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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. That is really common, feel almost it is a strategy (do many people mind play the match the name with the actor quick game creating a longer engagement and a better impression score in their testing ?)
  2. Not sure P&A cost is mentioned in that article, the article is about partnership added values (how much partner will invest or add in promo values not sony). In the form, product X will be shown in the movie (or that not even necessary), we let you use spiderman trademarked element on your product publicity if you show enough of the fact a movie is coming off in your products ads. Or we let you put spiderman on your cereal box for free because that help you selling cereal while it help our movie awareness and so on.
  3. I am really unsure if you are serious just even a little bit, considering you are typing that with a Games of Throne avatar.....
  4. He tend to have no leadership at all with and no one in the movies take him seriously that work, issues seem more to arise when young male are put in leadership role (Solo, Valerian, etc...) Young adults then (I thought they were teens played by adults)
  5. 50%+ more of your message sound like your are mocking positions no one in the world ever had.
  6. Oh it is, but that do sound factual, looking at result for many adult they are not silly (while eating cities with teenagers in leadership positions). A bit like the statement about animated movie spider man box office potential: for many superheroes fans animated movie are for kids. That sound absolutely crazy that someone still watching super heroes stuff would think that, that does not mean it is false.
  7. Not sure I get here (too many negative use for my small understanding of English) ? since Lucas didn't direct Empire Strikes Back that would possibly (or maybe not) be a strange thing to say. I am not saying Whedon authorship does not shine through here, obviously dose, but did anyone really thought Avengers could not work without him when all those characters in looking exactly the same with almost same tone movies were doing billions ? Well if those person really existed in a significant amount and this is not a strawmen, they were quite wrong.
  8. They are not through and through in such a very trivial way, how they look, who the actors are, what the characters look like (what everything look like), what you describe is pretty much like a tv episode when the characters do not feel like they usually do because of the week writers/directors changing.
  9. Well yes, those are my questions, do they ? (I have not seen many of those movies and not remember much those I have seen)
  10. This, in that franchise heavy world, new proposition can take many forms, including rarely seen on a wide release aesthetic choice (Avatar was a new proposition despite the common story structure and narrative), same for Black Panther. And people will respond to that, classic take in a not much seen before way. Despite Mortal Engines not much seen if ever seen before twist on the young adult affair of having cities eating other cities, that proposition do sound a bit silly and seem to be reheated 1998-2012 book stuff, that survived is movie adaptation unlike most because of the powerful people involving in the movie (like for RPO)
  11. Except for all the elements cited above ? (through and through not even freaking including casting, character creation, production design, color palette, here ?) Like I said the baby of dialogue and narrative, like it is for a TV episode.
  12. Wasn't almost all the characters (the biggest part of those movies) already casted, created, tone/voice setted by previous movie and the Avengers concept already well developed in other medium in the past ? Is Iron-Man/Thor/Captain/Hulk/etc... much different in is version than what came before ? The sound/score style, the visual palette/production design/cinematography/editing style ? That is getting close of calling some TV season 2 episode 3 the creation/baby of the writers/directors of that specific week level.
  13. Back in the day NGR updated studios 3 time a weeks (Sun-Wed-Thursday), it changed ? (Started 3 weeks before also)
  14. Not sure I get the Avengers being Whedon baby, almost nothing was from him in that movie no ?
  15. Yes there is a lot of cel shading going on, not too the point to look fully 2D but an in-between they play with (by moment they go with a lot of the screen being 2D): Around 1:45 notably, the color palette by moment is also singular.
  16. The "cinematography" of those lego movies, sausage party, etc... has the 3D style that is quite similar to that classic what audience expect from a 3D CGI movie imo. The high contrast, very colorful, giant budget very "clean" large portion of the screen with the same color, 3D that follow a lot traditional editing/camera choice of live action affair.
  17. It is indeed a robust genre, Minions made more than most of those with a 56% and some terrible reviews, Secret Life of Pets (368m dom, 875m WW) made more than Inside Out, Coco, Moana. The emoticon movie was a big success with good legs while Kubo and the Two Strings was one of the big 2016 flop. This for example, I suspect will play quite well outside the family audience that should be a minority of is business anyway.
  18. When was the last animated movie made without the very very classic 90s Dreamworks/Pixars style made popular made a big box office ? It will happen one day, pretty certain, but if I am not forgetting something it has yet to happen.
  19. Yeah there is a typo on the imdb page (spain appear 2 times).
  20. I imagine the question is for 4 theater or less ? The lion kings made $1.586M in 2 theater in 1994 and I think it is still the record. YOu can see all the biggest limited here: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/theateravg.htm?page=THTRAVOPN&p=.htm For exactly 4 it is Budapest hotel like mentioned above.
  21. That quite a bit of a biased sample size, I am sure many said the same of "who asked a Jumanji remake ?" and thought a Scott Pilgrim movie was a fantastic idea. The person on BOT can have an idea of when it would be better for the movie to be released, and I imagine teh studio does not know without knowing what deal the studio would have had to make to get screen at that better date and the better date in different world markets would be rare for a lambda person. Robin Hood was maybe a likely flop, but the studio sold the international market for around 65% of is budget and probably go investor to finance half of the rest and good tax credit (Hungary and Croatia have good tax credits), if the complete package and all the facts would have been read by the BOT posters, I bet many would have said yeah go for it, that is really low risk.
  22. Back in the days often box office was not tracked necessarily precisely (how many week a movie achieved to play and other metrics were used), but sometime people achieved to know how much a movie achieved to do for the studio (rental) and from it estimate on how much it did at the box office (often way after), the exact opposite of today. That estimation formula could start with a somewhat round number estimate and end up with a lot of decimal result. Theatrical Rentals When a movie is shown in theaters, the studio/distributor and the exhibitor (movie theater) will share revenue from ticket sales. The studio's share (usually around 50%) is called the "rental"
  23. Do we know this ? I am that is highly probable to be true, but do we know if they're is any distinction between animated and live action in the current agreement and how do we know that they cannot use Spider-Man ? (Is that speculation or someone figured out). The only thing that seem really solid is taht they cannot use Tom Holland playing Spider-Man during the current agreement. Not really since they are not using spider-man here either, even if it is animated. The animated talk started before the new agreement (we can see them talking about it and checking if they own the rights and all in the leak)
  24. Sometime you sound like you are posting on this message board without having a full access to the Internet Fusari collaborated with Gaga, who traveled daily to New Jersey, helping to develop her songs and compose new material.[25] The producer said they began dating in May 2006, and claimed to have been the first person to call her "Lady Gaga", which was derived from Queen's song "Radio Ga Ga
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