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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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So happy THL backlash finally kicked in. AMPAS sobbered up to what an overrated drivel that movie was and snubbed Bigelow who is actually a decent director so snub should have been for Lipstick whose script undeservedly won over Tarantino. Too bad the fucker is in and will likely win.Leo snub hurts his fans more than him. he`s a definite winner all things considered - opened an R rated movie to bone fide blockbuster status, got raves, geeks are screaming bloody murder over his snub. The writing was on the wall that he won`t happen so no shock here (unlike Affleck and Bigelow and Hawkes and Cotillard to an extent). Also, I appreciate that he never pulls a rank in that his characters must get the ebst scenes or that he must be campaigned over his co-stars. Class act.

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Lincoln is the most Oscar baitiest film of Oscar bait films in a long time. No denying that. I will say that SLP is slight Oscar bait. It is being released by the Weinsteins, but if this got a summer release, no on would call it Oscar bait.

Of course, a lot of it has to do with when a movie is released. Oscar bait films released near winter time tend to get more easily nominated.

Visual Effects for TDKR :rofl:Like the scene when the football stadium collapses? Sure.....

Clearly you didn't see the film in real IMAX.

What did they do with fx? Remove people from the frame? Add some falling snow? Oh how amazing. Why should it be nominated for best fx if it doesnt do anything remarkable with them?Snow White at least had some impressive CG imagery

Lol, thanks for the laugh. Better you not say anything until you look into what was and wasn't an effect in Rises ;).Snow in the film was real. The stadium field collapse was a combination of real explosions and visual work. During some of the city shots, entire parts of the skyline were complete CGI. The Bat flying shots were a combination of CGI and real models.

TDKR did not deserve a vfx nod.

We should go back in time then 4 years ago, and tell the Academy that The Dark Knight didn't deserve a visual effects nomination. Rises had more complex and impressive visual effects than The Dark Knight, yet got snubbed.
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Gotham being destroyed not good enough for you guys?A fucking forest is. Quit trolling.

I'm starting to think you didn't even see SW. First you say it was for "SW getting dressed" and now just "a fucking forest." There were a hell of a lot more fx in SW than that.
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Not surprised. You never saw it in real IMAX did you?

I didn't, because we dont have IMAX here, but I have seen it on the biggest screen available and on crisp-ass blu ray, and I didn't notice anything that was

"on an incomparable level of stunning realism." I dont think I would have had a revelation even if I had seen it in IMAX :lol:

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Not a fan of Snow White and The Huntsman but I think it deserves its Visual Effects nod, technical side of the movie is very polished the story and attack is just dull

Glad Mirror Mirror got a nomination for Original Costume! :D

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It's amazing that with so many interesting omissions and inclusions for major categories some of you guys are bitching about TDKR and VFX. C'mon, expand those horizons a bit. ;)

No nod for Atlas in makeup. The rest of it, I've already given my opinion on.
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