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Everything posted by Sal

  1. My latino mutuals on facebook are super excited by this trailer. I'm guessing this teaser isn't showing any of the actual story though.
  2. I admit, I'm really surprised they're doing a mexican themed movie called "Coco" that isn't about el Coco... Unless they're hiding it.
  3. Coraline probably qualifies. That movie manages to be creepy as hell. Both Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie are really more gothic fantasy in style rather than being horror. Not sure about Paranorman. I really need to watch that.
  4. Fortunately Horror is one of the genres where they do seem to put out a fair number of original films, it's just that most are low budget. Horror and Animation seem to put out a lot of originals (though there's been a glut of sequels lately, it never seems to prevent original content from going forward either). Now all we need is an animated horror film.
  5. I don't get cable so I'll never be able to watch that show, but there's also a fairly big difference between mental illness in movies and in tv shows (mostly because a show just has way more space to explore the nuance of characters). It's just got the possibility to be a better medium for character development. I'm not against having mentally ill people in things or even portraying their negative traits (believe me, I know of plenty via personal exprience), but I'm annoyed that they're such easy fodder in horror films, especially, when in reality a lot of mental illnesses would kinda make you suck at being an effective villain. I can just see it now: a scary crazed lunatic... who freaks out at raised voices and rocks in a corner while having an anxiety or depressive attack... Or someone with OCD, who cannot focus on the hero because they're too obsessed with their daily routine not being interrupted. Scary. ...also as a personal peeve from someone whose mother had schizophrenia... it's not the same as multiple personality disorder, even if most movies use them interchangeably. I mean I'd think the least one could ask is enough research on mental illnesses to not get two of them confused. A lot of use of mental illnesses in media tends to display lazy writing where they're taking shortcuts based on the fact that people can automatically assume mentally ill=dangerous. I have good friends with BPD and I suffer from PTSD myself (thanks military!), and the assumptions people make about them are just gross and stupid. Also to the other person, not gonna bother grabbing the post. I've seen psycho. The cinematography is great... but honestly the story is kind of boring. Of course it suffers from a glut of content similar to it now, when at the time it didn't have anything else of that nature to be compared to.
  6. Unless the ending twist is that the main character is not mentally ill, I have no interest in seeing Split. My family (and several friends) have problems with mental illness and I'm sick of movies playing on negative stigmas. Mentally ill folks have enough negative shit to deal with without being portrayed as villains. Especially when statistically speaking, we're more likely to be attacked by neurotypicals than vice versa.
  7. I know a lot of people who are really not happy at the premise of this movie. Mental illnesses are a really cheap and easy potshot for horror movies and villain characters. It'd be nice if the writers of this actually knew even the basics of what they were talking about. I mean I know one shouldn't always expect accuracy in the media, but it's not that hard with most things.
  8. Hard to get much more accessible than a comic online for free on the creator's site.... yet people still pirate that anyway. I'm not sure plain old 'accessibility' is as big a factor as people seem to think. Some people actually enjoy taking things. There's apparently an entire community online of not-poor people who get their kicks from stealing stuff (they even post photos of themselves shoplifting). So while accessibility may stop some thieves, it's definitely not going to stop people like that. Note: I specify 'not poor' because the majority of the people in said community are middle (or upper middle class) white kids who have absolutely no need to steal random crap from stores.
  9. So glad I missed most of this. I'm very against pirating. I work for a studio that does books and games, among other things. When we were still getting started, someone ripped a bunch of our books and put them online for free. People were proud of being able to read it for free! It did affect our sales and not in a positive way. There was a while when we were taking a loss on books because people didn't want to buy when they knew it would get put online anyway. Guess what? Those people weren't sharing their love of our books by telling other people who would buy them! They were mostly just telling other pirates who also wouldn't pay. It's the equivalent of hiring an artist for 'exposure' rather than money, which is one of the most bullshit things in that industry. If an artist is going to get 'free exposure', it's much better for them to do it themselves. Piracy will not help them. Also the "Free clips on youtube" argument doesn't parse. A lot of studios already put up free clips which get spread around. It's not the same as putting up a full movie. There's a reason studios allow reviewers and media folks to play short clips of their films. Also studios WILL go after those who put up clips they don't want up. Look how hard it is to find anything from FOX in youtube clips.
  10. I'm sure a lot of the posters will aid in marketing the other big sell on this movie.... actual LEGO sets. My GF works for the LEGO store and they got a huge sales boost from The LEGO Movie. They were even running short on a lot of the sets in the month or so after the movie came out because it increased their brand awareness so much. I'm guessing they're not planning to let that happen again with this movie.
  11. I've seen some comments about the gorillas in Sing being perceived as racist. There were even a few articles on it. If true, it's nothing new, sadly. Casual racism in animation has existed for ages, though it seems more common in animated series than it is in movies (see: looney tunes and characters like Speedy Gonzales, etc etc). Animals being analogous to different races is certainly not a new occurrence (a fact that zootopia cashed in on, though its lines were less directly defined and it was more of an overall 'racism/sexism/xenophobia' message).
  12. I'm not judging. lol. I find Illumination's stuff kind of bland but it's basically harmless. I'm just talking about how marketing plays a big role in the numbers they get.
  13. Illumination gets big numbers because they saturate public awareness by slapping their upcoming releases on everything. In marketing, recognition is everything. Their tactic is to take something that's okay to moderately good (but unlikely to put off people) and then market the shit out of it until you can't help but be aware of it. It works even better with kid movies because kids will drag their parents to see stuff.
  14. Personally I don't think it ripped off Book of Life either, but I'm saying if you're going to accuse it of ripping off a movie, why not point at the movie that's got way more in common with it rather than a relatively minor thing from a really different movie?
  15. Those look like monarch butterflies, not paper. Monarch Butterflies are associated with the souls of the dead in Dia de los Muertos celebration because of the monarch migration. I'm not thrilled with some of what Disney has been doing with this film in pre-production, but at least take a moment to consider before accusing them of ripping off a film that didn't even pass 50m domestically, especially when this film has been in production for 5 years. There's a lot of way more valid complaints you could make about it. (ie: ripping off book of life)
  16. Animated films were hitting it out of the park for the majority of the year. This has been a big year in that regard. The fact that both Moana and Sing are ending a little soft in comparison to surprisingly big releases from their studios earlier on in the year doesn't make either of them failures. They'e not even performing badly by most animated movie standards, no matter what kind of doomsday predictions are being thrown around. I wish they were doing better, but at this point I'm not sure their lower takes are entirely based on their quality at all.
  17. I've been gaslighted and manipulated before and all I can say is that over a span of time it can really fuck you up. It got to the point where I was agreeing with the actions even though looking back at them now, it shocks me that I ever got to that point. Just the premise of this movie is enough to make me wince. I can see why it would bother people.
  18. I think people might be expecting it to take a hit with Christmas being on Sunday. People were saying pretty much the same thing about Rogue One's numbers taking a hit this weekend.
  19. They'e pretty proud of that fact though. I don't anticipate their MO for their films changing. Their movies are basically exactly what it says on the tin.
  20. Just to make one observation here: Spanish people (as in people from Spain) are white. Do not confuse them with Latinos, who are mixed with natives of Latin American countries and are people of colour. The perception of the Spanish as non-white is just the result of people screwing up and mixing them up with darker-skinned Latinos and Hispanics from areas with mixed spanish/other race heritage. While there are some more swarthy Spanish, it's usually the result of interbreeding at some point with other races and a lot of actual Spanish people are really damn undeniably white. So them making Jack a Spanish guy isn't the opposite of whitewashing, it's just ignoring the origin of the story they're using as a basis.
  21. I just don't get the posts that compare Don't Breathe's opening with Suicide Squad's 4th weekend as though where SS is a month in has any real bearing on DB's earning potential. DB is a horror film with a different audience. Horror tends to last it out rather than opening high. 20-25m opening for the kind of film DB is... well it's not bad at all! Since DB's listed budget is 9.9m and it's already slated to make twice that on its opening weekend, there's no chance it won't make money and if it hits the 45m-60m range, it'll be a pretty big success. Horror in general has such a good return on investment. You'd think it'd lose some steam, but the genre continues to put out lots of low budget successes that get overlooked because they don't pull blockbuster numbers.
  22. Star Trek is hardly a dying franchise. I've been amazed at how many people have jumped in and marathoned through the TV shows after seeing the 2009 movie. The fanbase actually seems to have expanded considerably. If it's handled right, the new show could take advantage of this fact... but the fact that they still didn't utilize the 50th anniversary is a tremendous failure on Paramount's part.I mean c'mon. I've been surprised at how many Trek fans I know didn't even realize this movie was out until I asked about it.
  23. Yeah... where's the Sausage Party number? They're slow on getting that up aren't they?
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