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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. I'll try and actually do a list for this one, after being reminded several times for the last one and still forgetting...
  2. yes, this was the issue, it's back now. Probably just a bug.
  3. Absolute rubbish. I thought it might be quite funny as I like Alec Baldwin and the Trump references are amusing to think about, but it really is just a very dumb children's film. Nearly no redeeming points for it. Also the Elvis scene was just weird. Such a low level, kids-only jokes/appeal, then a big Elvis joke clambers all over the screen. No idea what they were thinking when they made this. @baumer Where has the poll gone btw?
  4. Since everyone on the planet seems to be talking about this show I watched the first two episodes... really don't see what the fuss is about. I mean it's OK, it's sweet and it's very light, easy going. Like I could happily have it on in the background. It's nice but it's not very funny, kind of makes me smile but nothing more.
  5. Wasn't talking about "online buzz", I was referring to this forum; I saw few people talking about the film outside of the forum.
  6. I hadn't done, but just searched on youtube and 23M? Yeah a very good number of trailer views but it really doesn't indicate anything.
  7. IT will probably open to 20M ish and close at 50M ish. Theres no such thing as a September curse though, very little evidence to suggest films perform worse in September than in other months.
  8. it's the accent. It's OK in most of her films where she does an American accent but when she uses her normal voice, she's Hermione. It's a little annoying lol. I also don't think she is a particularly good actor.
  9. I couldn't see her as anything other than Hermione in BATB.
  10. imo it will do about 25M. Not gonna do well although overseas may save it, as always... not sure if it's getting a China release though. In principle a Scarlett Johansson action film should do well, I think she has some real draw power as an action hero. But, the advertising has done such a poor job of making clear what the film is about, I suspect it will put a lot of the general audience off going.
  11. Super bland / boring. Wasn't interested in any of the characters or the story. As DAJK said the last 20 minutes almost made me nod off. I actually strongly considered walking out at that point because I realised the CGI fighting was going to be this mind-numbingly dull for the rest of the film. It lost all the campiness of the show and completely failed to turn it into a young adult / superhero / whatever franchise. It's not as bad as something like Transformers but at least with Transformers it actually sparks some sort of reaction in me, this is just very boring. Elizabeth Banks was mildly amusing and that was it. Also... wtf with the product placement? When was the last time a named product became the core plot point of a major movie?
  12. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes Cannot freaking wait. I had no idea McDonagh had a new movie coming out. Is there a rough release date?
  13. Fandango pre-sale information is generally not very reliable, and basing predictions on it has been shown time and time again to be a mistake, as most people on here will know. If you look at other live-action Disney remakes - Maleficent, Cinderella, Oz, Jungle Book - 80M is a perfectly reasonable number to expect. I originally thought 60M or lower as it's a musical, but realised in past couple weeks that that wasn't going to make a difference, so upped my prediction to 80M as I said.
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