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The Dark Alfred

CAYOM Festival - Year 7 - Three-Month Funeral triumphs

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The famed nightclub Mayaguez set up shop in Puerto Rico for the start of the first CAYOM Festival.


Dancers entertain festivalgoers at a lavish party Monday night and plenty of giant cartoon characters and masked aliens flood the streets recreating the film that serves as the setting for the festival's opening night film, Spark 2: Ignition.


Making their entrance along the red carpet are, Paul Dano, Bryce Dallas Howard, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Strong, J.K. Simmons, Chloe Moretz, Cillian Murphy and Michael Fassbender.


Before the film one of this years panel member welcomes the guests and delivers an Opening Speech:


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen!


Will there be CAYOM Festival in five years time? Politics, allegedly, is the art of answering questions you haven’t been asked. I won’t be doing that today. The only question that I find important is that of the future of independent, auteur creations, and thus the future of film festivals, as they are basically the same thing.


For a long time I believed that cinema was a kind of royal processional road along which one went from Lumiere to Griffith, Melies to Stroheim, Eisenstein to Ford, Chaplin to Keaton, or more recently from Almodovar to Cronenberg. But, in fact, it doesn’t work like that at all. How do you know when an era is finished and another begins?


There are dates, of course, linked to technological advances: the arrival of the talkies, colour, Cinemascope, 70mm, 3D, Cinerama, Imax, video, digital, Internet, new 3D… There are periods in history: the wars, May 1968… There are schools, genres, countries, talents… There are trends and cycles.

But what would happen if an era ended without the new one announcing its arrival? The last we heard, the type of cinema that we like, upright, original, unique cinema, the cinema of byways, has been declared extinct by the thought police. Extinct? Extinct. All talent gone. Shut up shop. Dead and buried.


But maybe we should get used to the idea that, on the contrary, cinema doesn’t exist at all yet, at least, not in its definitive form (that it will never get to), and not in its future form either, and that the time of rediscovering creative sensations is not yet with us. Or, if it is coming soon, it will not be announced by the gong of the Rank of an Old England, but by a passionate movie forum. Near or Far.


The new generation filmmakers from the BOT do not have any form, laws or traditions to obey. They are more, to evoke a famous film: Let’s throw away the books and rally in the streets! They never run short of visual ideas. Creativity, boundless energy and singularity – these young writers are constantly stepping outside of the boundaries of the cinema of the past. They don’t know much about it and they’re fine just as they are. They are reinventing it.


When Truffaut had a directorial problem, he would look to Renoir or Hitchcock. It’s doubtful whether Ozu, Misogushi, Naruse or Kurosawa ever thought the same. Today they would probably look to Gabin, Ventura or Jean-Pierre Melville, who is a link to all cultures all by himself. And suppose this is all just another start rather than an end? In which case, in which direction ought we to be going to rediscover dreamtime and the pleasure of saying Action!?


In the meantime, the CAYOM Festival has decided to continue helping independent creators as best it can. Let’s hope that Internet users everywhere might drop their games and be tempted to rush to read our threads to find out what happens next for certain projects. Let’s hope so, for the sake of the artists. They are all there, somewhere, in the atmosphere that surrounds us all. They are all there and available, chemically, digitally, electronically, in binary, in VOD, virtually, we can feel them, they surround us. They are looking out for us. Let’s not abandon them. So with great honour and pride, hereby I present you the First CAYOM Festival!


We had the luxury of great films submitted to us, so the honorable panel that includes Numbers, Riczhang and myself came up with the following program:


Day 1 (Monday): Spark 2: Ignition (Opening Night) (Out Of Contention)

Day 2 (Tuesday): Innocense, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Day 3 (Wednesday): Boss Tweed (OOC), The Academy, Le Plaisir, Faux

Day 4 (Thursday): Blank (OOC), Journey 

Day 5 (Friday): Three-Month Funeral (Closing Night


The panel will decide the best three films that gets sent to the Jury who will announce the winners on Sunday. The person who will get the opportunity of a lifetime to orchestrate such an important event is acsc1312!


All there left for me to say is enjoy this week and let’s get the Festival rolling with Spark 2: Ignition...

Edited by Alfred Beyond The Pines
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It surprises me that Michael Fassbender and Cillian Murphy are at the red carpet for Spark 2.


Fassbenders's only in it for a <1min post credits scene, and Murphy just has a small cameo.

Edited by Spaghetti
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It surprises me that Michael Fassbender and Cillian Murphy are at the red carpet for Spark 2.

Fassbenders's only in it for a <1min post credits scene, and Murphy just has a small cameo.

Their names are some of the bigger ones in the cast ;)
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Very surprised (pleasantly) to see Three-Month Funeral is closing the festival. I thought it had to be OOC to close, but I'm not complaining. :P

We decided only the Opening Film had to be OOC.
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Here's my guess of the schedule for people attending the festival in CAYOM world. Not the actual review time schedule, of course. :)



7:00pm - Spark: Ignition*^ (dir. Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzo)



1:00pm - The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer (dir. Tom Hooper)

5:00pm - The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time (dir. Sam Mendes)

9:00pm - Innocense (dir. Majid Majidi)



12:00pm - Le Plasir, Faux (dir. Michael Haneke)

4:00pm - The Academy (dir. Andrew Niccol)

8:00pm - The Fall Of Boss Tweed* (dir. Ridley Scott)



3:00pm - Journey (dir. Ang Lee)

8:00pm - Blank* (dir. Martin McDonagh)



7:00pm - The Three Month Funeral^ (dir. David O. Russel)


*Out Of Competition

^Opening/Closing Night

Edited by Spaghetti
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