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Everything posted by acab

  1. Darabont was the only interesting thing for me in this film. It's disappointing that he left but it's pretty understandable since he always looked like an odd choice for something like this.
  2. Since Enemy is my favourite movie of the year (i have a lot to see yet...) i'm highly interested. Great cast too. But he has a long way to reach Fincher levels.
  3. Μost of the really impressive ones have been mentioned. But i would add one more from Cameron (behind Titanic and Avatar of course). Terminator 2. R rated, a sequel to a mid size hit and it adjusts to 395m.
  4. Awesome trailer. It has a Fincher vibe obviously. Reminded me of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo teaser. Can't wait for season 3.
  5. This is a weak moment in Burton's filmography. It lacks the energy and the drama to lift this interesting story. It's not boring and it's very well made, with a nice sense of humor at times but it just feels like it lacks passion and a clear view of what kind of movie it wants to be. Burton is usually a master of mixing comedy, drama, horror and romance but not this time unfortunately. The whole ending is anticlimatic and Waltz almost ruins the picture. He is out of control in a movie of his own. I loved Terence Stamp though.
  6. It was very entertaining and fun but let's face it, it was a Steven Seagal movie from the 90's only better directed and much better acted. I loved the Die Hard-in-a-Home Depot at the 3rd act which was brutal and inventive as far as killing goes but the scene afterwards when Denzel goes to Russia was pretty laughable. Still very entertaining and well made. But Denzel can play this role in his sleep. I hope he stetches his acting muscles a bit more with his next movie.
  7. 1. Unforgiven 2. Glengarry Glen Ross 3. The Player 4. Reservoir Dogs 5. Dracula 6. The Last of the Mohicans 7. The Crying Game 8. Batman Returns 9. Braindead
  8. I can't argue about the RT score but i think that putting all those movies together just because they are comedies is not a great example (some are sequels, some are R-rated, some are pg-13 and even pg). On the ther other hand as far as BO goes the average domestic total for those 15 films is 79m as you said but on a 29m budget give or take. That's a solid result and for some reason we don't even include overseas numbers.
  9. Well since Gyllenhaal has become one of my favourite and one of the most interesting actors around,i can't wait for this one.
  10. Wright's films are visually beautiful so this one looking good isn't a surprise. Now as far as story and casting goes i'm not completely sold. Looks OK i guess.
  11. For some reason i laughed a lot with the Stallone joke. This looks really fun, still not sure about the release date.
  12. Like every year i've seen my fair share of bad movies. Just to name a few The Legend of Hercules I, Frankenstein Ride Along 3 Days to Kill Transcendence The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Sex Tape Deliver Us From Evil TMNT Sin City 2
  13. That's weird. Do people even remember the first one? I thought it was surprisingly fun but a box office disappointment. It probably made a lot on home market. But the most weird thing is the supporting cat. Jessica Alba, Michelle Yeoh and Tommy Lee Jones! http://collider.com/mechanic-2-release-date-2016/
  14. De Palma + Mamet + great cast + De Niro as Capone = masterpiece. At least it should be but it isn't. There are a bunch of flaws in the movie. But it's so entertaining, with great dialoge, great style and a number of classic scenes. It's just one of my most rewatchable films.
  15. Seriously this will turn into one of the best accidental comedies of recent years for me. If the plot that didn't make much sense and the ciggarette smoking-alcohol drinking ex-junkie heartbreaker undercover (probably so Satan wouldn't recognize him) priest with the cliche traumatic past wasn't enough, the inclusion and use of The Doors songs and lyrics as plot points were the final nail in the coffin. On a positive note it made me laugh unexpectedly and made me put on some old Doors songs.
  16. Compared to the other Hercules movie this year it was a masterpiece. But as a summer blockbuster it was just average. Nothing really memorable except The Rock who looked the part but took it way too seriously and struggled for a dramatic performance with material way too empty and superficial. Still better than i thought it would be when i saw the trailers.
  17. This is the worst Halloween film ever. And that says something. It's even worse than the Rob Zombie ones. Worse than the Myers-less third one. And worse than the awful parts 5 and 6.
  18. 103.8m OS http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=main&id=gonegirl.htm
  19. I thought Grillo's career after Captain America 2 and The Purge would go up not down.
  20. I consider the first one a stupid and badly made horror film. The only good things about it where the premise and the social commentary (even though it has too heavy handed). Everything else seemed like an amateur's work. So my expectations were really low for this one. But when i saw it i can easily say that it's one of the biggest surprises of the summer. No it's not one of the best films of the year but it's one that takes great use of its premise, has some really interesting characters, it's entertaining and keeps the social commentrary intact. Sure it has its fair share of flaws but manages to overcome most of them. It's a perfectly well made B-movie with a thing or two to say about the state of our society. Feels like a completely different person directed it. I agree with someone who said that this should have been the first one. Good job and i'm interested for the next one.
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