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Everything posted by YM!

  1. I still am confident in 100m OW but I got a club for you if you're bold enough:
  2. I think this will. Frozen 3 I'm guessing does the 2026 slot.
  3. I think it'll be 2026 as I can see that year being the one Disney wants to recapture 2019: Avatar 4, and Secret Wars. It and Frozen 3 are my guesses for animation 2026. The question is who's directing.
  4. I’m very curious about a Zootopia 2, don’t love it as much as I first did back some odd years ago but it’s still a very strong movie and am excited to see they go next and how they build on the themes.
  5. Tbh I’m not even tripping about the sequels being made as that’s been Disney MO since like 2016, and as long as I’m getting originals from WDAS and Pixar and the sequels are component enough (apart from Lightyear, I’ve liked all the Pixar sequels (Yes even Cars 2)) and keep them going I’m okay with it. I’m cautiously excited for Zootopia 2. I’ve made peace with this years ago, and I’m not shaming anyone who is excited for them, especially when I’m a fan of a lot of their subsidiaries. I’m usually one of the people not complaining about the state of cinema currently. I just think a Toy Story 5 is redundant (I fucking loved 4 but I don’t know narratively where to go from their) and at the end of the day, my mild criticism of that is redundant to the GA and likely won’t matter. In fact most of these criticisms are mild. No one is really doing Disney is creatively bankrupt in the comments. I don’t see the harm in saying I’m not excited for Toy Story 5. Disney will be here long before and after us and the public loves them and all these sequels will make money and continue to fuel the animation industry.
  6. This statement best summarizes it better than I could.
  7. I don’t think it’s dying but I do think certain highs may not be reached mainly due to portions of the GA leaving but the MCU still has a large fanbase. It reminds me a lot of Pixar in the 2010s. The movies will still be big with the big ones exploding but it may not be as big as its prime. The main thing to watch for is WOM, while I don’t think they’re hated, 3 of the 7 Phase 4 film had mixed WOM and if the problem persists this Phase it could be a problem, though as of now no. If Phase 5 has the problem, then we will worry.
  8. I really wish people could differentiate diminishing returns and outright franchise collapse, and span of years versus all of a sudden.
  9. Tbh I can see Condon sneaking in a win. Also wouldn’t Quantumania’s performance be a bigger factor than an Oscar win?
  10. The issue is less so Rick and Morty writers and more so hiring green writers that haven’t written a film screenplay and only have TV credits. Again I don’t think the 2020s are the end of the MCU but rather the 2010s for Pixar being the best comparisons. It won’t suddenly collapse after Quantumania but there’s going to be a certain ceiling for most films.
  11. This is the inbetween. Reviews seem like they’ll be mediocre but it seems the GA as indicated by the reactions are digging it. No one is saying the MCU is over or is even changing their predictions or hype. Negativity can be addressed without jumping over the deep end. Quantumania has not looked like it was for me since the first teaser but I’ll be happy for anyone who enjoyed it.
  12. I don’t think Captain Marvel is as hated as chuds on the internet want to believe because they’re mad at Brie Larson’s existence and wokeism that doesn’t really exist present (only the bare minuscule) in the film, I do think a fall seems likely because the first broke out as a zeitgeist similar to Avengers to Ultron, Black Panther to Wakanda, Spider-Man to SM2, or inevitably Civil War to New World Order or No Way Home to SM4. I don’t think the film is anywhere near disliked MCU films from the GA like half of Phase 4’s films or even The Dark World and Hulk from the MCU heyday.
  13. I mean (different scenarios because I don’t think Captain Marvel was anywhere as bad as predecessors of the aforementioned films and to be honest the best comparison is Wakanda for it) but so were The Last Knight, Pirates 5, Alice 2, Beasts 1 and other films that came off of big predecessors but couldn’t maintain momentum.
  14. I still will legitimately defend both the first two Ant-Man movies as fun family comedy superhero movies that do their job damn well. I think I may try to give Down with Love a chance this week. Things have been pretty rough these past few months in addition to having to finish up school.
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