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Weekend numbers Oct 19-21

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  • Founder / Operator

What struck me most in that article was that this is the first live action release for paramount since The Dictator. What a glorious 100th anniversary....

At least they kicked off that celebration with Ghost Protocol, heh.
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  • Founder / Operator

The thing about any low numbers being a result of PA3... I don't know if I entirely agree with that. Legs for PA3 were pretty similar as the second film, reviews were a hair better, Flixster scores are all in the 50% range (even the first film, surprisingly), and the IMDb score sits a hair above the second.

I understand these movies can be a little divisive and not always everyone's cup of tea, but I'd attribute any drops in box office with this fourth film mostly to sheer franchise fatigue and the poor reviews of the new movie itself (which I think a good chunk of the target audience do pay attention to through Twitter and Rotten Tomatoes). The third film more or less filled in all of the important blanks and backstory, too.

Sometimes a franchise just naturally gets to a point where even casual audiences start to lose interest. Especially when something is beat into the ground year in and year out like this, and Saw before it.

Edited by ShawnMR
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The thing about any low numbers being a result of PA3... I don't know if I entirely agree with that. Legs for PA3 were pretty similar as the second film, reviews were a hair better, Flixster scores are all in the 50% range (even the first film, surprisingly), and the IMDb score sits a hair above the second.

I understand these movies can be a little divisive and not always everyone's cup of tea, but I'd attribute any drops in box office with this fourth film mostly to sheer franchise fatigue and the poor reviews of the new movie itself (which I think the target audience do pay attention to thanks to Twitter/Facebook/Rotten Tomatoes now). The third film more or less filled in all of the important blanks and backstory, too.

Sometimes a franchise just naturally gets to a point where even casual audiences start to lose interest. Especially when something is beat into the ground year in and year out like this franchise and Saw before it.

But franchise fatigue is due at least in part to not being satisfied with the last part of the film. PA3 was very divisive and the wom on it was not as good as the first two. So if this one tops out at say 75 mill, it's still great, but a definite step down from the third. Edited by Halloween baumer
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  • Founder / Operator

But franchise fatigue is due at least in part to not being satisfied with the last part of the film. PA3 was very divisive and the wom on it was not as good as the first two. So if this one tops out at say 75 mill, it's still great, but a definite step down from the third.

It would definitely be a step down. I just don't feel its entirely because of the third film's quality. If anything, it seems to me like PA2 is the least "appreciated" (for lack of a better word) movie of the first three so far. They both generated similar word of mouth with those that hated them and those liked them.

But even with the second film, we were already treading the same ground again as an audience. Its a miracle that this series became as big as it has. They captured lightning in a bottle three times already without giving audiences time to digest each movie for a few years and build up anticipation again.

Plus, we're also forgetting Sinister. It may not be a huge hit, but that's giving people looking for a horror movie another option this weekend (something they didn't have last year). In my opinion, even if they liked the last PA movie, sometimes something new and different is just naturally more appealing than seeing the same movie again for the fourth straight year. (And I say that as a fan of the entire series.)

Now, if this thing opens to something like $25m ... yea, I'd definitely concede that word of mouth on the last two films combined play a heavy role in that large of a drop. But if it still tops $40 million, my opinion is that any fans upset with the third film that didn't come back for PA4 are in a pretty small minority. Its not like marketing for PA4 has been that great, either. Its just been missing that "event" factor that the first three had.

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  • Founder / Operator

Well, PA3's marketing pushed the total budget to $32 million. I'd say $30 million for PA4 is a reasonable (if not conservative) estimate for now. Especially since the budgets have increased with each movie and they're coming off the biggest grosser yet in PA3 (worldwide).Naturally, the more money something makes, the same or equal amount they'll keep investing into it until their return starts declining.

Edited by ShawnMR
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Well, PA3's marketing pushed the total budget to $32 million. I'd say $30 million for PA4 is a reasonable (if not conservative) estimate for now. Especially since the budgets have increased with each movie and they're coming off the biggest grosser yet in PA3 (worldwide).

Ah. Well that was quite an unfair characterization for baumer to include marketing in PA4's budget; made it seem like the production budget increased x6.
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