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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Is Disney going to do four week contracts for all the Star Wars films? After a 4,000+ wide release its nearly impossible to get to week four without losing at least a few.
  2. All of the movies he mentioned had HUGE interest after their initial releases. They're the kind of films that, had they released in the 90s, would have topped off their moderate hit status at the box office with truckloads of home video sales. Piracy has arguably effected home video a lot more than theatrical releases.
  3. I think a movie in the Zelda or Halo universes could end up really good. There's a lot of lore in those series that could lend itself to a motion picture.
  4. It did, and that's a huge success that any industry should look at. Got to remember though that games cost $60 or more and the distribution of profits are far different. Like I'm not saying Rockstar didn't get paid well, but if you look up how much Rockstar actually got from the game THEY DEVELOPED for years it's sickening. Developers see an unfairly low amount from the games they make thanks to ungodly amounts they have to pay distributors and outlets that sell it.
  5. Sneak out and see Rogue One instead. I wish we took more field trips to see movies. Only movie field trip I've been on was to see A Bug's Life.
  6. I like J-Law but recently she has come off a bit oddly egotistical. I don't remember it being this way at all a few years back but maybe she just took the meta humor a bit too much? Idk talking about actors this way is weird we want them to be relatable to us because we like them but they have on average a standard of living considerably different and paygrade far above ours. I try not to take their personalities or stuff that I see to heart, I just look at their work. Except Tom Hanks that guy is a national fucking treasure and I just know he's super down to earth.
  7. Crazy Taxi is one of my favorite games ever and hats off to you for not only dedicating your username to it but also using the driver I always picked. Long live the Dreamcast.
  8. I used to think it was okay but for some reason in recent years I've acquired this weird disdain of all things Kevin Smith.
  9. Looking at 2011's grosses a 4-day holiday makes sense. The weekend and the day after Christmas. At least that's how Mojo called it.
  10. Well Marvel is a franchise on its own but it's a combination of a ton of franchises in itself.
  11. If James Cameron announced tomorrow he was making the Terminator 3 he always wanted to make you can bet people would be excited.
  12. My trailers sucked today. Got the old GotG trailer, old Assassins Creed trailer, no Dunkirk, no Spidey, nothing.
  13. I think another factor could be schools and offices not being out yet. December 18th I know was the start of the break for a lot of high schools in the area, last year. Christmas fell on the following Friday last year, so a lot of people had that entire week off. I know the high school my step mom works at doesn't get out until the 21st this time. Also a shit load of people literally took days off work last year just to see TFA on opening night/opening day. This didn't have the advantage of being the first Star Wars in 10 years.
  14. Looks okay. These movies are always good for a fun couple of hours.
  15. Dumb title and while I really liked the modern films of the series I just can't see this one being relevant. After seven films I think this series has done about all it can do. Plus 7 ended on a high note why ruin it
  16. This series will have had a different distributor with each film- Paramount, Fox, and Universal.
  17. It definitely doesn't matter what time a year a movie is released what matters is competition and word of mouth. Obviously with movies that are holiday centric it fits, but very few if any of these movies you guys are talking about fit that bill. Frozen might have had a wintery setting but it probably could have made just as much had it released the following June. The fact is animation this year has already been seat filling. Three animated movies before Moana already broke $300 million. If Moana was the sole animated release of the year it probably would have easily done that.
  18. Disney did the same thing with Frozen. That movie made like $2 million in theaters the weekend right before home video release. So the movie inched past $400 million instead of going on to beat TF2, SM1, and maybe even THG on the all time chart.
  19. Does anyone know why these animated and family movies started decreasing by around 25-35% on Thanksgiving day? Looking back in the nineties Toy Story went up 7% today, A Bug's Life over 40%, and TS2 over 30%. Admittedly the Friday increase was a lot smaller for those than modern animated flicks usually get. For non thanksgiving openers, in 2000 The Grinch went up as well as Monsters Inc in 2001.
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