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Most shocking ending (Spoilers are fair game)

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Planet of the Apes (1968)The Usual SuspectsEmpire Strikes BackOn Her Majesty's Secret Service (if you didn't know the end from the book)I have never understood how the Six Sense fooled anybody. As soon as the kid said he saw dead people and they didn't know they were dead, it was obvious to me. The writing was pretty sloppy, as all of his writing is, because even though it never once showed him talking to anybody else, how did he not notice that nobody but the boy talked to him? How did he get into the house with the mom there to wait for the boy?

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the departed and titanic leo di caprio should have a clause in his contract saying he can't ever die in a film to prevent harmful reactions in his female fans!

i was completely stunned and stuttered WTF for a good five mn!

that said both death made the film unforgettable, i cried so much watching titanic to this day i only watch up until they hit the iceberg, what can i say sometimes i'm such a girl!

the sixth sense , saw this in theatre by myself (not the best idea) i was seriously scared by film esp because i had no idea what kind of film it was, i figured bruce willis is in it ok!

the first SAW wasnt so shocking as it was satisfying , finally a slasher movie that was smart, which reminds me of "swordfish" finally a movie where the bad guy is smart enough not to get caught in some ridiculous fashion after being super badass the whole film here he actually wins the day!

fight club totally was blindsided by the end, heck to this day i still wonder how come i didnt realize what was going on...

how about kid movies that do a 360° on you at the last minute.....

my girl as a kid i was totally shocked that they killed the girl and how about bridge to therabitha here i was thinking this is a nice kid movie huh huh end was total say whaaaat?

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Well here are some classics:Sixth SensePlanet of the Apes (1968)Titanic...oh wait.Speaking of which, it is very hard to ever have a shocking ending any more. (Crying Game could never work now due to the fact that one can simply click to see it was a male.)But yeah due to how people can read scripts way in advance now...

Yep, Plant of the Apes - that was a shocker.Anyone seen Lovely, Still?
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The Mist is like a punch to the gut and leaves you gasping for air.The Sixth Sense shocked me.Blair Witch, with Mike in the corner....terrifying.Seven, the head in the box was fucked up and awesome.Sleepaway Camp was just dirty, and disturbing...the she was a he.....wooooaaaaaAnd my all time WTF ending.....ANGEL HEART...Mephistopheles is such a mouthful in Manhattan.

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A Serbian FIlm.I didn't know what the heck I was watching when I started watching this. Oh...my...GOD was that movie messed up. And as bad as it was...the freaking ending. He was unknowingly raping his own SON!!! Then he LITERALLY skull f***s that guy to death, right throw the eye socket. What a disturbing movie. Then the last shot after the family kills themselves..."start with the little one"....so, so, so messed up...I suppose after all that the film needed some necrophilia.

Edited by kowhite
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A Serbian FIlm.I didn't know what the heck I was watching when I started watching this. Oh...my...GOD was that movie messed up. And as bad as it was...the freaking ending. He was unknowingly raping his own SON!!! Then he LITERALLY skull f***s that guy to death, right throw the eye socket. What a disturbing movie. Then the last shot after the family kills themselves..."start with the little one"....so, so, so messed up...I suppose after all that the film needed some necrophilia.

I think I'll be passing on this one. :D
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Yeah, I don't understand that one, supposedly the film makers were trying to make some profound commentary about the Serbian film industry and shock-value or something.... sounds like gratuitous exploitation to me... why would anyone ever want to watch that...?Sixth Sense will always be the top shock ending. I haven't seen the film in years, I can't believe I saw it when I did at 10-11 years old, it was really terrifying.The Others also was a big shock to me, even if it was a big rip-off of Sixth Sense.And also The Ring. Not so much the ending I guess, just the entire movie was shocking during the first viewing.

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Yeah, I don't understand that one, supposedly the film makers were trying to make some profound commentary about the Serbian film industry and shock-value or something.... sounds like gratuitous exploitation to me... why would anyone ever want to watch that...?

Well, it's extreme, and I'd certainly say it's gratuitous. It's also well shot and made though, as much a movie can be about that subject matter. As for who would want to watch that...I don't know, some people find f'ed up stuff kind of fascinating. I was repelled and engrossed at the same time.I won't be watching that movie over and over though.
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