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Everything posted by TheDarkKnightOfSteel

  1. That’s the biggest load of crap I have heard in awhile.I’m sorry but...no...just no... If Scorsese wanted to, he would make a blockbuster with every A List Actor in the world being in it and every studio exec sucking him dry in order to distribute the shit out of his film.
  2. Cue some fanboys saying that Scorsese has no idea what cinema is and they have never heard of him.That goes for DC fans as well.
  3. Why would a character like the Joker would only appear to white males?I could see it if you would say that Joker only appeals to men.Understandable.But Joker is one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history and is popular everywhere.So far the numbers in countries that are not “white” are great.So I don’t think that the film will crumble because its audience is limited to a particular group of people.If that was the case, Joker would have never had the popularity that he has.
  4. For what is worth, it seems like it’s blowing up overseas.The data that we have so far are impressive from HK,SK,India,Indonesia.PS are very strong in countries like Mexico,UK and Switzerland.IMO,Europe will show up for this big time and there are plenty indications that this will be a walk up beast.We will see I guess... But I’m this close upping my prediction to 15M/115M OW
  5. Are we about to witness a WW level of walk ups and backload?
  6. 13M previews I think is the number.100M OW still possible I think.
  7. Since both the Joker thread and the Weekend Thread are closed I ca e here to say that the last 15 minutes or so of Joker are a cinematic achievement.Holy shit I can’t take them off my mind.
  8. I really have no idea.I want to say that it will break out but idk...it’s a weird beast.Right now I believe 95M DOM/~90OS/185M WW...that OS number is pure speculation as I am even more incapable of predicting OS than DOM.
  9. 23000 tickets sold in Greece with showings being limited after 10 am strictly.It’s a great number given the rating and the number of showings.Also bear in mind that,Greece is a very walk up friendly country so the fact that for today I see many near sold out and sold out showings, even though it’s not a discount day, is pretty damn impressive.Consider that I track the country’s biggest theater chain which only has discount on Wednesday.There is another chain that I don’t track but has discount today. Also buzz from the Greek audience seems better than I though because the lack of action.It’s actually mostly raves for the time being.
  10. I want this movies to have a 66.6 OW so it can piss off the one group that it hasn’t yet...the Christians..
  11. The presales in Greece are very very good and encouraging.It sells like a huge summer tent pole with a very high price tag.I didn’t bother to count since every showing in the country’s biggest theater chain is like 90%+ full and those who aren’t are sold out.In each bear sold out showing only the front rows are available but I expect them to turn red early tomorrow.
  12. They should get that actress from Disneyland that everyone loves.
  13. Small sample here but in my country Joker is at 1 sold out showing,5 near sold out showings (2 in the country’s biggest auditoriums) and added 8 showing overall.I asked a friend of mine who works at the country’s biggest theater chain (and the one that i’m tracking) and she said that they expect it to sell well and they will add showing to meet demand.So far they are keeping the showing very late at the day due to the film’s rating but they will have to give it earlier showings. I have tracked a few films.It’s nothing like Endgame, which was just ridiculous but I think it’s doing better than Wonder Woman And is on par with BvS (or veeeery slightly below it).
  14. In my country, this is opening on a Wednesday, which local theaters only do for releases that are bound to be huge.Endgame was the last movie that got that treatment. Unlike Endgame though, which played since early Wednesday with theaters opening very early in the morning for the first time ever,Joker will start playing from Wednesday at 10 am. So,yeah,I haven’t tracked any movie since Endgame, which was freaking insane and unlike anything i’ve Seen before.My country doesn’t do much presales.Now Joker is a quite interesting so I think I might track it.From a quick look today... 0 sold out showing but the biggest auditoriums are selling well.
  15. It would be wise if WB produced a Founders of Hogwarts and The Marauders tv shows for HBO Max.Someone get on it...
  16. Is this going to any of the festivals?It seems like everyone is sleeping on it but with its story and cast it seems like it could be an awards player.Yet I haven’t heard about it until recently.
  17. Everything’s pointing to an 100+M OW for Joker But i’m still skeptical.The film truly is disturbing to watch and it really deserves its R rating.
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