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50 Films Better than TDKR in 2012

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You lost me with Battleship

9/10... are they serious.Wow, it's not often you see a top 50 list completely lose any credibility after the 2nd selection.Here's Richard Corliss' top 10 films of the year list.http://entertainment.time.com/2012/12/04/top-10-arts-lists/slide/the-dark-knight-rises/ Edited by Squaremaster316
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9/10... are they serious.Wow, it's not often you see a top 50 list completely lose any credibility after the 2nd selection.Here's Richard Corliss' top 10 films of the year list.http://entertainment.time.com/2012/12/04/top-10-arts-lists/slide/the-dark-knight-rises/

Thank God we have Richard Corliss' top ten.
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Does the plot make any sense… Batman, or Bruce Wayne, cannot only find his way back home from a hole in the middle of nowhere, but he can do it with no money, no identification and no idea where he actually is.

Then when arriving back in Gotham, he cannot only get into a city that no one can get out of, but he can find Selena in the middle of that city.

He's Batman, duh. :rolleyes:

OK, seriously though, this is a man who has traveled all over the world and has contacts nearly everywhere. Once reaching the city(that he was walking toward after climbing out), I'm sure it didn't take him long to figure out where he was. It's 2012, money is dispersed electronically these days. If they had a bank, he had access to at least part of his fortune with some help from...wait for it, Alfred(who had left the city, remember). You don't need ID to make a phone call, or use the internet. As far as getting back into the city, if the FBI could find a way, surely Batman could. And finding Selena in her stomping grounds was probably child's play. Now that you have seen how long it took me to explain all of this, that should be obvious to anyone, you can see why it wasn't included in the film as it would have slowed things down just when they needed to speed up. Nolan assumed his audience was smart enough to fill in the blanks...

He has also picked up the gift of clairvoyance and he must have spoken with Warner Brother’s head Barry Meyer and asked him to lend him Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak so that he could spend a day getting enough gas to douse an entire building in downtown Gotham. This was done so that he could light his bat symbol on the building.

After he got back into the city, he had access to all of his resources. Surely he had a flame thrower he could turn to gas only and a template stashed somewhere just in case the city was taken over. (OK, I'll give you this one, although I'm not exactly sure what clairvoyance had to do with it.)

Also, why did Batman fly the Batwing in front of the moon for a moment in Batman89? It's called style...panache. ;)

You also have the American military just saying, “Oh well, we’ll let ten million people die because one man claims he has a nuclear bomb.” No rescue is attempted and these people of Gotham are just left to fight for themselves.

Any rescue attempt would cause the bomb to go off? And they did send in FBI agents, but they were found out.

The film also has the stupidest police force in the entire world as EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM RUNS INTO THE SEWERS TO LOOK FOR THEIR LEADER. Every single one!

Blake and Gordon didn't. :P

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He's Batman, duh. :rolleyes:

OK, seriously though, this is a man who has traveled all over the world and has contacts nearly everywhere. Once reaching the city(that he was walking toward after climbing out), I'm sure it didn't take him long to figure out where he was. It's 2012, money is dispersed electronically these days. If they had a bank, he had access to at least part of his fortune with some help from...wait for it, Alfred(who had left the city, remember). You don't need ID to make a phone call, or use the internet. As far as getting back into the city, if the FBI could find a way, surely Batman could. And finding Selena in her stomping grounds was probably child's play. Now that you have seen how long it took me to explain all of this, that should be obvious to anyone, you can see why it wasn't included in the film as it would have slowed things down just when they needed to speed up. Nolan assumed his audience was smart enough to fill in the blanks...

Also, whose to say he didn't hitch a ride from someone in the country who didn't work for the LOS, or stolen a boat himself, or stowed away on a transport on its way to the states? He got from Gotham to the country where the League operates in the first film without access to riches, who's to say he didn't utilize his skills to get back? Edited by Squaremaster316
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Also, whose to say he didn't hitch a ride from someone in the country who didn't work for the LOS, or stolen a boat himself, or stowed away on a transport on its way to the states? He got from Gotham to the country where the League operates in the first film without access to riches, who's to say he didn't utilize his skills to get back?

I think the point is, there were many ways for him to do it, why take the time to explain it during the all important third act? While, it is fun to make fun of, the movie was already long enough so I'm damn glad he didn't put me through another of his long explanations for why that part of the film was realistic. He left it for me(and us) to fill in that blank, and luckily enough, I possess the capability for doing so.
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You know something is wrong when you say that a movie with 10% on RT is better than one with 87%

I don't agree with Baumer in this case as I really like TDKR, but it's an opinion, and there is no reason to think something just because a bunch of critics say so. For example, Citizen Kane is the worst piece of crap I have ever had the misfortune of suffering through, and yet, it has 100% on RT, but I am not going to say otherwise just because because a bunch of critics think differently. Edited by Tower
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