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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. It's hilarious to hear him rip on someone else for holding onto one successful BO prediction.
  2. The single greatest comic book film ever made. An instant 5 star modern classic that harkens back to the rich storytelling days of the Godfather and Lawrence of Arabia. The performances are simply out of this world, with the late great Heath Ledger's Joker becoming THE bar to which all movie villains are measured, and Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman each contributing lifetime achievement level performances, with everyone else rounding off the cast nicely. Christian Bale (tied with Daniel Day-Lewis as our greatest modern actor) gives a subtle yet menacing performance reminiscent of Al Pacino in his role as Michael Corleone; Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman provide great character moments as well as subtle, sophisticated humor that is delivered with far greater execution than most films that try to cram as much unnecessary slapstick as possible (i.e. Transformers, Avengers)An iconic masterpiece of cinema and a phenomenal triumph of storytelling, The Dark Knight is a truly epic film that tops any other contribution to the genre by leaps and bounds, no matter how many jealous fanboys of rival companies bang their heads in frustration over their own failure to reach this level of relevance.
  3. Robert Downey's performance was incredibly overrated and much like Affleck, it should be no problem for someone else to step up to the plate and give their rendition of TONY STARK and will be accepted..
  4. 1. Christopher Nolan 2. Stanley Kubrick 3. Alfred Hitchcock 4. Hayao Miyazaki 5. Akira Kurosawa 6. Paul Thomas Anderson 7. David Fincher 8. Quentin Tarantino 9. Coens 10. Steven Spielberg 11. Darren Aronofsky 12. James Cameron 13. Guillermo del Toro 14. Edgar Wright 15. Francis Ford Coppola 16. Alfonso Cuaron 17. Clint Eastwood 18. Peter Jackson 19. Michael Mann 20. Robert Rodriguez 21. Woody Allen 22. John Carpenter 23. Wes Craven 24. Brad Bird 25. Duncan Jones
  5. And in what universe does Marvel's pathetic little watered-down Robocop trio deserve to come out on top, because it sure doesn't seem like that 99% agrees with you on ANY board, KJ, BO, or otherwise. The Dark Knight Trilogy has more critical acclaim than IM, seeing as how the general consensus is that IM1 is the only film out of the trio that anyone considers in the same ballpark as any installment of Nolan's trilogy. It's also the highest award winning CBM trilogy of all time and the only one to have TWO Oscars on it shelf, ONE IN A MAJOR CATEGORY. Hell, Iron Man doesn't even win at the box office (your favorite category for quality) when the trilogies are compared: TDKT: $2,458,900,000 IMT: $2,425,500,000 I won't even bother with Home video sales as that just increases the gap in TDKT's favor even further. So there you have it, Nolan's trilogy has more fans, more critical acclaim, more prestigious awards and more money. There is simply no way, shape or form to cut those facts in favor of Iron Man, The Dark Knight Trilogy simply outclasses it in every measurable capacity. And if you're not going to accept the overwhelming facts (your words), then why do you even bother spamming these boards with statements of ("most critics concur" and "better at the box office")? You can shout from the rooftops "ME LIKEY IRON MAN BETTER!", but you can't justifiably call it a better trilogy based on ANY measurable facet. Either reviews, awards and box office are proof of a film's quality or they aren't. Face it, your opinions on Iron Man, Marvel, Nolan, etc. are just that, your opinions and nothing more, ones that are not shared by the majority.
  6. A thoroughly overrated film that basically plays out like a watered-down version of Batman Begins. The supporting characters are all bland and one note in their writing and performance, particularly Terrence Howard, who I don't believe I've ever seen play a less interesting character with less conviction.
  7. Here's the way it works Critics: TDKR slightly > BB Fans: BB slightly > TDKR Consensus: TDK > either
  8. A more interesting poll would be The Dark Knight Trilogy vs Iron Man Trilogy
  10. Numerous review sites would like to have a word with you.
  11. Maybe not, but everyone REALLY seemed to slum it in this outing, particularly Mark Hamill.
  12. Paranoia A Good Day to Die HArd Scary Movie 5 Movie 43 Thor: TDW Getaway The Big Wedding Madea Christmas Grown Ups 2 The Host After Earth Temptation Kick-Ass 2 Red 2 Peeples And a whole lot more.
  13. Again, In the case of Return of the Jedi, TDKR had way way way way way WAY better acting. and in the case of Temple of Doom, TDKR way way way way way WAY better characters.
  14. TDKR has better acting and characters than those two films, not to mention less stupidity. In the case of Return of the Jedi, TDKR had way way way way way WAY better acting. and in the case of Temple of Doom, TDKR way way way way way WAY better characters.
  15. TDKR managed to take the "city in peril" trope and make it work, unlike TA, where it just felt like the city and its citizens were special effects without any sense of danger or urgency in stopping. Watching the antagonists in TDKR commit villainous deeds and watching the TA villains do the same reminds me of a Ron White joke: "There was a kid in Detroit a few years ago, shot 8 bullets, hit 9 people. These cops fired 22 shots, didn't even hit the f*ckin' Suburban"
  16. Avengers is nothing any FILM should be. TDKR, like BB and TDK, takes itself seriously when it should, which is why I'm not looking forward to that crap BvS film, because it will likely take an alternate route and try to cram in tons of Michael Bay-esque slapstick, like Thor 2 and Iron Man 2 did.
  17. Less than 1M increase OS from last week? That's quite a drop from the 4M+ hold from the week before. Most be a post-holiday thing.
  18. *1/2 out of ***** An overall terrible film that will do to Depp's career what After Earth will do to Will Smith's.
  19. * out of ***** Hated it. Every performance was flat, especially Worthington, and every scene was horribly rushed and not given any chance to breathe.
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