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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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19 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:

It had 4th highest previews plus walkups seem strong so far. Tracking real sales on Maoyan and Cboo seems super strong right now.

So is Titanic WW in the bag based on how things are currently looking? And are we thinking maybe $300 million+ or is $200-$250 the right range for now?

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7 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

So is Titanic WW in the bag based on how things are currently looking? And are we thinking maybe $300 million+ or is $200-$250 the right range for now?



I don't think anyone's thinking anywhere near $300m at this point in time.


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5 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

So is Titanic WW in the bag based on how things are currently looking? And are we thinking maybe $300 million+ or is $200-$250 the right range for now?

As I understood No Prisoner,... it depends a lot on the first reactions, see how Sunday behaves, and than Monday (seemingly very important). Till than nothing is in the bag (in the meaning nothing is '100% sure' as not enough sure data)


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21 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

So is Titanic WW in the bag based on how things are currently looking? And are we thinking maybe $300 million+ or is $200-$250 the right range for now?

 200 mill alone would be amazing 

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16 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

As I understood No Prisoner,... it depends a lot on the first reactions, see how Sunday behaves, and than Monday (seemingly very important). Till than nothing is in the bag (in the meaning nothing is '100% sure' as not enough sure data)


yup, hard to put anything in the bag in china, WOM kills a movie faster in china(90% drops for some movies) and they cut theaters big time. But if it get gets $40m OD it safe to assume 5xOD=200. 250 or 300m+ will depend on those 2 factors

KFP3 will open on its 20 the day. It wont do much after that

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29 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

So is Titanic WW in the bag based on how things are currently looking? And are we thinking maybe $300 million+ or is $200-$250 the right range for now?

As long as WOM isn't bad than 250M should happen but that's a big if. 

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2 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

For reference, what were the opening days or JW, AoU or FF7?

  TF4           FF7         AOU      
Day Yn Daily % +/- Last Week Tot $Tot Yn Daily % +/- Last Week Tot $Tot Yn Daily % +/- Last Week Tot $Tot
Fri 195     195 32                    
Sat 223 14.4%   418 69                    
Sun 213 -4.6%   631 103 398     398 64          
Mon 123 -42.1%   754 124 185 -53.5%   583 94          
Tues 112 -8.9%   866 142 167 -9.7%   750 121 212     212 34
Wed 95 -15.7%   961 157 137 -18.0%   887 143 123 -42.1%   335 54
Thur 84 -11.0%   1045 171 115 -16.1%   1002 162 91 -26.0%   426 69
Fri 87 3.4% -55.3% 1132 186 142 23.8%   1144 185 127 40.0%   554 89
Sat 130 48.8% -41.9% 1262 207 226 59.0%   1371 221 236 85.2%   790 127
Sun 118 -9.0% -44.6% 1379 226 185 -18.1% -53.4% 1556 251 165 -29.9%   955 154
Mon 54 -58.3% -56.1% 1433 235 73 -60.6% -60.5% 1629 263 45 -72.6%   1001 161
Tue 53 -1.9% -52.8% 1486 244 65 -11.0% -61.1% 1694 273 41 -9.7% -80.7% 1042 168
Wed 43 -18.9% -54.5% 1529 251 52 -19.4% -61.8% 1747 282 50 22.0% -59.3% 1092 176
Thu 39 -9.3% -53.7% 1568 257 45 -14.1% -60.9% 1792 289 31 -38.0% -65.9% 1123 181
Fri 42 7.7% -51.8% 1610 264 59 31.1% -58.6% 1851 298 42 35.5% -67.0% 1165 188
Sat 62 47.6% -52.2% 1672 274 92 55.1% -59.6% 1942 313 78 85.7% -66.9% 1243 200
Sun 58 -6.45% -50.8% 1730 284 69 -24.2% -62.6% 2012 324 59 -24.4% -64.3% 1302 210
Mon 26 -55.2% -51.9% 1756 288 27 -61.4% -63.3% 2038 329 15.8 -73.2% -65.2% 1317 212
Tue 28 7.7% -47.2% 1784 293 26 -1.5% -59.4% 2065 333 10.8 -31.6% -73.7% 1328 214
Wed 23 -17.9% -46.5% 1807 296 24 -10.2% -54.8% 2088 337 9.5 -12.0% -81.0% 1338 216
Thu 18 -21.7% -53.8% 1825 299 31 32.5% -30.2% 2120 342 8.4 -11.6% -72.9% 1346 217
Fri 16.7 -7.2% -60.2% 1842 302 67 114.6% 14.2% 2187 353 11.9 41.7% -71.7% 1358 219
Sat 15.5 -7.2% -75.0% 1858 305 67 -0.6% -26.8% 2254 364 26.0 118.5% -66.7% 1384 223
Sun 25.3 63.2% -56.4% 1883 309 39 -41.8% -43.8% 2293 370 24.0 -7.7% -59.3% 1408 227
          319         390     Tot 1470 239
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8 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

For reference, what were the opening days or JW, AoU or FF7?


FF7 was 368M while AoU biggest day was Saturday 236M+. JW is a lot lower than both of them. 260M would be 2nd biggest day behind only FF7.

Edited by druv10 Maul
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3 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

For reference, what were the opening days or JW, AoU or FF7?

T5           AOU         JW        
Day Yuab Daily % +/- Last Week Tot Yuan $Tot Yuan Daily % +/- Last Week Tot Yuan $Tot Yuan Daily % +/- Last Week Tot Yuan $Tot
Tues           212     212 34          
Wed           123 -42%   335 54 109     109 18
Thur           91 -26%   426 69 80 -27%   189 30
Fri           127 40%   554 89 101 26%   290 47
Sat           236 85%   790 127 170 68%   460 74
Sun 153     167 26 165 -30%   955 154 146 -14%   606 98
Mon 67 -56%   234 37 45 -73%   1001 161 53 -64%   659 106
Tues 57 -15%   291 46 41 -10% -81% 1042 168 49 -8%   708 114
Wed 47 -18%   338 53 50 22% -59% 1092 176 43 -12% -61% 751 121
Thur 37 -21%   375 59 31 -38% -66% 1123 181 35 -19% -56% 786 127
Fri 38 3%   413 65 42 35% -67% 1165 188 46 31% -54% 832 134
Sat 62 64%   475 75 78 86% -67% 1243 200 97 111% -43% 929 150
Sun 52 -17% -66% 527 83 59 -24% -64% 1302 210 98 1% -33% 1027 166
Mon 21 -59% -69% 548 86 15.8 -73% -65% 1317 212 66 -33% 25% 1093 176
Tue 17 -17% -69% 566 89 10.8 -32% -74% 1328 214 24 -64% -51% 1117 180
Wed 21 18% -56% 586 92 9.5 -12% -81% 1338 216 22 -8% -49% 1139 184
Thu 36 72% -4% 622 97 8.4 -12% -73% 1346 217 21 -5% -40% 1160 187
Fri 34 -3% -9% 656 103 11.9 42% -72% 1358 219 22 5% -52% 1182 191
Sat 24 -31% -62% 680 107 26.0 118% -67% 1384 223 40 82% -59% 1222 197
Sun 12 -48% -76% 692 108 24.0 -8% -59% 1408 227 36 -10% -63% 1258 203
Mon 8.5 -30% -60% 700 110 25.0 4% 58% 1433 231 16.0 -56% -76% 1274 205
Tue 2.7 -68% -85% 703 110 4.0 -84% -63% 1437 232 17.4 9% -28% 1291 208
Wed 2.6 -3% -87% 706 111 3.5 -13% -63% 1441 232 15.4 -11% -30% 1307 211
Thu 2.5 -4% -93% 708 111 3.0 -14% -64% 1444 233 12.0 -22% -43% 1319 213
      Tot 724 114     Tot 1444 236     Tot 1400 229
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WOM trickling in after midnights on Douban...presumably they are the newest ratings which you can see here:




Even if you can't read Chinese, I'd say pretty mixed with mainly 3/4 stars out of 5. It's average is at 7.7 for the moment but that's mostly from overseas Chinese who saw the film early, also presumably fans of SW from before.

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20 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:


What's your final prediction with 40M OD?

T5 had horrible legs and the media reported that some of their tickets sales were stolen by theaters to support mandatory ticket sales for a government backed film

it almost made 5x OD

200m is the floor. 250m very possible. 300 could happen but we need to wait for WOM, visible in Sun Mon numbers, and how many screens it will hold this weekend. A couple local movies are coming out. FD or Olive should have an idea how big they will be

I hesitate to do high end predictions any more in china because they can cut screens dramatically in a week or two and is limited to 30days. You cant rely on comparible multipliers like in the US.

Gun to my head? I say 250m

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21 minutes ago, druv10 Maul said:


FF7 was 368M while AoU biggest day was Saturday 236M+. JW is a lot lower than both of them. 260M would be 2nd biggest day behind only FF7.

Thatll be second biggest day of all time,  a couple local films have had 200m+ days too.

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Edited by terrestrial
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11 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

My goodness!! ?

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