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Best Actress-2013

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If it is down to Meryl and Oprah for Harvey, he will pick Oprah. Meryl is a regular fixture at Oscars while Oprah isn't but she is the highest profile woman in the world. A legitimate Oscar campaign for Oprah will do wonders for Harvey and TWC. Harvey has a shrewd sense of business and politics. If Oprah's performance is Oscar-worthy he is not letting this opportunity go to waste.


I wouldn't be so sure of that. Oprah's not even an actress for crying out loud. Besides, if Harvey's moved Streep down to supporting, which is what they've done albeit not-finalised, then it'll be because he's pushing her for #4. There's not other logical reason. Harvey won't give up a chance to tie Streep with Hepburn, especially since this is her only chance before she's like 95, blind, about to retire, and dying. 

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OMG, that's a Shitturd where she's a lesbian. Like total Oscah bait. Real life character. Lesbian. American accent.


What did ADF say?


This shit got good reviews in Berlin but the chick that Shitto's hugging got all the raves. Like, charismatic, commands the screen. In short, obliterated the Bland One.


Cardboard Standee is hoping for ABM effect where Rusty got Jennifer in for a win.

It's the year of gay & lesbian themed flicks at film festivals. Too bad this is such a crowed year for Best actress contenders. Adele E would probably have been nominated or even won last year.

Edited by Cairo
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It's the year of gay & lesbian themed flicks at film festivals. Too bad this is such a crowed year for Best actress contenders. Adele E would probably have been nominated or even won last year.


WRONG!. :rofl: Adele wouldn't have come anywhere close to being nominated or winning. Kechiche is no Haneke and Adele E is not Riva. Plus, Lesbians don't do well with the Academy. 

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I wouldn't be so sure of that. Oprah's not even an actress for crying out loud. Besides, if Harvey's moved Streep down to supporting, which is what they've done albeit not-finalised, then it'll be because he's pushing her for #4. There's not other logical reason. Harvey won't give up a chance to tie Streep with Hepburn, especially since this is her only chance before she's like 95, blind, about to retire, and dying. 


Why is this her only chance ? Streep is going to stay relevant for a long, long time as she is a considerable box office draw as well. I'm just saying that if Oprah's performance is good enough to get a nomination then Harvey is not going to let this opportunity go to waste.

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Why is this her only chance ? Streep is going to stay relevant for a long, long time as she is a considerable box office draw as well. I'm just saying that if Oprah's performance is good enough to get a nomination then Harvey is not going to let this opportunity go to waste.


Because she doesn't have the fucking narrative anymore. It took her 29 years, a serious oscar campain, and Harvey Weinstein to get her 3rd. She needs the role of a life-time to get a 4th before she gets one as a life-time capping award. Unless some role comes up that magically is better than Violet, I doubt she'll get another serious chance. 

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Yep, apparently she jumped the shark and said Lady Di talked to her.AW is all over this and they can't get enough of it.

Well that is Batshir cray cray. Talking with Diana..... (I think the queen would like to tell Nanny to tell Diana to fuck off and stay dead :P)
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This isn't Julia's Year!

Not in Leading



And ROS is being reactionary. They've lost faith in Kidman, just because there isn't a trailer. And there's no way Thompson's #2. And I would still predict Dench. The movie will connect with the Academy. 

Edited by riczhang
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People shouldn't be making predictions this early. You haven't seen even 10% of the movies that will legitimately compete for Oscars this year so how in Hades can you predict anything ? It's just guesswork at this point.

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People shouldn't be making predictions this early. You haven't seen even 10% of the movies that will legitimately compete for Oscars this year so how in Hades can you predict anything ? It's just guesswork at this point.


Making predictions early is all the fun :P We all have a nice laugh on ADF afterwards when we look back one year down the road :lol: (And also, I wouldn't say that just because only 10% of the contenders are out it means that everyone's only seen 10%. There are a lot of people out there who've seen considerably more. I mean Philomena, August, 12 years, Inside Llewyn Davis, Mr. banks, and the list goes on. I think between everyone we've seen everything but American Hustle, Monuments Men, and very few other ones.)

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People shouldn't be making predictions this early. You haven't seen even 10% of the movies that will legitimately compete for Oscars this year so how in Hades can you predict anything ? It's just guesswork at this point.


Well, people predicted DDL very early last year, people said Hathaway was a lock for the win after Les Miserables first trailer and Jlaw got a frontrunner status she never left after SLP screening and glowing reviews.


3 out of 4 and it was just September.

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^^^ DDL and Hathaway were good guesses. DDL is always that good while the Best Supporting Actress field is usually that bad. JLaw was a good prediction but it happened after hundreds of critics and industry insiders had already seen the movie.

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^^^ DDL and Hathaway were good guesses. DDL is always that good while the Best Supporting Actress field is usually that bad. JLaw was a good prediction but it happened after hundreds of critics and industry insiders had already seen the movie.


DDL was always going to win BA. It was basically locked the moment the first picture of Lincoln came out. I mean who was going to be competitive with him? Hugh Jackman? 


And Hathaway was 150% locked by the time the trailer came out. There was no way she was loosing after that I Dreamed a Dream performance. 


And as for this year, Supporting Actress is already done. It'll be Meryl if she's supporting, Oprah if Goddess decides to grant her a boon. And Leading Actor, IMO is done, but that's just my opinion. I don't see Redford loosing at this point anymore. He's got a brilliant film behind him with a great performance and the narrative/overdue status. 

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