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The Dark Alfred

CAYOM Festival - Year 7 - Three-Month Funeral triumphs

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The panel should be three people, to prevent a tie.


I already nominated riczhang, but we need people to confirm that nomination as well as nominate others and the nominees need to accept.


Also, nominated players cannot submit films into the competition, just for advance premieres, since it is their job to review films and narrow the field. So everyone else, do not announce that you are submitting films out of competition unless you're locked into the panel, since those 3 submitting an OoC film each is enough.

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39 Clues will screen OOC.


Again, we should establish who the panel is first since they will contribute a single OOC film each. So I don't see a reason for additional OOC films unless we have an abundance of films in competition.

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The following have been nominated so far for the panel:


riczhang (by Numbers) (SECONDED)

Blank (by riczhang) (REJECTED)

Creator (by riczhang)

Numbers (by riczhang) (SECONDED)

Alfred (by Spaghetti)



Obviously if a person really wants to participate in the competition, they should refuse the nomination since panelists can only screen films OOC.


For my part, since the film I would submit in competition won't be ready in time, I will accept being on the panel if others affirm the nomination.

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I'm honored for the nomination, but I seriously need to work on films this year. If we do this again, I'd be happy to do it, especially in a summer month. I can second the Numbers nomination and the riczhang nom. Creator I don't know if he has time.

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I'd also really like to submit two films, one as the opening night film and one in competition, another reason why I'll pass this year. Going off of my usual alternating style, Y8 will be mostly blockbusters from me so I can do it then if I'm nominated for that year.

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Well let's wait for a finalized panel first, then we can start making official submissions for competition and outside it. Also the panel I think should decide which OOC film gets honored as the "Opening Night" film.


Also, since a lot of discussion is going into this thread about how a Festival would actually work, this thread should probably be turned into a general Festival setup thread and then on Sunday when the festival kicks off the panel would create the official Year 7 Festival thread.

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I respectefully decline the invitation just because I have a lot on my plate at the moment, but I wouldn't mind doing it at some point in the future, if we do this again. As Blank said, especially in a summer month.


To fill the spot I could've taken, I recommend Alfred, a veteran and one more involved with this Festival idea.

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Okay, I'm happy to be a panel member. Numbers schedule works. I think it has to be before Part 1, so we kinda get a sneak peak for the year. I also expect it to get a completely different outcome than the Oscars, mainly because many films probably won't be ready this early. Just like in real life.

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