, brave and brilliant a character is instead of being shown how s/he possesses those traits, there will almost inevitably be some push-back. The writers badly mishandled Skye's development and the show suffered for it. And yeah, Coulson really is everything that Skye isn't and will never be.

You absolutely nailed it, imo.

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But he's not telepathic, he just knows almost everything necessary because of Security Clearance.

I was not expecting that. Thanks for the confirmation. 4 episodes left over here. I am excited :D

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Til the end of the line!!


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That was a truly emotional moment, unlike every forced SkyeWard scene. Fitz's desperate declaration of love and his brave sacrifice gave AOS something it had lacked, which is true dramatic impact.


The only thing missing was a passionate kiss on the lips. Simmons kissed Fitz everywhere but there. One supposes that was because a.) shows never like to give shippers a real payoff and b.) the writers are going to gin up some lame and frustrating love triangle between Fitz, Simmons and Tripp. :angry: I'd prefer to see a three-way, myself. :lol:


I was not expecting that. Thanks for the confirmation. 4 episodes left over here. I am excited :D


For once I can say with actual conviction that the last four episodes were terrific. You will probably enjoy them because other than some ridiculous "humor" the writing was tight and the pace intense. The finale was everything fans hoped that AOS would be before the season began. I hope that people who dropped it early in the season will watch the last seven episodes and be won over again in time for the second season premiere. It's too bad that American TV networks don't play reruns in the summer anymore because that would be a good way to hook in lapsed viewers.

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Clark Gregg Talks Agents of SHIELD season 2


Even if you're one of Agents of SHIELD's vocal detractors, chances are that you're a fan of Clark Gregg's Agent Phil Coulson. Mr. Gregg gives fairly friendly, open interviews, and in his latest (over at Collider), where he talks about an entire range of subjects, is no exception. But of particular interest are his hints about the direction of Agents of SHIELD season 2, and how Agent Carter fits into the overall plan.


"It's gonna be lo-fi. You're going back to basics. You've got to rebuild SHIELD from the ground up in a much more dangerous world, where your group is outlawed. So it feels like the early Sean Connery James Bond with brass knuckles and not afraid to knock somebody off."


As for the news that Agents of SHIELD will now air at 9 pm (as opposed to 8) on Tuesday nights, Gregg promises that "it can be a little darker." That fits with the "early Sean Connery James Bond" vibe, as well. Agents of SHIELD often felt a little too clean, so the idea that they can continue to explore some of the grey areas in the Marvel Universe is encouraging.


As for the pacing issues that plagued the show, Mr. Gregg understands how frustrating it was: 


"I thought there were so many things that were stacked against us last year. One of them was, trying to get a new show off the ground, where the regular ABC television schedule would put us on for three episodes and then take us off down four weeks and nobody could get a momentum going. When the show started to be on consistently and had a story carried over in an episodic way, that's when it started to click.


Luckily, help is on the way, in the form of the Hayley Atwell starring Agent Carter TV series. Gregg describes the balance of Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter episodes as a 10/8/12 split. So, expect 10 episodes of Agents of SHIELD, 8 episodes of Agent Carter, and then the final 12 episodes of Agents of SHIELD season 2. Those problems with weeks (or even months) between new Marvel programming on ABC appear to have been solved.

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On Friday, July 25, prepare yourselves for the Marvel Television Presents panel, moderated by Jeph Loeb, Marvel’s Head of Television, which promises exciting news and fun surprises for fans! Join Jeph and “Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Executive Producers Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen and Jeffrey Bell, along with cast members Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), Ming-Na Wen (Melinda May), Brett Dalton (Grant Ward), Chloe Bennet (Skye), Iain de Caestecker (Leo Fitz) and Elizabeth Henstridge (Jemma Simmons).Plus, learn more about midseason series “Marvel’s Agent Carter” with Executive Producers Tara Butters, Michele Fazekas, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely and Louis D’Esposito and series star Hayley Atwell (“Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger”), in this can’t miss Q&A panel that will take you behind the scenes and into the future of Marvel's live action television series.Be in Ballroom 20 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. PT Friday, July 25, and check out an autograph session for “Marvel’s Agent Carter” preceding the panel from 1:00-2:00 p.m. PT at the Marvel Booth (#2329) on the Convention Floor. Plus, on Saturday, July 26, meet the “Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” cast and Executive Producers for an autograph session from 10:00-11:00am at the Marvel Booth (#2329). 




Will BJ Britt show up too?

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Agents of Shield will have it's second season premiere on September 23.



I love this blending of the SSR/Shield/Hydra logos:


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Is that Ward on the far left?

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