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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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11 hours ago, Leviathan said:


So Poe (Oscar Isaac) is our only hope huh? That guy has everything that people want: good looking, charming, decent acting, having great chemistry with Daisy...




Basically he is Han Solo 2.0 :jeb!: I heard that Disney and the Lucasfilm studio had officially decided to expand his role too :jeb!: 

And... Honestly i think no one can blame the international audience for not liking Finn, all he did in TFA was... lie, run, sweat, get beaten up, being a clumsy sidekick to Rey. What an awful role. People on the reddit/r/movies and imdb even said that it felt like Disney placed him there just to prevent the annoying #OscarSoWhite.


Sorry to burst your Damerey (rey/Poe) bubble but it's not happening. Their characters won't even have scenes together in Episode VIII just like they didn't in TFA. So if that's what China is hoping for (doubtful) than Episode VIII is dead in China. 

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13 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


Sorry to burst your Damerey (rey/Poe) bubble but it's not happening. Their characters won't even have scenes together in Episode VIII just like they didn't in TFA. So if that's what China is hoping for (doubtful) than Episode VIII is dead in China. 


Let's agree to disagree. You are not Disney or Lucasfilm, so it's ridiculous to proclaim that something won't happen in EP 8 or 9. 

As far as i remember, Rey had met Poe when she stayed at Resistance base and she liked Poe's face and his personality. This happened in TFA official novel which was released by Lucasfilm.

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12 minutes ago, Leviathan said:


Let's agree to disagree. You are not Disney or Lucasfilm, so it's ridiculous to proclaim that something won't happen in EP 8 or 9. 

As far as i remember, Rey had met Poe when she stayed at Resistance base and she liked Poe's face and his personality. This happened in TFA official novel which was released by Lucasfilm.


That scene was so "important" that it never made it into TFA. Also, maybe you didn't get the memo but Storygroup doesn't even bother reading novelizations because they are based on very old drafts. So scratch that. Also, where movie and book defer, movie = canon.


I'm not Disney or LF but I know about episode VIII more than you do, obviously, because I follow spoilers. The outline of Episode VIII is known including what characters spend screen time together and what don't. So that's that.


But even if I didn't know that, there's no dramatic value in Rey and Uncle Poe romance. So I could tell you they wouldn't happen even if they spent the whole time together. As it is, they don't have scenes.

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4 hours ago, Polaroids said:

Yes but at least in Western countries they are making an effort to changing the beauty standard. In Asia, it's blatantly supported by the media with skin-whitening products being the norm. No one in their respective countries call out the colorism (some do but they're drowned by the majority).


An ad like this would never be approved nowadays in the west but got aired in Asia:




This ad might be considered racist by modern pc standards, but I don't think it is. Also it's copying an Italian ad, so the idea is from the west.

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Modern PC standards exist in few countries that have diverse population, which isn't a case with most world countries. Where people are monolith as a race, they really don't care whether someone in America got offended by an ad aired on Chinese TV.


Likewise, most world countries don't have race problem but they have religious problems. Same race, 2 different religions, big doo-doo. Which America doesn't, for example, and therefore it's easy for their liberals to say nice things about religions that drive the world's terrorism, while people who actually live in countries with religious tensions are less likely to sing Kumbaya on that matter and use PC talk such as "religion itself is peaceful, it's few maniacs who give it a bad name". 


but anyway, speaking of beauty standards, Lupita Nyong'o is beautiful by any standard and Leslie Jones is ugly by any standard. Likewise, Natalie Portman is beautiful by any standard and Rachel Dratch is ugly by any standard. Etc. It's not always a race thing but some people just aren't pretty period. 

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4 hours ago, Polaroids said:

Triple X is going to be released on Feb 10th in China. Hopefully it does better than R1. I appreciate the diversity in their casting and Donnie Yen deserves another huge hit.



That's why I said colorism pertaining to beauty standards. I am very much aware that China doesn't have the same racial history as the US and UK. But whiteness is still very much celebrated there and is found more desirable than darker skin because of their own beauty standards. If you place a dark-skinned person and a pale-skinned person with the same facial features next to each other, Asian people will choose the paler one as the more attractive one just based on skin color. Skin whitening ads and products are popular in Asia and most "beautiful" celebrities are on the paler side. This is nothing new or shocking so I don't understand the denial.


The thing about East Asia in particular though is that they might not think that black people fit their ideal beauty standards, but hip hop culture and basketball is popular so some of them worship black celebrities over there. Kobe is treated like a god.


I am not saying that John Boyega is handsome (I am not attracted to him) but to ignore that skin color plays a factor to China's aversion and rejection of him is just ignoring a basic fact about their beauty standards.




But I have already acknowledged the fact that people in Asia (and much of the rest of the planet) do in fact consider white to be more desirable etc and is their right... I just pointed out some other factors as well. As for Boyega, I think that JJ & Kennedy were so desperate to meet their diversity quota, that they just went for the first young black actor with good comedic timing they could find, without looking at the bigger picture more broadly. I mean, what % of Star Wars paying viewers worldwide are black? I would say it's a very tiny %.

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8 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:


But I have already acknowledged the fact that people in Asia (and much of the rest of the planet) do in fact consider white to be more desirable etc and is their right... I just pointed out some other factors as well. As for Boyega, I think that JJ & Kennedy were so desperate to meet their diversity quota, that they just went for the first young black actor with good comedic timing they could find, without looking at the bigger picture more broadly. I mean, what % of Star Wars paying viewers worldwide are black? I would say it's a very tiny %.


Yeah, that's complete nonsense. There was no "diversity quota", and Boyega didn't get picked because he was the only "black young actor with comedic timing" either. I have no idea why you continue harping about this "diversity" nonsense. The movie is full of white people, having one or two black ones mixed in there doesn't somehow make it "pandering to blacks" or whatever odd idea you can come up with. Just because you have odd ideas about certain roles doesn't mean that they are true, nor does it mean that everyone else looks at these things the same way you do. All you do is projecting your view onto others.


And on a different note, there was nothing bad about Boyega's role, nor about his acting.

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Boyega was decent in TFA.


Having said that, I have this feeling that Donald Glover as Lando is going to be far, FAR more endearing to the franchise. If Chinese don't want to like Boyega, they don't have to. However, it would seem that Wanda/Legendary aren't as hostile to him as these (alleged) average Chinese filmgoers, given that he's going to be in the new Pacific Rim. 

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24 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:


But I have already acknowledged the fact that people in Asia (and much of the rest of the planet) do in fact consider white to be more desirable etc and is their right... I just pointed out some other factors as well. As for Boyega, I think that JJ & Kennedy were so desperate to meet their diversity quota, that they just went for the first young black actor with good comedic timing they could find, without looking at the bigger picture more broadly. I mean, what % of Star Wars paying viewers worldwide are black? I would say it's a very tiny %.


Boyega isn't attractive but he doesn't have to be cause he isn't playing Rey's love interest or anything. Their other candidate for the same role was equally unattractive Jesse Plemmons.  The character will get another girlfriend, though.

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15 minutes ago, George Parr said:


Yeah, that's complete nonsense. There was no "diversity quota", and Boyega didn't get picked because he was the only "black young actor with comedic timing" either. I have no idea why you continue harping about this "diversity" nonsense. The movie is full of white people, having one or two black ones mixed in there doesn't somehow make it "pandering to blacks" or whatever odd idea you can come up with. Just because you have odd ideas about certain roles doesn't mean that they are true, nor does it mean that everyone else looks at these things the same way you do. All you do is projecting your view onto others.


And on a different note, there was nothing bad about Boyega's role, nor about his acting.


Your ideology obstructs you from accepting reality. It is blatantly obvious that there are diversity quotas for every single major Hollywood movie, denying that is dishonest. This quota is not official of course, but it is an unwritten, implicit rule if you will. 


And since you are bringing up the issue of white people in TFA, you are right, there are many of them. They are either women (Ray, the main protagonist) some very old guys Harrison Ford & Max von Sydow (who both die) or are whiny, self-entitled villains (Adam Driver & Gleeson) Now let's look at Rogue One. They are either women (Erso, the main protagonist) her ageing father (who dies early on) or are middle-aged or old villains (Krannic & CGI Tarkin) 


Hmm, I think we have a pattern here. 


BTW, I think that Boyega was good in his role, except one-two clunky moments that were down to bad writing, not his fault. I also love both TFA & Rogue One, but that doesn't mean that I cannot see the strategic "diversity hires" going on there. It's just a fact of contemporary Hollywood, rightly or wrongly. 

Edited by PPZVGOS
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1 minute ago, Valonqar said:


Boyega isn't attractive but he doesn't have to be cause he isn't playing Rey's love interest or anything. Their other candidate for the same role was equally unattractive Jesse Plemmons.  The character will get another girlfriend, though.


I didn't say that he had to be. My point is that it would partially explain why he cannot become as popular as Will Smith, for example. 

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1 hour ago, Tower said:


This ad might be considered racist by modern pc standards, but I don't think it is. Also it's copying an Italian ad, so the idea is from the west.

How is a black guy being fed detergent and thrown into a washing machine to become paler (and thus more attractive since the girl shows interest in him after becoming paler) not racist? That is the most blatantly racist ad I have ever seen.

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So is anyone gonna talk about the Tuesday numbers? Lol


5-6% drop seems pretty good for Rogue One. I remember TFA having double digit drops (sometimes over 15% even) throughout the week. Despite the crap Maoyan score, signs of poor WOM haven't really shown yet (besides the sub par Saturday bump).


Do you have TFA dailies for comparison @Olive

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1 hour ago, Valonqar said:

Modern PC standards exist in few countries that have diverse population, which isn't a case with most world countries. Where people are monolith as a race, they really don't care whether someone in America got offended by an ad aired on Chinese TV.

So with your logic, racist behaviour is not embraced just because people are afraid not to be called racists. And do you agree with that attitude? It's like saying that If people in one country had the chance to kill without offending anyone they would do so.

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14 minutes ago, Polaroids said:

How is a black guy being fed detergent and thrown into a washing machine to become paler (and thus more attractive since the girl shows interest in him after becoming paler) not racist? That is the most blatantly racist ad I have ever seen.


The point of the ad isn't any real social commentary, it's to sell detergent. It just says that the detergent will make your clothes white, but replaced the clothes with a person to make it funny and draw attention. The same basic idea was used in this Italian ad, is this ad also racist against whites?  


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51 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:


I didn't say that he had to be. My point is that it would partially explain why he cannot become as popular as Will Smith, for example. 


They are trying to make him a new Will Smith but he's so damn annoying. Will's so effortlessly charismatic and likable, while this unbelievable try-hard just begs to be punched in the face. 

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55 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:


Your ideology obstructs you from accepting reality. It is blatantly obvious that there are diversity quotas for every single major Hollywood movie, denying that is dishonest. This quota is not official of course, but it is an unwritten, implicit rule if you will. 


And since you are bringing up the issue of white people in TFA, you are right, there are many of them. They are either women (Ray, the main protagonist) some very old guys Harrison Ford & Max von Sydow (who both die) or are whiny, self-entitled villains (Adam Driver & Gleeson) Now let's look at Rogue One. They are either women (Erso, the main protagonist) her ageing father (who dies early on) or are middle-aged or old villains (Krannic & CGI Tarkin) 


Hmm, I think we have a pattern here. 


BTW, I think that Boyega was good in his role, except one-two clunky moments that were down to bad writing, not his fault. I also love both TFA & Rogue One, but that doesn't mean that I cannot see the strategic "diversity hires" going on there. It's just a fact of contemporary Hollywood, rightly or wrongly. 


Yes we know, ad nauseum, that for you any time a non white male has a lead or prominent role it's pandering.  Hiring only white males as our heroes should be our natural agenda-less state.


My ignore list is getting a work out.


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13 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:



Yes we know, ad nauseum, that for you any time a non white male has a lead or prominent role it's pandering.  Hiring only white males as our heroes should be our natural agenda-less state.


My ignore list is getting a work out.



I am literally not gonna sleep tonight. 

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1 hour ago, PPZVGOS said:




or are whiny, self-entitled villains (Adam Driver & Gleeson)



LOL, nobody was whinier than Finn. "why everyone wants to go back to JAkkuuuuuuuuuuu?" "Are you kidding me? to jakkuuuuuuuuuu?" Bitch, moan, whine, rinse repeat. Skip button on DVD player is the best invention of all technology ever. can't freakin wait for Episode VII to come out on Blue Ray and than skip the idiots scenes. 


No wonder TFA had a bad WOM in China. Crap characters like that one don't fly over there. Are there some good quotes from social media ridiculing the character and Boyega? I'm hearing there were many last year.

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