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Everything posted by DAJK

  1. Hahahaha uh oh FWIW, I look at a much smaller and more localized sample than you (6 theaters, all in southwest BC) but the trends from what I'm seeing are that Evil Dead is pretty much flat from true Friday, maybe a slight increase. Beau is Afraid is falling pretty hard; I think there was definitely a fan rush for this movie (or maybe the WOM is killing it). Not awful numbers, but I wouldn't be so confident in 3M weekend. Mario strong but not 30M strong. Could see 25-26
  2. The timing of when an embargo lifts is 100% a marketing strategy. Too late and people get weary. Too early and buzz dies down before your film releases. The marketing team at Marvel is one of the best in the world (they wouldn't still be at Marvel if they weren't lol) I'm confident they know what they're doing with the embargo they've set.
  3. I was always on board with it would have had a 25/80 run, with about 100M OS. That’s my headcanon at least.
  4. Is it truly a reboot? Or do I need to re-watch the others before tomorrow night?
  5. I don’t disagree with this. Minions and Puss walked so Mario could run.
  6. Fun fact I noticed. Mario had a pretty similar 3-day opening as the next biggest Easter release, Furious 7. And already after just the SECOND WEEKEND, it’s already surpassed that film’s domestic total. Just nuts.
  7. Looks better than 9 at least. Hopefully it can recapture the balance that 7-8 had where it was over the top and downright stupid, but the cast were having a blast that it's hard not to be infectious. 9 was just ridiculous imo.
  8. I definitely feel like this franchise peaked... 10 years ago? That being said, this doesn't look half-bad. All the time Patrick Wilson has spent with James Wan has definitely allowed him to pick up on Wan's style. The trailer looks really well-shot, with some pretty good set-ups for scares, and good tension. Let's hope he pulls through with the film itself. But yea, even with the main cast returning, I don't see this opening above 20M.
  9. Great number. The fact that this also posted a higher 2nd weekend than Maverick is nuts. 600M is happening imo.
  10. Of course it could be critically well-received. Get the director of PIB2 or Dean DeBlois on board, lean a little into the action, and there you go. It’s been 12 days.
  11. Mario just made 1.2B+ while D&D is going to struggle to reach 200M. A Puss in Boots 2/HTTYD style animated Zelda movie from someone like Dreamworks is likely the best way to go for this.
  12. Part of Mario's insane drop this weekend is that it is from a true FSS opening. Had it opened on a Friday, with roughly 20M of Thursday previews rolled in, the drop would be closer to 50%. Which is still good, but not TGM levels.
  13. Honestly a real shame how D&D is performing. Mario really has shown that video game (or I guess just “game”) properties can really connect when done right. And having seen the movie, this was definitely “done right.” Great movie, lots of fun, perfect tone for what it was going for. It’ll likely end with sub-200M worldwide. Would have loved to see a sequel but alas, Paramount will have to try something new to get another franchise.
  14. Wow, Pope's Exorcist definitely going to come in ahead of my prediction. Honestly wondering if it'll beat Renfield this weekend, given that I expect the latter to be much more frontloaded than a standard horror.
  15. Damn, was really hoping for a Renfield breakout. Universal’s had a nice streak of crazy, wacky concepts this year.
  16. Looks fun, but if something like Guardians isn’t able to catch on I don’t see how this does. Better than I was expecting for sure, I just hope the movie itself ends up being enjoyable.
  17. But then you wouldn't have had the best scene in the entire movie lol (anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking about).
  18. I couldn’t care less what the people who complain about “messages in movies” have to say. It’s been that way since the beginning of time. People are just letting themselves get riled up by Fox and co. and it’s tiring. That being said, of course “social issues” shouldn’t be the entire crutch of a marketing campaign. That would be bad business. I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all though. That’s just what people want to latch onto and focus on and outrage over. If someone can name me one Disney movie that entirely relied on “wokeism” or “social issues” to carry their marketing campaign, I dare you. It doesn’t happen. It’s a ridiculous argument.
  19. Love hearing stories like this. I remember exactly where I was during that opening too. Last couple days of grade 10. Earlier in the week I had seen an early employee screening of the movie, and for a few days I just sat on it, not expecting at all what sort of juggernaut it was about to become. Friday morning i remember waking up and seeing the 18.75M Thursday number, thinking holy crap this thing might hit 150. Later that afternoon I remember there being some major high school drama among a bunch of people, so a lot of plans that night got canceled. So I ended up on the couch in my old home, updating the weekend thread as RTH’s numbers went up and up and up. Kind of nuts.
  20. I don’t see him on here, just in the Telegram chat. Lmao was that BKB?
  21. The budget can’t be super high for this, can it? Thinking 25-30 OW, maybe 75 DOM or so.
  22. This’ll have a hefty second weekend tumble but will stabilize from there. Thinking 85 opening, 32-33 second weekend, 275 DOM.
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