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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. India ki toh waat lag gayi pehle match m he. Dont think they will go to round 2 thanks to poor net run rate and one more match they will lose for sure.
  2. Really feel bad for him. All his hollywood roles in which you get to see his face have been massive stinkers either critically or financially or both except THE WAR HORSE. Btw he is also in A MONSTER CALLS coming out this year. Needs to fire his agent and stop attaching himself to genre films.
  3. I want this to do very well, but will probsbly gain cult status like team America world police.
  4. Hopefully it was pushed to december because they think they have an oscar contender.
  5. If anything it affects bvs. Revenant will do much better now after the oscar wins than it would had done if released earlier.
  6. Can someone tell me if xmen and IDR are releasing same date in china as in US?
  7. Dunno. But i do remember watching the movie on tv in 1996/7 in which the villain was purple. It was fun, but i never got into the whole thing.
  8. Unless there is some hype or buzz surrounding the project+ good reviews, they dont do well. Sky captain and world of tomorrow anyone? That had stars and good reviews.
  9. I doubt any ranger fan wants to see real life issues in the movie. Just make it action packed and fun like TMNT so that atleast the fans get something out it. No matter how hard they try critics/youtubers are going to trash it because to like a PR movie is uncool. Nowadays it is obvious which big budget film is gonna be trashed or well received.
  10. Josh trank didnt rant after movie release. Didnt say anything against critics. Whatever he had to say he did in a tweet on the day f4 released. And unlike GOE, everyone knows that f4 was hijacked by the studios and turned into something which it never was envisioned to be. It's an incomplete movie with reshoots done by the committe. But ya josh is also responsible for that mess. Should have left the project before cameras rolled when he knew the studio was yanking out set pieces and making too many changes in the script.
  11. This is gonna be victor frankenstein all over again or maybe it will surprise like kingsman which was shuffled a lot.
  12. Nice! Please deliver an awesome R rated sci-fi/horror/action/thriller movie.
  13. Priyanka is doing if the right way. Does an album, then her own TV show and now Baywatch with The rock and some other well known faces. On top of that a summer release date. Hoping she will get bigger and better projects after Baywatch.
  14. I am sure Deepika and her agents have higher aspirations.
  15. You should watch Unleashed aka Danny The Dog. His best effort yet. I think his worst movie is clash of the Titans. Utter garbage. Rest of his films are harmless fun. This seems like it will be a gross out humor action film. I am game with that.
  16. Me too. But critics won't be kind because it is cool to hate Cohen. And letterier is not exactly a darling filmmaker.
  17. Eddie's number confirms that Hugh has zero box-office draw. It was marketed well for a sports/inspiration based movie, but ...yeah I wonder what will happen to Hugh after wolverine 3.
  18. I cant believe this movie is releasing this friday in India. I was expecting a march release.
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