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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Er, this is only coming out in a few weeks, why haven't I seen a speck of advertising?
  2. Lego Batman numbers are still really pretty underwhelming. Another bad drop this weekend. Still hasn't even hit 100M overseas. Not gonna end up much higher than 300M worldwide.
  3. Agreed. Alien is simply not as big a franchise as some people would like to believe.
  4. Hadn't heard of Get Out before this weekend but that is a really impressive debut. Always good when a small film strikes gold. although judging by a quick google it's a "horror film about racism"? lol I'll pass thanks
  5. Oh he's the host? I don't find him funny. Anyway I'm not interested in any of the main contenders and the whole night is just gonna be "brave" regurgitated political speeches. It is important that I express to the whole world my dissatisfaction with an annual TV programme
  6. Don't think I'll watch it this time. Unless there is someone actually funny hosting it'll be 100% boring
  7. I don't like 3D and not even a very big fan of this film but.. I can't wait to see this in the cinema.
  8. It's a dull and overrated movie (although you clearly haven't seen it) but there's nothing wrong with musicals. They can be rad.
  9. nice numbers all around. did batman even drop at all from last weekend? which would be nuts especially considering its just had 4 days (excluding the Friday in the weekend) of half term holiday.
  10. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for this awards ceremony. Glad I forgot to send in my votes, now I can't be held responsible for any of these terrible undeserving movies.
  11. I don't think it is really a question of opinion. Objectively, they have done well with Lion as indicated by the strong box office gross. The movie has done well, how can you say they did a bad job?
  12. Why would you need to ensure something is good before watching it?
  13. doubt it, just because people went to see a movie with their friends doesn't mean they're going to turn up in droves for a sequel a few years later.
  14. That's... exactly the point of the film. Hollywood character arcs do not exist in real life. Your personality does not get transformed by certain events. This is a film about real people dealing with problems in a real way.
  15. I've seen all 3 of the main films and as far as I can recall, plot-wise they are all extremely similar, with none of them featuring him as a villain. He's never portrayed as evil, he's an animal who falls in love. You'd only think he was a villain if you stopped watching half way through.
  16. Why is King Kong a villain? Has there ever been a King Kong movie where he's the bad guy?
  17. Batman should still end up grossing close to 200M so not sure how that's disappointing. I kind of thought it was a given that it'd be a step down from the first one in terms of box office.
  18. When I laughed at the JM cinema scenes, the girl I was with asked me if that was from a Batman film... I thought the film was really funny. I liked that they took the opportunity to make the most of the large stable of films and TV that WB has, and it's very nice to see a change of pace in grim, dull series of DC movies.
  19. Damn, looks China is going to save another Hollywood flop. XXX opening to $55M this weekend there.
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