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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Like a lot of other franchises it's fanbase will refuse to let it die out so I'm imagining it will end up doing fairly well. Not HP well but decent enough.
  2. Ant-Man did great. It had some of the best legs a Marvel film has had. That $55 some odd million OW was one of the lowest for Marvel and it still ended up grossing around the same as Thor and CA: TFA. Those were also released when 3D wasn't looked down upon as much. Also worth noting I've met a lot of people who have seen or rented Ant-Man on home video and loved the film. Adding his great role in Civil War and I bet Ant-Man and the Wasp should have a fairly sizable increase over the original.
  3. $27 million? Yikes. That's under $20 million for the Friday day business. That would lead to a mid $60 million 3-day. At over 4000 spots with most having several screens, those are some pretty empty theaters.
  4. Okay, so it wasn't nearly the film Days of Future Past was... ... But it's still alright. Definitely fairly uneven, especially the first act. Apocalypse was set up well but didn't really do much in the long run. Ditto for the horsemen. James McAvoy does some great work here. I wasn't really digging it until he showed up. The new X-Men are okay, but really not used to their potential until the end. Fassbender did well with what he had, the scenes with his family were pretty good. Quicksilver again manages to steal every single scene he's a part of, and the audience loved him the most yet again. Honestly though it took way too long for him to show up. Wolverine was shoehorned in, and normally I'd let that slide but the circumstances here meant he was there with NONE of Jackman's charisma with the character. And absolute waste of 15 minutes is what that entire scene was. It also felt kind of anticlimactic, though I did love Jean's big moment at the end. Again, Charles just lets Eric go super easily. I get that he doesn't like controlling minds when not necessary, I really do. But considering how the climax of their relationship and interaction in this one was basically "ha till next time man" it felt really uneven. Overall, not a great movie. Definitely not as good as DOFP, X2, or FC. But it's mostly entertaining throughout and does have some great character moments here and there and ultimately a great lead performance from McAvoy. B-
  5. Civil War is like the ultimate Marvel sequel in a way. Mostly Cap 3, with some Iron Man 4 and Avengers 2.5 thrown into the mix. Its drop is pretty expected and it's still on pace to land between IM3 and AoU.
  6. I want this movie to make me feel the blissfulness of my 10 year old self for just two hours. C'mon Spielberg. Show these other directors how it's done.
  7. I've always been on the "around IM3 OW" group. $200 million never seemed impossible to me though, just highly unlikely.
  8. I agree it's been marketed as more than just a solo Cap film but can you please tell me how I'm a so called "revisionist"? I don't remember ever saying otherwise. Its opening day was practically Avengers level.
  9. The Box Office Mojo guy's report sort of annoys me. Instead of talking about how much bigger CW's opening day is than TWS or how it is bigger than every Marvel OD that isn't an Avengers film, he talks about how it's hopes of hitting $200 million this weekend are "dashed" with the $75M OD and not much more. Like that should never have been a realistic benchmark you dope.
  10. With $74-76 million it could still come close to $180 million. Hell of a gross for a Captain America movie.
  11. With $74-76 million it could still come close to $180 million. Hell of a gross for a Captain America movie.
  12. Most aunts will realistically be around the same age as your own mother/father. 15 year old Peter with a 45-50ish Aunt May is pretty realistic, actually.
  13. I don't know what some of you expect from movies. Not just Civil War. Not just BvS. Any of them. It's like if they don't quite match up to the most successful film in the franchise you either get mad or give up on it. I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle it when you guys call Episode VIII a letdown when it opens to "only $235 million".
  14. $25 million previews $79 million total Friday. $62 million Saturday. $46 million Sunday. $187 million weekend. Double TWS OW. Hell yeah.
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