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CNN has been drifting right for years, to chase that overton window. So they kept adjusting "to the center" not even realizing they kept just moving more and more to the right. And as @grim22 said, they're being hated by all sides now. They're the kristen sinema of the news world.

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CNN Admits ‘Production Weaknesses’ in Trump Town Hall

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“Nearly a week after CNN’s town hall with Donald Trump, CEO Chris Licht has acknowledged internally there are some things he wished the network had done differently,” CNBC reports.


“Licht continues to stand by the concept of the town hall, telling people both inside and outside of CNN that history will look kindly on the network’s decision to interview Trump in front of cheering supporters in a live town hall format.”


“But there are several production elements that he would have liked done in a different way.”




From the linked article:


Licht wished he had introduced the in-person audience to TV watchers so that viewers could better identify who they were, said the people, who asked not to be named because the discussions were private.


lol lol



The crowd was a main character in the event as many Trump supporters cheered his responses and jeered CNN host Kaitlan Collins when she challenged him. Licht would have liked to openly question the crowd before the town hall began so the TV audience could better understand who they were and why they were supporting Trump, said the people.





Licht and other CNN executives also pointed to direction elements CNN could have done differently, such as focusing the camera only on Collins when she tried to fight off Trump’s lies about election fraud in 2020, rather than using wide shots on both Trump and Collins. That way, CNN could draw the audience’s focus to the substance of the question rather than the spectacle of Trump. CNN could have also graphically shown each question while Trump spoke, emphasizing his answers didn’t always match the topic at hand.





After the town hall, Licht wished he’d had the network anchors focus on the news made by Trump, such as his claim that he would settle Russia’s war with Ukraine within 24 hours or his refusal to weigh in on a federal ban of abortion. CNN could have gone live to a reporter in Ukraine, as an example, which would have reminded the audience of the network’s journalistic range.



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18 hours ago, Porthos said:


They think they'll be rewarded by the Mythical Center out there who Just Wants The News/Hear Both Sides.  Group Four in your list, for the most part.


The problem is, while that Center does in fact exist, it hates Trump with a pretty strong passion and really hates Partisan Circuses.  Which, really, is a Whole Separate Phenomenon about a certain section of America yearning for something it can't presently have, but that's a whole different topic.


Anyway, the way to court these Disgusted With Both Sides viewers, and make no mistake, there are a lot of them out there right now, is NOT to give over the airwaves to The Trump Circus and the MAGA Cheerleaders.


If CNN erred in being Too Partisan In Its Coverage Against Trump (which I ***DON'T*** agree with, but that's what CNN claims it is trying to correct), the solution isn't to invite different circus bears to the show, as it's the bears themselves which turn off The Center.



Giving Trump waht amounted to a 90 minute free rally is NOT the way to win over the center...which I do not think is mythical at all.

Horrid mistake.

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4 hours ago, Porthos said:




From the linked article:


lol lol










This is ridiculous. It was CNN's decision to pack the audience with Trump supporters and to pick a softball  jounalsit to ask the questions.

Looks as though it did not premanenly attract the Right wing viewers they were going after. Anyone with any smarts could have told them the hatred of CNN is too deepset.

It backfired bigtime, and now CNN has to face the condquences. Trying to become "Fox Light" was never going to work for them.

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2 hours ago, stephanos13 said:


Um what? This has to be one the funniest jokes I've read in a while. 😄😆

Years is wrong, but over the poast few months there has been a definent drift to the right at CNN.

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17 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

Situation on CNN os weird when you look outside the US too. Here in Brazil it was and still is a mouthpiece for the alt right, with people working there literally asking for a cue last year, still making shit up against the democratic elected government and having to retract what they say this year. 

Zaslav is shady as fuck, but I think the issue with CNN runs deeper. I think a good rule of thumb is to not trust neither Fox or CNN. There are better mainstream outlets in the US. MSNBC is good, NY Times is also a serious outlet. There is just better alternatives than CNN when it comes to mainstream media that doesn’t play for Trump fanatics in the US.

problem with MSNBC is they tilt to the left so you can't trust them not to bias the news either.

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3 hours ago, stephanos13 said:


Um what? This has to be one the funniest jokes I've read in a while. 😄😆


Other media outlets have reported on the changes at CNN in the past 12 months:












Real or imagined, the supposed shift at CNN already had their typical viewers losing patience even before the town hall stunt.

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And the host of the Town Hall will get the empty evening slot on CNN.

Huge mistake, after the Town Hall where she got steamrollered by Trump she is damaged goods and this will just drive away more viewers. You don't reinforce failure.

It's like Licht and Zaslev can't admit their strategy to grab the Fox Viewers has failed.

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20 minutes ago, dudalb said:

And the host of the Town Hall will get the empty evening slot on CNN.

Huge mistake, after the Town Hall where she got steamrollered by Trump she is damaged goods and this will just drive away more viewers. You don't reinforce failure.

It's like Licht and Zaslev can't admit their strategy to grab the Fox Viewers has failed.


Network has zero young "stars" and Collins did fine against Trump what it was. Everyone knows Trumps style. She did fine in context and  is easily the best choice of their existing team. 


It was not long ago whatsoever that Chris Coumo and Don Lemon were CNNs nightlife bromance dream team fawning over NY Governor Mario Cuomo. Media has changed a lot as of late. 

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2 minutes ago, excel1 said:


Network has zero young "stars" and Collins did fine against Trump what it was. she is easily the best choice of their existing team. 

No, she did not do fine. She let Trump walk all over her.Did we watch the same shor?

And she is still damaged goods.

CNN is in deep,deep. trouble, and Zaslev has damaged one of his major brand names.

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On 5/17/2023 at 8:37 PM, excel1 said:


Name one person who would have done better. 😂


I've said this countless times over at FOX as well as other sites, but here it is: The Candidate in the 2024 Election to lean more to the "Center" wins the 2024 Election.. No other way around it.. It has to be someone who's not too far left and not too far right, but more of the "Moderate Centrist Democrat Party" type of candidate because if Trump gets the nod, he loses to Biden, if for anything, because of Independents not liking him and then we have this mentality of "I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump" nonsense.. When you vote, you should vote with the mindset of "Are you better off now than 4 years earlier"

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1 hour ago, JOHN WICK said:

"Moderate Centrist Democrat Party"


This describes the vast majority of the country today. If Joe was 60 instead of 80, he would likely be sailing into a blow out win. 

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18 minutes ago, excel1 said:


This describes the vast majority of the country today. If Joe was 60 instead of 80, he would likely be sailing into a blow out win. 


God help all of us should Biden win a 2nd Term.. I'm sorry and I know it sounds like you're a fan an all, but in the end, his 36% approval rating is for a reason and it's time for him to go and his wife never should've allowed him to even consider a 2nd Term for health reasons.. Should Desantis win the Nomination, Biden is History in the 2024 Election..

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2 minutes ago, JOHN WICK said:


God help all of us should Biden win a 2nd Term.. I'm sorry and I know it sounds like you're a fan an all, but in the end, his 36% approval rating is for a reason and it's time for him to go and his wife never should've allowed him to even consider a 2nd Term for health reasons.. Should Desantis win the Nomination, Biden is History in the 2024 Election..


DeSantis has all the charisma of a paper bag, his political instincts have proven to be lacking, and there's little about him that people outside of far right crazies in FL find appealing. We should still take him seriously, but he's not invincible.

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Just now, JWR said:


DeSantis has all the charisma of a paper bag, his political instincts have proven to be lacking, and there's little about him that people outside of far right crazies in FL find appealing. We should still take him seriously, but he's not invincible.


Unfortunately, it's Desantis or Trump and while Trump does appear to be the stronger of the 2, Independents simply won't budge and don't care for him and will vote purposely on Biden just to avoid this and that's no good folks.. I'm sorry but it really isn't..

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1 hour ago, JOHN WICK said:


I've said this countless times over at FOX as well as other sites, but here it is: The Candidate in the 2024 Election to lean more to the "Center" wins the 2024 Election.. No other way around it.. It has to be someone who's not too far left and not too far right, but more of the "Moderate Centrist Democrat Party" type of candidate because if Trump gets the nod, he loses to Biden, if for anything, because of Independents not liking him and then we have this mentality of "I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump" nonsense.. When you vote, you should vote with the mindset of "Are you better off now than 4 years earlier"


You're literally describing democrats, lol

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8 minutes ago, JOHN WICK said:


God help all of us should Biden win a 2nd Term.. I'm sorry and I know it sounds like you're a fan an all, but in the end, his 36% approval rating is for a reason and it's time for him to go and his wife never should've allowed him to even consider a 2nd Term for health reasons.. Should Desantis win the Nomination, Biden is History in the 2024 Election..


You LITERALLY just said that whichever candidate leans to the center wins. Then you say Desantis would beat Biden. LMAO come on dude, be serious

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