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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I loved it. RDJ really killed it this time around. The scene where he's watching the murder of his parents by Bucky. Hell, I wanted to beat the shit out of Bucky. Im glad they didn't go with a major character death here. They'd all be back somehow for Infinity War anyway. God, Panther and Spidey. Both of them were just fantastic. "Did you guys see that old movie? Empire Strikes Back?"
  2. I believe the Falcon scene wasn't in the Wright version, but people give it wayyyyy too much flack. It's a fairly short action sequence that, had it not been in it, would have easily been another scene where Scott was required to get plot device A from some top secret location.
  3. E.T. Is now on on Netflix. Enjoy your nostalgia rushes.
  4. Zootopia is gonna fly past $300 million pretty soon. I doubt it will have the legs to get past Inside Out but $310-320 million looks very doable.
  5. I'm betting Batfleck is going to begin production sooner or later. I could see WB pulling a Marvel/Spidey thing and shifting the schedule a bit to fit it into 2018.
  6. I liked Wonder Woman's theme a lot. The rest of the score wasn't that memorable though.
  7. A review is literally an analytical description of someone's opinion of a movie (or whatever they are reviewing). Complaining about their review and what they spent time talking about is just as bad as blatantly saying they are wrong for not liking it...
  8. I was completely alone in the theater when I saw Scott Pilgrim. It was the Sunday 10pm show of its second weekend, if I'm not mistaken.
  9. I can't wait for the Affleck directed/written Batfleck movie. Seriously, please make this happen WB.
  10. Affleck was great. Gadot was great. Batman saving Ma Kent was awesome, Wonder Woman to the rescue was awesome. Pretty much everything else needed a good bit of work. C- Also Batman kills people. I guess Snyder just decided to throw his morals out the window for this one. Just let Affleck write and direct the solo film, he'll do fine.
  11. LOL no thanks. Tickets minus 3D at my theater are already $11. No way am I paying $20-25 for this gimmick. The day this becomes standard is the day I pick up badminton as my new hobby.
  12. Not really news on The Incredibles side of things. Brad Bird pretty much said he was directing it a while back. Still, good to have him back.
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