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A Marvel Fanboy

China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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That isn't what I said and you know it. I was talking about a director changing his film's story to cowtow to a totalitarian government's fake sensitivity (the same government that kills its own people and censors the hell out of them).

Let me ask you this way.Before 2012, Hollywood studios usually got 15% of the ticket sales. Assuming TDK could made $50m in China (which would be a massive success), WB would take back 7.5m.To make the evil Chinese government happy, they literally had to cut up all Hong Kong related scenes. Since those were some major scenes, it would mean they had to totally fvck up the story.So, is there any director in the world would fvck up his story just for an extra 7.5m when the film would easily break 600m?Now, what if making the government happy ONLY takes a little change of a few dialogues or a few non-important scenes, and you will get back like 25m. Do you think the super cool never-compromising-with-the-evil-government tough Nolan will still say no? I dont think so. Edited by vc2002
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Wow, you guys were expecting so much. From where I am sitting, those TASM and TDKR numbers are just fine. An opening week of $35m in a country that is not the USA....is fantastic. Regardless of what other films have made, Spider-Man and Batman have never generated huge numbers before, so these numbers, for those particular franchises, are huge.

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Wow, you guys were expecting so much. From where I am sitting, those TASM and TDKR numbers are just fine. An opening week of $35m in a country that is not the USA....is fantastic. Regardless of what other films have made, Spider-Man and Batman have never generated huge numbers before, so these numbers, for those particular franchises, are huge.

I disagree.

China is not a small market now, it is not 5 years ago. for year 2012, it is second biggest box office market in the world, only behind NA.

Not to mention, Spiderman 3 had break OW record back in 2007.

Batman and Robin was released here in 1998 and that crap even got in the yearly top 10 for foreign movies. Apparantly, TDKR wont make that. TDKR is making much less than IA4, and very likely Journey 2. Any market that TDKR less than Journey 2 ? So I say it is bombing here.

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