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Estimated Wknd Numbers - BD2(141.3M) Skyfall(41.5M) Lincoln(21M)

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Lol what. How is this good. Any other finale that drops from the previous film people would be all over that yet for this though people are making one excuse after another. I don't get it

God, please. Like 135 M is the actual number? The film doesn't have the chance to hold better than part one?
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How exactly is the country happy about this? We have over 300 million people, and you truly think that most people even care one way or the other? Seriously, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about this or any other film saga starting or ending. Let's keep it in perspective here. You remind me of the college student whose 10-page term paper for his English Composition class was on how Twilight has "ruined real vampires." Like, dude, it's just a movie, and vampires aren't real. You are taking this way too seriously if you are coming up with 10-page essays about this.

Any way you slice it, the TWILIGHT films are mega hits that make insane amounts of money and profit.

In Twi-haters mind, yes ...
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