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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. https://twitter.com/mxiayun/status/608343550053523458 This would be much better and a great start actually.
  2. So JW with bigger midnights than Hobbit 3, which went on to make $120m. That's something to start with.
  3. Very excited after the trailer, but am I the only one, staring at Kirsten Wiig in the background, wating for her to make a funny face or throw up in a garbage bin?
  4. And don't forget, that we're in a spot, where dailies get stronger and weekends weaker at the momment in early june... So I think this is a pretty good hold for SA.
  5. Believe me, families are desperate, pushing Home week after week, because Studios aren't able to deliver a real family-movie for months. That alone will push IO above the 60m mark, I guess it could even go higher. And 90m for JW seems low.
  6. 7m would be quite high, a 100% jump. Last year the movies were more in the 70-90% range, so don't expect it to be bigger than 7m.
  7. It does make sense, on the other hand, 25m would probably be a bit high off a 7m friday.
  8. And then it drops like a rock on saturday for a 28m weekend... Also, 5 PM on the east-coast and they have numbers for a horror movie. Yeah, believe in magic.
  9. Yeah, with a 12m friday, "San Andreas" will make 29m. Those multipliers are actually too sad to be true. Give those numbers to people, who know how to interpret them and make it a business. This is so annoying.
  10. I can't see this opening to 30m with a 6-7m wednesday. That's 4-5m wednesday without previews, thursday won't be much bigger than $2,5m then, so maybe $15m 3-day and low to mid 20s over the 5d. This should really be frontloaded.
  11. That moment, when the asteroid misses earth and the dinosaurs go "whatever"? Priceless. SO funny.
  12. And without trying to hate on the movie, pretty much the most random in that list. In 5 years of time, this movie will be completely forgotten, while movies like Titanic, Avatar, Avengers, Frozen or HP 7.2 pretty much had a cultural impact for what they were. Hell, even Transformers 3 is less random.
  13. Yeah, this will be a flop here in Germany. But someone over at Disney should try to explain, why you would call the movie "A world beyond" over here, while the term "Tomorrowland" is million times catchier and even mentioned in the trailer. Incredibly stupid.
  14. So studios greenlit a 200m (maybe it was 150m when they started doing it) movie, because they believed, it would be great, if it did $75m in the end and would celebrate the whole summer about it? Mad Max: Fury Road is a big action summer blockbuster with big investment, while the original MM movies had Budgets in the range of $0,35m to $12m. It's 30 years from there, and MM fans or not, the main goal has to get people interested for the movie itself and not for the franchise and obviously they didn't fail completely, but in the end, it's just not the hit, the studio would have hoped for when going into production.
  15. I'm not sure, studios would give a go for a 200m-movie, if they thought an opening in that range would be awesome. It's an okayish opening, considering what it looked like some weeks ago, but it's nothing to get too excited about. Let's see what legs can do, but after the micro-cosmos hype in the MM-thread in the last week, it seems like it's pretty much gone now the movie is out and the OD is over. I'm not even convinced, that this is getting the hyper-super-duper-legs, critics would point at.
  16. Why women don't get targeted more often by Hollywood-Filmmakers is the biggest questionmark. Thank god, we have another reminder in form of PP2 now. There was a time, where the biggies in Hollywood played in Rom-Coms. Come on JLaw, come on Sandy B. Time for a revival!
  17. With 27m and a surprisingly backloaded Friday, that pretty much mirrors "Maleficent" and with the kids coming out tomorrow, PP could actually look at $75m... A bit low for MM now...
  18. I can't do more now, I'm really done. I guess there could be some tiny mistakes because of added showtimes, but I guess it's a good indicator for the night. Westcoast much bigger for MM, PP2 is crazy everywhere. The fat AND big ones are Real Time (5-1Minute before the movie started), fat and small are just updated numbers, many close to real-time. Mad Max: Chicago: 2/4->11( 5:25PM)/26->51 (7:00PM)/6/0/0= 37 DC-Area: 11/11/68->130(7:30PM)/26->54(8:30PM)/25->87(9:15PM)/34/4/0/0 = 149 LA Sherman Oaks: 31/22/34/28->46 (4:55PM)/103->255(5:50PM)/34->?/142->198(7:40PM)/355->379(8:30PM)/94->152(9:20PM 3D)/89->178(9:50PM)/38->119(10:30PM)/81->143(11:10PM)/9 = 1060 LA Passadena: 10/54/10->27 (5:00PM 3D)/75->182(5:35PM)/14->52(06:05PM 3D)/120->166(7:30PM)/177->270(8:10PM)/45->57(8:40PM)/98->178(9:15PM)/19->49(10:00PM 3D)/69->112(10:45PM)/7/4 = 694 Pitch Perfect 2: Chicago: 17/33/61/17->86 (6:00PM)/123->251(7:30PM)/0->118(08:00PM)/38/4 = 293 DC-Area: 22/78/69/60->95(6:30PM)/177->239(7:00PM)/87->125(7:15PM)/200->245(8:00PM)/91->130(8:15PM)/77->129(9:00PM)/79->204(9:30PM)/22/15/0/0/2/0 = 979 LA Sherman Oaks: 30/44/20/30->76(4:20PM)/228->267(5:30PM)/66->163(6:15PM)/149->?/152->202(7:30PM)/369->410(8:00PM)/165->190(8:45PM)/215->308(9:30PM)/39->57(10:15PM)/4/3/0 = 1514 LA Passadena: 9/22/23->86(3:30PM)/12->52(4:15PM)/89->123(5:15PM)/43->113(6:00PM)/45->128(6:45PM)/59->113(7:15PM)/259->326(7:45PM)/254->315(8:30PM)/54->60(9:20PM)/20->54(9:40PM)/NEW: 20(9:50PM)/88->119(10:15PM)/0/2 = 979
  19. I guess that's Box Office and not admissions, right? And does PP2 include wednesday-previews?
  20. At the moment, PP2 looks more expected than great, but I'm still not convinced, this is is the end of it's range this WE...
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