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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I’m pretty sure you’re more of a shoot a hooker with a crossbow type.
  2. WrathofHan as Joffrey was the best casting imo
  3. I like it. I’m making my own spin-off right now called Franchise Thrones Episode 1 Avatar is Coming (eventually) After the assassination of Solo at the Box Office, the Star Wars sector of BOT has been massacured. Franchise King IronJimbo (Mark Addy) comes to the Infinity War Thread to seek the help of Water Bottle (Sean Bean), Warden of The MCU, to help him rule and keep peace over the 7 franchises. What IronJimbo doesn’t know is ally That One Guy (Lena Headey) is plotting to take control for over the Franchise Throne, and will soon murder IronJimbo and instate WrathofHan (Jack Gleason) as king who later behead Water Bottle. Aabattery (Peter Dinklage) manages to drink and wit his way around the place. Franchise Nolan’s self-made Leader, MrPink (Aiden Gillan) also plots to take the Franchise Throne for himself. CoolioD1 (Conleth Hill), who only stans for the realm stands as his chief rival on the small council. Meanwhile, in a distant land where all movies are still in pre-production, Lordmandeep (Harry Loyd), one of the two remaining members of Franchise Star Wars, plans to sell DAR (Emilia Clarke) to the dreaded Khal of the Power Rangers fandom, Telemachos (Jason Momoa). Little does Lordmandeep know though that DAR will awaken the real Porgs, The Panda (Black CGI Dragon), Porthos (Blue CGI Dragon) and Brainbug (Green CGI Dragon) The series will also feature Sophie Turner as Ethan Hunt Maisie Williams as Cmasterclay Kit Harrington as Fancyarcher Iwan Rheon as BKB
  4. People are bad at objectively judging how competently movies are made. Theres plenty of movies I really don’t like but I couldn’t say are “objectively terrible” or anything. Like The Greatest Showman from this last year annoys me to no end, but it’s objectively a terribly made movie when you consider that it has a comprehendable narrative thread, it’s edited in a way that is blatantly jarring, the acting isn’t actually wooden (even if I’d say some of the stars phone it in), and the production value is pretty high. (And from a musical standpoint, the songs are performed well even if I find them excruciatingly annoying) Compare that movie to one of those old Straight to Video movies that’s buried in Netflix somewhere and you’ll come to appreciate some of the merits of modern big studio movies that are reviled. Thats not to say you’re not allowed to dislike some of these big studio/high profile movies. I’d just say there’s very few of them that are genuinely terribly made. The Room is probably the best example of what a truly bad movie is (only minus the unintentional hilarity value). Anyone who can say The Room (or other films like it that aren’t as popular) is better crafted than say Phantom Thread in this example wouldn’t deserve to be taken seriously
  5. Coogler didn’t do Creed 2 so my faith in it is pretty low. Jordan in Black Panther is excellent, idk where that backlash hate is coming from.
  6. I find it funny how on any Meme video on Facebook half the comments will be people debating on whether the video maker is a bad owner/parent/person. I saw a video of huskies going on a howl and apparently the owner wasn’t giving them enough space to live? A video of a little kid getting angry for missing a golf ball and half the comments are people angry at how they’re allowing he kid to get away with a tantrum. Apparently nothing can just be a funny video or comment anymore, and somebody has to go on a rant to try to make people feel guilty for laughing at it
  7. Best case for IW is a VFX Win, sound noms and maaaaaybe a score or editing nom.
  8. Just watched Game Night, better than all the franchise movies I’ve seen this year (minus Black Panther). It’s a really well-made concept comedy.
  9. This comment wasn’t really at our moderating team. While some of our threads get close to being out of control, it’s not nearly has bad as the toxicity you see on say twitter where people spam a directors feed. It’s more of a widespread internet problem that inevitably bleeds over some into this forum. We can’t really fix the problem because it isn’t caused by anything we do here.
  10. Yeah I’m not sure what the answer is, I just know it’s gotten worse. If anything I think the main mediums on the internet for fan engagement (twitter, Reddit, etc) have to recognize the problem and not tolerate it in their code of conduct. Its hard to figure out what’s the middle ground between letting people express their opinion freely without turning a community toxic where a vocal 1-5% becomes overwhelming and makes discussions a sour and combative experience.
  11. I have to say that there is so much toxic entitlement in fanbases today, especially ones that are your typical “internet fanboy” movies. People don’t seem to get that while, yes movies are intended to make money and please audiences, that they’re first expressions of art, emotions and creativity. There seems to be this notion that each individual consumer is entitled for an artistic creator to cater exactly to their wishes, or the creator is soulless hack out to ruin what they love (which is also nonsense lol. No filmmaker goes into production with the goal to enrage their target audience or make a bad product. They go into it with either a goal to please audiences or create something they find to be quality.) Ive seen it with quite a few franchises (blockbuster films and video games are the two most common mediums for this to happen in), where people go on a rage storm because for some reason they didn’t like a movie. I mean to the extent where you’re spamming the feed of a director or creator calling them evil trash because they happened to dislike an installment. Or going and spamming anything to do with the property about what you didn’t like, ruining the enjoyment of discussion from people who may have not hated it. It may sound like I’m ranting about toxic fans of one franchise in particular, and while they’re definitely apart of it, I am talking about franchises and fanboy properties as a whole. It’s really gotten ridiculous and it hurts the creative process because you put producers in a position where they never want to risk something daring out of fear of intense fan backlash. Art forms are driven through innovation and trying new things. And not all new things are going to please everyone, but pushing past old boundaries and exploring new space is what keeps art forms from going stale. Toxic fandom, imo, is holding back art forms because people don’t know how to move on when they don’t like something. It’s possible to be a fan of something and not love everything about it. In some ways that might speak about how our society is right now, where we see everything as black and white, and people aren’t willing to admit that maybe most things are somewhere inbetween
  12. That’s why one of the first things I did as an undergraduate was to make upperclassmen friends.
  13. Happy Birthday @WrathOfHan ! When it comes to birthdays, most “exciting” big dates vs least 1. Twenty Fun 2. 17 (Not being carded when you see an R movie > Voting and Driving) 3. 18 4. 22 (so you can sing the T-Swift song) 5. 16 6. 15 7. 13 8. 20 9. 1 (Completely forgettable Birthday here)
  14. Yeah, Black Panther is a moment of reckoning for superhero films and the academy. If it doesn’t get it (especially after movies like The Dark Knight, Logan, Wonder Woman and Deadpool all made a push and failed) then I don’t think a superhero movie will ever get in. At least not until there’s a vastly different demographic makeup. The Academy has been trending more towards smaller grossing passion films lately, so I have some skepticism. However, I think there’s enough love for BP for it to get a mom and maybe even get Coogler a nod. But yeah, it’s no guarantee, especially if arthouse and oscarbait come in strong this year.
  15. Plenty of directors have duds, some good indie directors especially have a hard time transitioning to blockbusters
  16. Can we not turn every thread into this trash? At bare minimum somebody tries to bring this debate back every, single thread. People are reading what they want to into those tweets. Enough.
  17. It’s usually pretty mild compared to other summer weekends but I wouldn’t say dead 2017 Wonder Woman, 130m new openers 2016, TMNT2 that one just ended up disappointing, 57m in new openers 2015: Spy and Insidious 3, 60m In new openers 2014: Maleficient 85m in new openers 2013: Now You See Me and After Earth (yeah leggy hit and a bomb) 55m in new openers 2012: Snow White, 56m in new openers 2011: X-Men: First Class 55m in new openers This will be the worst first weekend of June since at least 2010 though for new openers, as that ones top opener was Get Him to the Greek
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