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Everything posted by Mango

  1. A billion domestic. This might sell nearly as many tickets as ANH did.
  2. Wednesday drops are usually much bigger in the advent of discount Tuesdays, so either way it would still be kind of a win.
  3. I didn't take Finn asking about Rey having a "cute boyfriend" as anything other than him showing interest in her.
  4. Being really conservative- Mon- $40 Tue- $36 Wed- $30 Thurs- $16 Fri- $34 Sat- $37 Sun- $31 The most ridiculously conservative I could possibly be here and the weekend is still over $100 million.
  5. The mass server crashes this weekend is getting ready to dish out... It's gonna be nuts.
  6. Episode VIII's $700 million gross is going to be seen as a big let down at this rate.
  7. $18 away from a $60K PTA. But epic opening. Truly something to experience. We may very well be looking at the first billion grosser domestic.
  8. Including 3D and IMAX, how much does this need to match The Phantom Menace is ticket sales? It adjusts to $707 million without it.
  9. $150 million second weekend? Ballsy, but I like it. If that did happen I think $1 billion domestic is definitely going down. As of right now I think we're gunning for $800 million or so.
  10. Maybe percentage wise, until you actually look at the numbers and see that it made $120 million over Christmas weekend.
  11. I'm saying this with 100% confidence, and someone please quote me here and prove me wrong in four years if need be, but neither Infinity War Part II or Justice League are touching this. IWII might make a $100 million opening day, but it'd be a heavily frontloaded one and wouldn't end up topping this day or weekend.
  12. Saturday is gonna be a huge walk up day. More people off work and out of school, not to mention people going back for second showings. I'm hoping for $70 million. This record breaking thing is like a drug. The more you see it the more you want.
  13. Hmm you know technically TFA made more money on Thursday even than any other movie did. That $57 million is good enough for an unadjusted Thursday record. The current record holder is actually Revenge of the Sith with $50 million. That's the oldest opening day record standing at over 10 years.
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