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Everything posted by TLK

  1. The thing about Cruise is that he can deliver good results from the overseas markets but kudos to Warner Bros. for trying to make $80 million movies instead of a bloated $130 million piece of crap. They recently greenlit Akira with a similar budget.
  2. 4 movies are releasing this weekend. Next Weekend four more followed by three more and another four after that. All holdovers are fucked.
  3. Good number for Millers. Jennifer Aniston + Too few movies aimed at female demographics = Success. Who cares about reviews for comedies anyway ?
  4. I think this will happen because Ford is already picking random projects left and right. A movie like this can get him a fat paycheck so he will do it. Can they get Spielberg back ? I have my doubts but stranger things have happened and he just dropped out of American Sniper. Don't be surprised if the project is a go by next summer.
  5. Cult hit of the year Joe http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2382396/
  6. Safe House had the Super Bowl ad boost. That's a real phenomena. It also helped that movie was released in February when viewers didn't have a lot of movie viewing options unlike this summer. $30 million is about what Denzel movies usually open to. so that's a pretty normal number for him
  7. I think they needed a safe and non-controversial pick after some of the flack they received last year. It helps that Ellen can be funny at times.
  8. The trailer is awesome but it is a shame that Jackass Presents : Bad Grandpa is kicking its ass in the online buzz department. This is why we can't have nice things.
  9. I think the only new information here is that Avatar2 is releasing in December 2016 and not December 2015.
  10. Fucking Loser At Movie All By Himself News • Local • ISSUE 49•31 • Jul 30, 2013 NEW YORK—Sources are confirming that a sad fucking loser, who many speculate has no friends or anyone in his life to talk to, is currently attending a 1:30 p.m. screening of the film Red 2 all by himself. The poor bastard reportedly purchased his single ticket from a kiosk inside the theater complex, ordered a medium popcorn, a pack of Twizzlers, and a medium Diet Coke from the concession stand, and then proceeded to meticulously scout out a seat near the front of the theater, where, according to the pathetic dork, “nobody really bothers you.” Sources have confirmed that the only people the man has talked to today are movie theater employees. “I like going to movies alone, especially during the day when it’s not too crowded,” said the sad man, who attended the first Red movie by himself three years ago, just last week saw World War Z alone, and, good Christ, made plans with himself to see Before Midnight on opening day last month. “It’s relaxing.” “I’m not expecting too much from Red 2, but it should be fun,” added the heartbreakingly defeated man, who sources believe must have given up on meaningful relationships long ago. “I think Catherine Zeta-Jones is in this one.” Staring utterly and completely alone at the movie screen in front of him, onlookers confirmed that the man opened his pack of Twizzlers, began eating them one by one, and seemed visibly engaged with the pre-movie trivia as well as the behind-the-scenes look at the new Showtime series Ray Donovan. In a sight that many later called “devastating,” the sad-as-hell individual who wasn’t sharing his moviegoing experience with anyone was the only one in the theater to laugh out loud at the preview for Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf Of Wall Street and looked visibly surprised and intrigued when the words “Directed by Woody Allen” appeared toward the end of the trailer for Blue Jasmine. More http://www.theonion.com/articles/fucking-loser-at-movie-all-by-himself,33302/
  11. This is is why I am not sold on DOFP being a breakout hit next year. I don't think that there is a large enough fanbase there for the franchise anymore. Being the third SH movie after Cap2 and TASM2 in less than 2 months won't help it either.
  12. I agree. Tony Stark is another but I don't think Marvel will recast Stark after RDJ is done. They will likely have someone else replace Stark as the next Iron Man.
  13. Nothing comes close to this shot. Touch Of Evil has the most complex single shot ever.
  14. That movie had a strong human element. This looks very cold, detached and clinical. I can see it making money if it is a good movie and gets award bump but I don't see a breakout.
  15. There is a difference in this case. First standalone Batman movie won't be released before 2017 so that actor will be in his mid to late 40s by that time. Secondly, Cavill is 30 so they are not going to pair him with someone a decade older if they are following a Justice League trilogy as well. It is possible that they will cast an actor in his 40s but it is unlikely. The actor will be young and someone who is relatively unknown like Cavill.
  16. Garrett Hedlund. Hamm, Caviezel,Armitage, Mount etc. are too old if you want an actor who can play Batman for the next decade. You need a 30 year old and preferably someone who can act as well as look the part. I think Hedlund is perfect for the role.
  17. Effects and Premise - I agree that effects are awesome but I don't think the premise is that attractive. There will be some curiosity but there is a chance that a movie like this could be really boring. Stars - They are both big names domestically but I have never been sold on the International Box Office power of either Clooney or Bullock. Clooney has had five movies make over $200 million Worldwide in his career. Three of those are from the Ocean's series and the fourth one is Batman and Robin. Bullock has a similarly unimpressive record.
  18. Of course, the 90 second trailer will look good but the movie is 90 minutes long sequence of people floating in space so I don't see how this gains traction with the audience. This isn't going to be another Life Of Pi either as that movie was based on a very popular book and had reasons to do well in the overseas markets.
  19. FWIW, Turbo had a Cinemascore of A+ with the under 18 demographics so it may develop good legs and pass $100 million.
  20. I understand that the advertising cost is so high that studios would rather release two $200 million than 10 $40 million movies but not all studios can afford to play this game. I don't expect Disney to make many (any ?) mid-budget movies for the next decade but studios like Universal , Sony and Paramount don't have enough franchises to compete with Disney. Sony had two big bombs this year and will likely report losses for this fiscal year and it is a studio that was already struggling because of the way things have gone with its parent company. I don't know if all the majors will be able to survive this way.
  21. 2015 will be worse. You have so many big movies set to be released. They will all cannibalize each other.
  22. Well, if the studio is investing $250 million + in an original property and it isn't even making $200 million worldwide then they are less likely to greenlight expensive original properties. My thinking is that the studios need to go back to mid-budget original movies. You rarely see $60-80 million movies anymore. It is either shoestring budget movies or big $130 million+ tentpole wannabes.
  23. I agree. This was my main takeaway from the article and they are correct. If non-sequels are bombing domestically then studios have no reason to make them because sequels are even more lucrative in the overseas markets.
  24. Four of the biggest disappointments this summer were all non-sequels. If anything you will see more sequels. Not a bad thing in this particular case as RIPD bombing makes Wanted 2 more likely and I am all for it.
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