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Everything posted by TLK

  1. Who says evening sellouts for MM are not accounted for? It started selling out as early as Wednesday.As far as being #3 on the chart is considered, it doesn't matter. It is the volume of tickets sold, not the rank on the chart.
  2. MovieTickets.com ‏@MovieTickets Domestic ticket sales for #MagicMike accounted for 60% of all transactions for Thursday, June 28, leading in to this weekend! Yet it got beat by Ted during midnights. I don't think you will see a whole lot of walkups for this movie.
  3. Ted entered Fandango charts 3 days before release and only accounted for 7% of all sales on Wednesday evening when MM was at 52-53%.
  4. The signs were clear when it got beat by Ted during Midnight despite its crazy presales. In MM's case, high presales were due to women buying blocks of tickets in advance. Magic Mike doesn't really have a very high ceiling.
  5. Because Ted wasn't selling out many theaters at midnight either then it suddenly was with half hour to go. I was tracking midnights last night and I called it. BTW, you may want to check the screen numbers too. Ted is playing in more screens 3:2 almost everywhere.
  6. Presales always skew midnights. People prefer to buy tickets before showing up at midnight .
  7. I explained my reasoning in the post. MM had a 50%+ presales share on Fandango while Ted was in single digits yet it beat MM during midnights.
  8. Very good midnight numbers. I was expecting around 1.3-1.5 for both. BTW, Ted will easily win the weekend over MM. MM was killing it in presales and Ted still beat it for midnights.
  9. Gitesh Pandya ‏@giteshpandya Solid start for well-reviewed #BeastsOfSouthernWild w/ $27k opening day from just 4 thtrs for $7k 1day avg on a WED. Nice.
  10. Haywire was a bomb. If it did mildly okay then John Carter is a blockbuster.
  11. "Beasts Of The Southern Wild" killed the entire Box Office while opening in just 4 theaters. Impressive.
  12. I don't think it will be able to keep its theaters for long. Four movies are opening this weekend, TASM opens on Tuesday and Savages next weekend. All holdovers are going to get hit hard over the next 10-12 days.
  13. I think there is a typo in that SWATH number. It can't be 2.9 million. Good number for Brave even if the Sunday drop is a little bit more than estimated.
  14. BBC adaptations are pretty good. Better than any movie as far as loyalty to the source is concerned. I just think Dostoevsky's work translates well to modern setting and BBC isn't going to do that.
  15. I am not a Tolstoy fan either. I used to read books back in High School and I found War and Peace to be just a boring and bland POS. On the other hand, Dostoevsky is one of the best writers ever. It is a shame that no one adapts his books for movies although you can see influence of books like Crime and Punishment all over the place in modern Cinema.
  16. The whole dragon storyline spoiled the second season for me. The series already has a million storylines, why bring another mythical element like dragon into this whole thing?
  17. I like the trailer even though I am not into period/costume cinema. Should do well at the Box Office.
  18. There isn't much Pixar can do to top Shrek2 and the reason is simple - risque jokes in an animation setting. Shrek 1 was a good movie that was loved by kids but it exploded on home media because of adults who loved the double entendres of the first movie. Shrek 2 had an appeal that went well beyond the regular animation fans. Most Shrek 2 fans never came back for subsequent Shrek movies and they were never much interested in other animated movies.
  19. SaturdayBrave 23.6 millionALVH 6 millionSeek 1.4 million
  20. They get leaked every week through DHD, THR, Variety and The Wrap.
  21. I never pay any attention to RS/MTC. I am talking about NRG numbers . Their biggest miss this summer is MIB3 as their prediction was in the 75-80 million range.
  22. Well, it is more hit than miss. It has yet to significantly miss anything this summer.
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