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Titan Man

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Everything posted by Titan Man

  1. LOL, you spent the last year throwing tantrums about "the monster" Johnny Depp, so reading this post makes my head explode from the overdose of sheer hypocrisy and ignorance. It shows that you judge people by the simple criteria of which company they work for and in which franchise they're featured in, which, for me, is just pure sickness...
  2. Seen it, forgot it, lol. But seriously, I really wanted to love it, the comic book was revolutionary, but the movie was just... meh. The leads were awful, the story was predictable, only the visuals were stunning, but that's not enough anymore.
  3. Yep, it's great to see both it and Sony pulling themselves together, i was afraid both would be sold to a bigger studio, but now, it seems they're safe.
  4. I don't think the fact that it's an original property is making all these movies bomb, it's rather because they suck balls. Valerian was mediocre at best, WiT and Nutcracker were travesties, so seeing them bomb is making me happy, actually, as it shows that GA won't absorb anything just because it looks pretty. Studios have to put their effort if they want a franchise, just look at Paramount, they had Transformers as their cash cow, then it started bombing because of their laziness, so they brought the right people to put it back in the place, and they're looking at a moderate hit that will revitalize the franchise for the coming years.
  5. I swear, some DC fans are pathetic excuses for human beings, they constantly need to put down other movies or franchises in order to make them feel good about the thing they (supposedly) love. I'm far from a Transformers fan, but seeing Paramount taking notes from the audience and delivering an excellent product makes me happy. Also, seeing Aquaman getting great reviews is also making me happy since that means more competition, which is always good. Thinking that a shitload of critics have some sort of a bias against a superhero franchise is delusional at best, wildly idiotic and retarded at worst.
  6. LOL, I feel like every single one of your posts can be put in two categories: 1. Weird obsession over Zack Snyder 2. Hating Johnny Depp to sound "woke" P.S. The movie didn't bomb.
  7. I don't know if they did, but I hope they handled this one differently than their other live-action movies. The first one has such a legacy and making a sub-par cash-grab sequel should've been out of discussion.
  8. Heard about it, but since I'm not a kid anymore, I bet it would be unwatchable for me now... 😁 I'm patiently waiting for Netflix to blow my mind once the new show (and movies!?) come out.
  9. Well, films set in the universe of Narnia have the disadvantage that other franchises don't. Most people have read only one, max 2 books, while HP or LoTR are universally recognised serials. However, I do hope Netflix will make an excellent adaptation of the series, there is so much potential there that Disney should've used, they completely mismanaged their own HP franchise.
  10. The writing is at fault with this movie, not the directors. When you think about it, nearly all of Disney's live-action fairy-tales suffer from that same problem.
  11. It has more to do with the fact that some pretty untalented people got their hands on the source material.
  12. They're actually working on merging 2D and 3D animation with their new animation system Meander. Just watch their short film Paperman, it looks unlike anything ever made, just incredible. Gigantic was supposed to be animated like that, but the film is not in development anymore. But I agree with you, they spend so much money on movies like Alice and The Nutcracker instead of making something new and pushing the boundaries of cinematography. I think the heads should roll because of this week's live action Disney flop, that part of the studio is obviously out of control, bad-quality movies are being printed, and quite many of them flop, which is honestly a good thing. I guess I can't blame them for The Nutcracker, it was put in development long before Alice 2 bombed, I guess Disney thought it would have the same potential at the box office as the first Alice, and when they saw what a stinker they have in their hands, they just let it die a slow and painful death, hence why the marketing for this was abysmal. It's kinda sad, I think, The Nutcracker is really a popular property, if they gave WDAS the task of developing an animated film based on it, I'm sure we would've gotten an instant holiday classic that would've made all the money in the world and the studio would have gotten another Oscar, as well, but instead we got this turd, and I'm happy that it's bombing, quality is always above short trends.
  13. But why is it a bad movie? I keep hearing that, yet I don't find it bad, not even mediocre, and I have some quite high standards when it comes to the quality of what I watch.
  14. Can someone explain to me why everyone seems to hate Finding Dory? I thought it was at least on par (for me better) than the first one, so I can't understand the low scores it has here, on IMDb etc.
  15. Well, Zootopia is the one that took all the awards and was much more talked about in the media, and to top that, it made a billion dollars, which is quite difficult for an animated movie. Also, the unpopular part of my post was the one in which I compare Moana to TLK and BaTB.
  16. Zootopia had its moments, but I just didn't feel engaged that much with the movie. Moana, on the other hand, was really emotional, beautifully animated and had a quite unexpected twist.
  17. Highly unpopular opinion: Moana was much better than Zootopia and is one of the top 3 WDAS films, together with The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast.
  18. He was excellent in Bad Times at the El Royale, too bad that one flopped, it was really a great movie.
  19. Finally saw Bad Times at the El Royale. Can't believe the movie is bombing, I think it's currently on my Top 10 list of 2018 movies. It was a fun, intriguing and mysterious ride.
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