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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. My local Starbucks is out of pumpkin spice and said they aren't restocking again this year. I'm really upset.
  2. I'm going to keep Get Out as my predicted Winner. Cultural issues, blockbuster hit when the academy's trying to stay relevant, excellent reviews, and a wide appeal (to win BP, people putting the movie as their #2 or 3 is just as important as a lot of #1s. Look at La La Land, probably had more #1 votes than Moonlight but it had a large traction of voters who didn't like it and ranked it low. Most voters probably ranked Moonlight high.)
  3. Bad Moms and Thor 3 are coming to revive the BO. We should have good weekends, overall, for the next two months. Only barren spot is right before SW
  4. Those Chinese, thinking I'm some sort of slave. Using me for trade deals. I refuse to obey the man.
  5. I think Bad Mom's will have a leggy run despite critical reception (unless it's just completely atrocious). It is a countermarket to just about every major release until Pitch Perfect 3. Compare that to Daddy's Home which is surrounded by family competition (JL, Ragnarok, Coco, Wonder, The Star).
  6. I'm regretting putting off all of my data analysis I need done by tomorrow to today. I'm creating 7 models right now.
  7. Hopefully my edits will pay off more than 75k points. Probably stupid on my part.
  8. Stranger Things 2 is very good, it meanders more than the first, but the ending had me screaming. It definitely could make a top 10 all time most heart meltingly adorable tv moments.
  9. I'm the only person in the winter game who didn't put Murder on the Orient Express in their top 15. Am I the only person who thinks that movie is going to bomb? It doesn't look good, isn't tracking well online and early word seems to be that it's a poor film.
  10. So weird incident today I was helping serve the alumni at a tailgate game with other people from my college (Business school). Well there's one girl there around a year younger than me, visually speaking she was noticeably solid 10. Two of my friends were going on about how attractive she was, and kept trying to flirt with her (very overt attempts). Another one of my friend's came up to me and said (I assumed jokingly), "You should hit on her too." I just kind of shrugged and kept working, thinking you don't need to flirt with every attractive girl you see. Well a little bit later, I'm talking to another one of my friend's about my work (I'm a tutor and research assistant). Well soon I notice the girl's standing right next to me, a little in my bubble given the area was pretty open. Well then she's engaged in the conversation and laughing at things I'm saying, even though none of it was funny or really attempts at joking (I was pretty sluggish I thought), so I'm just like Wtf? She keeps talking to me, and then I walk to the game with a group. I go to sit down, with the half of the group I walked with sitting down first, and she sits down next to me and talks to me throughout the game. I guess apparently I had taught tutor sessions for one of her classes before because she knew who I was. I really didnt flirt or anything and probably acted probably was a little more blunt than usual. I even was about to leave first quarter (it was a bad game and cold) so I could get to my friend's Halloween party earlie, and she said I shouldn't leave and such (after a few others already had). Not sure what to make of it, should I have taken it as an opportunity? I really didn't think anything of it until I left after halftime to go to the party (and then I forgot about it again until now, once I got back)
  11. My room during the semester has no air conditioning. Cold is definitely more comfortable to sleep in
  12. I frequent Starbucks a lot, but the Zombie and unicorn crap stuff just looks like too much for me. A dirty pumpkin chai is about as weird as I'll go (and that's not weird at all).
  13. I'd take 36 degree temperatures over 100 ever day of the week.
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