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70th Golden Globes - Discussion Thread (Winners in 1st Post)

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Catwoman was easily one of my favourite performances of last year but God, Hathaway's attitude and speeches are getting lamer by the minute.I mean, she cannot stop acting even when it s about her.I think I ll watch her Oscar acceptance speech with mute sound.

Edited by The Futurist
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Catwoman was easily one of my favourite performances of last yeat but God, Hathaway's attitude and speech are getting lamer by the minute.I mean, she cannot stop acting even when it s about her.I think I ll watch her Oscar acceptance speech with mute sound.

Ann-oying Hate-away, I curse your name. Edited by dashrendar44
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Oh yes, yes. She's back! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Some greatest hits...

Ugh, enough with the Lena Dunham praising. She’s the most hated femme in Hollywood. (Are we positive she doesn’t have a Y chromosome?)

Bradley Cooper and Kate Hudson presenting. Someone give Kate a cookie: I know the mags said she was fat 3 years ago but, jeez, she’s now wasting away to nothing. As for Bradley Cooper, he and Ryan Seacrest really need to redo their closets.

But she shouldn’t have taken Saint Streep’s name in vain. (“I beat Meryl…”) Commenter believes Jennifer was quoting the lines from The First Wives Club. Jeez, even I’m not old enough to remember that moldy oldie comedy from 1996.

Hey Hollywood, have you finally realized that Jonah Hill isn’t a comic? He can’t even improvise.

This is about the point in every awards show when I lose the will to live.

But I haven’t screened an original series on HBO since Entourage went off the air. (Do not talk to me about the unwatchable Girls, True Blood, Game Of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire where the sweaty cast is in desperate need of a bath [Fishnets?].)

That rambling Foster speech makes me now understand her devotion to Mel Gibson.

Jessica Chastain may be one of the few articulate and intelligent thesps around. Not to worry: the town pretty soon will beat those annoying traits out of her.

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My take on the Globes:This is all my opinion of course, not stating anything here as fact, just one man's opinion.The Globes are never a good barometer for the Oscars. This is more of a contest of nepotism to the press as opposed to nepotism to your peers. So none of the winners can really be taken as any kind of a serious prelude to who will win at the oscars.Waltz winning for supporting actor seemed easy and he has a good shot at the oscars too.I would have liked to see Leo win but Waltz is a good choice. Tommy Lee Jones looked catatonic last night.As for Hathaway, I'm glad she won. I didn't like the rest of Les Miz but she was brilliant. Her speech, while a little whiny and a little silly (her self doubt blah blah blah is old now....look, you have been nominated now for an oscar, you have hosted the show, been buck naked in several films and are one of the true A-listers now. What self doubt could you possibly have left?) but her recognition of Sally Field was priceless and it reminded me of other winners that did the same, like when Ving Rhames mentioned Jack Lemmon as being his hero, when he won the GG a few years back. So as much as I like her as an actress, and love her look, and admire her humility and tip of the cap to Field, lay off on the self doubt stuff....it's disingenuous. Best actor in a comedy or musical imo was silly. Cooper has the best performance of the year in any film and to see him lose out to a terribly hit and miss film is kind of annoying. I still think Cooper has a great chance at winning the Oscar this year. Having said that Jackman seems to be a really cool guy and his acceptance speech was nice.Best actress in a comedy/musical was of course perfect imo. JLaw has the best performance of the year and her acceptance speech was terrific.Best Actress in a drama really bothered me. Chastain looks like she wanted this and wanted it bad...same with the Oscar. And imo, she doesn't come close to deserving it. First of all Riva wasn't even nominated. Secondly, the first half of the movie, Chastain does very little and then she has one great confrontation with her boss, says motherfucker in a meeting and cries at the end of the movie. That's the extent of her best actress performance. Now, maybe of the one nominated she was the best, I don't know. The only other peformance I have seen is Mirren in Hitchcock but her win just bugs me. Best actor went to DDL of course and I have nothing derogatory to say about his win. It's an incredible performance but again, I have only seen Denzel's performance in this category (besides DDL).Best picture for Les Miz was ridiculous.Best picture for Argo was fantastic. Before I saw SLP, Argo was my choice for film of the year and if it were to win the oscar, I'd be thrilled with it. So this being given best picture is a real thrill for me. Same with best director. Affleck, imo, is most deserving of it. The Brave win was silly. So many better animated films this year.Glad Tarantino won but his speech was silly as well. Now onto some of the show. Memo to Jodie Foster. You are an actress. You don't cure cancer, you didn't free slaves, you didn't pass a bill for gay rights and equality for all. You didn't give up your seat for Rosa Parks, you make fucking movies. This sanctimonious, self importance and self indulgent acceptance speech almost made me stop watching. She went on and on and rambled about being in the business for 47 years and she made it sound like it was such a tough and grinding road. Another memo....you make millions of dollars to act. Grinding my ass. And you turned 50. Yippee Kay yay! People age Jodi, it's nothing new. And looking back at her filmography, it's shockingly average. She has the two wins for Lambs and Accused, but when your best work are films like Contact, Maverick, Nell and Little Man Tate, really, maybe someone else should be getting the Cecil B. DeMille award this year. The way she was speaking you'd think she's had a career like Streep or Hepburn. And if you are a lesbian, good for you. If you aren't, good for you. I really don't think anyone cares. No one has asked you or hounded you for years about your sexuality, if you didn't bring it up, no one else would have either. Definite low point of the night.Best presenters were Weig and Ferrell. Their starstruck look and their recap of the films they watched were hilarious. "You get out of here." Priceless.Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were fantastic hosts. They hit a lot of good jokes and they insulted people but not enough to be really offensive. Their joke about the Hunger Games and Life of Pi was bang on. Same with Bigelow being married to Cameron being torture. I hope they are back next year.And finally, great to see Arnold and Sly joking around about not speaking English properly. Lots of laughs.Overall, it was a good show with a lot of undeserving winners and some very deserving ones. Now onto the Oscars.

Edited by baumer
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Jessica Chastain may be one of the few articulate and intelligent thesps around. Not to worry: the town pretty soon will beat those annoying traits out of her.

:rolleyes: being intelligent and articulate is annoying? At least Chastain is genuine while Hathaway is fake
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