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Everything posted by acab

  1. That is excellent casting. Bautista definitely has the look for a super henchman ala Jaws.
  2. Enemy Gone Girl Only Lovers Left Alive Blue Ruin Locke The Grand Budapest Hotel X-Men: Days of Future Past A Most Wanted Man Dawn of the Planet of the Apes The LEGO Movie
  3. Smart, suspenseful, complex, trashy, sarcastic and exceptionally directed. Pike is incredible.
  4. Mostly unfunny, conventional and forgettable.
  5. Batman was hilarious in The LEGO movie but i think they should leave him be a supporting character. I'm not sure about a whole film around him.
  6. It's very similar to Would You Rather. I don't think it's as good as that one since i didn't completely buy a lot of the protagonist's decisions but it's a solid, dark and twisted satire.
  7. Great numbers for Gone Girl and Annabelle. Holdovers did good too. Even Left Behind did ok considering the low theater count. If it's as funny as it looks it might have some good WOM.
  8. To me it's one of the best directorial debuts ever. The story seems simple but it's really tense and hides a lot under the surface.
  9. 2001 Dr. Strangelove Viridiana Belle de Jour The Exterminating Angel Psycho Repulsion Rosemary's Baby Lawrence of Arabia The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Once Upon a Time in the West The Wild Bunch 8½ La Dolce Vita Night of the Living Dead
  10. This is an incredibly hard list to make. So many masterpieces. The Discreet Charm of the Burgeoisie That Obscure Object of Desire Apocalypse Now! The Godfather The Godfather part II The Conversation Taxi Driver All the President's Men A Clockwork Orange Barry Lyndon Annie Hall Manhattan Alien Halloween The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Jaws Dog Day Afternoon Deliverance One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ...and the list goes on.
  11. 1. Children of Men 2. Babel 3. Pan's Labirinth 4. The Departed 5. The Lives of Others 6. Letters from Iwo Jima 7. The Good Shepherd 8. Borat 9. Casino Royal 10. Stranger than Fiction
  12. 1. Eyes Wide Shut 2. Collateral 3. Magnolia 4. Born on the 4th of July 5. Mission:Impossible 6. Mission:Impossible - Ghost Protocol 7. Edge of Tomorrow 8. The Colour of Money 9. Interview with a Vampire 10. Jerry Maguire
  13. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=main&id=expendables3.htm 151.1m OS.
  14. It was a pretty big disappointment. The trailers looked good but they were misleading. The premise was interesting but the script was really bad. The action scenes were solid and Ayer knows how to set the tone and create the attitude of those guys but he goes way over the top here. The characters are extremely weak and a bunch of their decisions don't make sense. The ending was cool but it felt like a completely different movie. All the actors gave their best to a really bad script and a confused director. The trick that Ayer uses a couple of times where we watch 2 different scenes in the same setting but at a different time mixed together was the definition of confusing and pointless editing. It's a shame for Arnold since he's really solid here and has a cool character but he has nothing to work with or no one to get help from. I hope Ayer does a better job with Fury.
  15. Shane Black + great cast + noir = I'm sold.
  16. A solid Arnold actioner. Well shot, well paced, fun and with a bunch of semi-classic sequences (the airplane jump, the zoo, the double rail guns) and one liners (You're luggage). Caan was great and Williams was hot but the humour doesn't always work and the writing was really weak. Still a fun ride.
  17. A masterful heist film ahead of its time that inspired a lot of contemporary filmmakers.
  18. I finally saw it. I don't completely agree with the majority that this is crap or even the worst in the franchice. Actually it probably is the worst as an Expendable film but the best as a normal action film. If that makes sense . First of all i thought it was the only one that had a normal plot. Yes it was as predictable as you can get and it set some things up and went nowhere with them (like how badass Gibson is but we never see much proof of that). But it resembled a real plot. I honestly cannot remember what were the actual plots of the first 2. So that's something. It also had a good pace and never bored me. The first 2 had enough parts that just dragged. Plus i think they got the humor right this time. Not as serious and melodramatic as the first and not as jokey as the second. Not all of it works though but they tried. That doesn't mean they didn't do some really questionable things here. I didn't much care about the rating but after watching the film i can honestly say that the pg13 decision was awful. The way they cut away from the shootings and the way they shake the camera to not show anything resembling blood is annoying and takes away the fun. The few fights they had were poorly shot also. The decision to bring some new members was bad and didn't add much to the franchice at all. They make zero impression. The middle part were is just Stallone and the kids is easily the worst part. And i agree with the others that Stallone needs to realise that this isn't a franchice just about him. The fight with Gibson lasts 30 seconds. And come on some Expendables must die at some point. I could easily go on about its problems since unfortunately it's pretty easy to find in this film but it's doesn't matter much to me since it was pretty entertaining and fun. Gibson was good as a villain but his character went nowhere and he was kinda wasted. Not as much as Van Damme thankfuly. Ford and Arnold looked like they had lots of fun and Snipes was great too. Unfortunately he kinda disappears during the last sequence too. Li has just a cameo and is wasted too. Banderas on the other hand is a scene-stealer even if he got a bit annoying at first. Anyway it has a bunch of flaws but it's still exciting and fun. I feel about all The Expendables film about the same but i'm still giving the edge to the second one. If they somehow continue this franchice they need to change a lot of things first.
  19. I think this is Raimi's best film. And pretty underrated. An excellent crime-thriller in the vain of the Coen brothers.
  20. Such a great film. From a technical standpoint its flawless. Excellent cinematography, set designs and CGI. But the thing that makes it so special is the devotion of the filmmakers to create characters, make the audience understand them and their conflicts and tell a seemingly simple but very complicated at the same time story. I loved its anti-war and humanitarian messages and the way they were presented. And most importantly it was the first time in years in a big blockbuster film were the huge action scenes that happen didn't have me excited but anxious since i couldn't choose a side and every death that happend felt real and painful. It really made you feel that war is painful and never something to take lightly. Sure the human characters were a bit thin and i don't think the movie gives a perfect resolution but still a great and pretty unique film.
  21. The movie was a mess. It had some good individual scenes and some really cool shots but they weren't enough to elevate such an underwhelming material. Too many characters, too many villains (all of them underdeveloped), too many plotlines (all of them rushed). A big disappointment.
  22. Batman Returns (my favourite Batman film, i didn't know it got such a bad rep) Terminator 3 (not in the same league as the first two but an incredibly enjoyable action film) Predators (much better than i thought it would be, a fun B-movie better than the second) Alien: Resurrection (easily better than the third not in the same level as the first two of course but i love a number of things in this semi-mess) The Godfather Part III (ok not as brilliant as the other 2 and Sofia Coppolla is incredibly bad but still the final 30 minutes and Pacino's performance are top notch) Clerks 2 I also kinda enjoy the second Tomb Raider and the last Universal Soldier is better and more interesting than most big budget action films.
  23. It's a difficult movie. Very atmospheric and gets under your skin. It's not for everyone and it's more like a David Lynch film. After a couple of viewings where i finally understood some plot points i think it's my favourite movie of the year so far.
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