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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I liked it. Not a masterpiece but a damn fun movie to see. Reynolds carries the film like a champ. You can tell Reynolds is super passionate about the character. It must have been so shitty having to play him in Origins knowing how the character is supposed to be done.
  2. Who would have thought Deadpool would be a blockbuster smash? Seriously.
  3. If this isn't a film about a day in the life of Keanu Reeves I'm not watching it.
  4. To be honest people say Bay "fucked up" Transformers but it's not like the original cartoon was much more than a 22 minute toy commercial anyway. Hardly thought provoking material. This is a reality nostalgia has greatly obscured. (Yes I did like the show as a kid)
  5. That was such an amazing thing. It's almost like I could feel the disappointment in the atmosphere of the theater from that. Various "wtf" reactions all around.
  6. I would have never noticed Bale's eyemole if not for that goddamn Honest Trailers.
  7. I'm actually totally okay with that, as I really enjoyed Pain & Gain (definitely Bay returning to his roots) and 13 Hours looks like intense action fun more in line with The Rock. Lower budget Bay where he has to work with some limitations is great, so if we get one of those for every future Transformers I'm surprisingly okay with that.
  8. I thought it was awesome. Violent, well paced, hilarious and occasionally satire, but most of all phenomenally acted (especially Jackson, Goggins, and Leigh) Would have loved to see this in 70mm, it was already a visual treat in standard.
  9. Been playing Fallout 4 all day and come into to a Rth countdown? It's the little things that make life great.
  10. TDK sold more tickets than every movie that has released since it did except for Avatar and soon to be TFA.
  11. Damn, what a huge weekend. SW with around $150 million, DH doing around $40 million, and some solid numbers all around. There have been a ton of tickets sold this Christmas.
  12. As long as a billion is still a potential destination I'm cool. Don't forget we have another whole week of generally excellent holds and one final generally huge weekend.
  13. Mortal minds couldn't fathom it. Rth is a god, he just translates it into something we can understand.
  14. Anything sub-40% today would have been good, a sub-30% drop is just awesome. $50 million Friday is looking good.
  15. I'm going to see TFA again tomorrow with my grandparents. Hoping for for a sold out crowd.
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