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Everything posted by marveldcfox

  1. Miles teller is such a hit & miss actor. A little full of himself too. He is best when he does indie small budget films. His acting becomes shit when starring in big films.
  2. That was a great spot, but it looks very actiony for a bourne movie. I say that having watched none of the movies but the trailers.
  3. That was a cool way to start the marketing. The cast is great especially the girls who are looking hotty, naughty & funny.
  4. I guess they are trying to sell it as much as they can. I am looking forward to the movie, that is, if it releases here.
  5. Haven't watched Apt Pupil and Jack the giant slayer. The Usual suspects and Valkyrie are great. X1 was decent when it came out and X2 is also solid, but neither hold up today. Superman returns was a borefest. Xmen dofp was very good but could have been more. Personally, he seems better at handling drama/suspense type films. Xmen can be so much more under a director who embraces the look, colors and wackiness of the comic books and FOX animated show.
  6. I bet all of Nemo's shipmates will be boys in their late teens. A pool party in the ocean at the Nautilus.
  7. That sucks. And we thought Chinese love pandas. But then again if the rumors I have heard are true about state of pandas in China then this shouldnt surprise me.
  8. Wtf r u guys on? It looks like a fun animated movie for KIDS. They will dig this stuff.
  9. Whatever he said is true. If they had cast Egyptian actors they wouldnt have gotten any tax breaks. The director isn't the only one who decides the cast. It is a combination of director+studio+external factors.
  10. The guy was married to a good looking lady and had children. She did a lot so that the fool can get work in Hollywood. So yes he is a horrible scumbag. Not as bad as molesters and rapists but still despicable.
  11. I can't believe that asshole who cheated his wife with that twilight actress is getting work. Whereas Josh has become persona non grata after F4 fiasco which clearly was a product that had multiple cooks and many are equally responsible for its failure (looking at FOX and Simon...). But nah go for an easy target and finish him off. Fuck you Hollywood for still giving work to directors who are molesters, rapists, sexual offenders and cheating their wives/gf/husband/bf. Talk about having no moral ethics or values.
  12. This has been a fantastic franchise for DreamWorks as far as quality if movies go. Hopefully this one does better worldwide than last one. Domestically, I am hoping for 150+. Hopefully HTYD 3 will maintain the quality of first 2.
  13. China has a full fledged porn industry and prostitution is very high yet Deadpool is too hot to handle. Lol @ Chinese censors
  14. Can someone send me the trailer. Lots of alien sci-fi flicks this year. This could be the best overall. Dan Trachenberg looks a bit like Josh Trank. Hopefully, his career will not nose dive by choosing wrong project at wrong studio.
  15. I feel that half of the critics hate Michael Bay so much that they are not willing to give his movies chance, hence bad reviews. His transformer movies deserve all the shit reviews, but other movies are much better than what critics make them out to be. Personally my favourite MB movies.. 1. Armageddon 2. Bad Boys/Bad Boys 2 3. The rock 4. Pearl Harbor 5. Pain & Gain 6. The Island 7. Transformers 8. Transformers 3 9. Transformers 4 10. Transformers 2
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