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Everything posted by acab

  1. I thought it would do WW as much as it did OS alone. Huge win for everyone involved.
  2. Looks ok but it also looks like something we 've seen a bunch of times.
  3. Looks good even though most of the recent supernatural horror films look almost the same. But this looks fine and it's from the director of Oculus which i really liked.
  4. It looks beautiful and seems to have the same mood and atmosphere as Skyfall. I really liked it and i think it's a bit ball-sy not having any action in it.
  5. Being the Coen bros and with that cast it's easily one of my most anticipated films of next year. But the awesome/weird thing here is not Tatum's hair. It's the fact that Christopher Lambert is in this! And if that isn't weird enough, Dolph Lundgren has a part too! I never thought i'd see the day where Ivan Drago would be in a Coen Brother's picture. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0475290/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1
  6. I've seen the short film years ago so i kinda had a general picture of what to expect. The premise is fun and it looks good with a Ghostbusters feel to it. I just didn't find the trailer funny. Still i can see it doing some good numbers. 120m+
  7. Great premise and great cast but it's Ridley Scott helming. I never thought i'd feel that way and shame on me for that (he's a legendary director after all) but i think his creative days are over. I mean after i saw Exodus i'm pretty convinced that he's lost any kind of logical or natural narrative, any deep character development or even any pathos in his films. He still makes extremely beautiful pictures but they feel artificial and misguided. I really hope i'm wrong and this is his return to form.
  8. http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/418187-ben-foster-boards-da-vinci-code-sequel-inferno#/slide/1 Ben Foster joins.
  9. I still have some potentially great films to watch but so far my Top-15 is something like this 1. Enemy 2. Birdman 3. Gone Girl 4. Only Lovers Left Alive 5. Nightcrawler 6. Blue Ruin 7. Two Days One Night 8. Locke 9. The Grand Budapest Hotel 10. Life Itself 11. Foxcatcher 12. Boyhood 13. X-Men: Days of Future Past 14. The Babadook 15. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
  10. I thought this was a bad idea but if Villenueve makes it then my interest skyrockets.
  11. Probably the best police/crime film i've ever seen. Michael Mann directs it like a master. He paces it perfectly, he knows how to set the tone and the atmosphere, he gets incredible performances by at least 15 characters developing them all as much as possible and has a terrific script to hold them all together. A masterpiece.
  12. A poor man's Blade Runner/District 9/I Robot. Melanie Griffith is incredibly miscasted and looks more artificial than the robots and Banderas gives a laughable performance at times.
  13. A very weak sequel. With a very weak plot and script, that drags a lot being unfunny most of the time. The starring trio try their best but they don't have much to work with and the 2 returning bosses obviously don't belong in the plot and add nothing. Waltz was bored and had nothing to do either. At least Pine tried.
  14. Finally got around watching it and i really liked it. Very well made, suspenseful, with a great atmosphere, incredible performances (Essie Davis was brilliant) and a very interesting allegory. It's a psychological thriller and a character study with horror elements. The whole metaphor was by far the most interesting thing but at the same time it ended up as part of some of its weaknesses. And that is when the movie finally aknowledges that the Babadook is her guilts and her traumatic past. When we (as viewers) see it as a metaphor it's very interesting and exciting but when the movie and the characters see it that way also it kinda loses its power. That made the ending a bit anticlimatic to me. Still a very original and worthy arthouse horror film. The writer/director is one to watch.
  15. Looks really good. I love the cast, the look and the style. I'd prefer more films like this from Del Toro. Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone are still his best films imo.
  16. A decent and entertaining Denzel film. Nothing much but pretty enjoyable as far as neo-noirs go.
  17. Really fun and exciting movie. A pretty standard revenge story but with brilliant action choreography (the closest they've got to The Raid films), well shot and it doesn't take itself too seriously. The dark off beat humor elevates it. The film knows its limits and it gets almost the maximum out of them. Great supporting cast (i loved the bad guy) and great world building around John Wick. Unforunately one serious problem i had with it was that Wick's main goal ends about 70 minutes or so into the film and Dafoe's character is just there so the movie can reach a feature length. It's pretty obvious his character is there for no other reason. Still a really damn good action flick.
  18. Di Caprio looks great in those pics and i love Inarritu's work so i'm really excited about it.
  19. The Terminator - 8.5 Aliens - 9 The Abyss - 8.5 Terminator 2 - 9.5 True Lies - 7 Titanic - 10 Avatar - 8.5
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